St. Mary's Anglican Church is 130 years old - reportedly the oldest stone church in Muskoka. Do [...]
Dwight Firefest 2016: in pictures
The annual Dwight Firefest drew hundreds to Dwight beach on Saturday, July 30. There was a [...]
Butter tarts, baseball and Fall Fair fun: the sweet side of Linda Rosbottom
Every week, I will be profiling an extraordinary human being who lives in our community. If you [...]
So much fun in the hot, hot sun!
River Mill Park was the place to be on Saturday. The first-ever Backstreet Urban Arts Festival [...]
The Town Docks were alive with the sounds of the Caribbean last night
Several hundred people converged on the Town Docks last night (July 20) for a performance by [...]
That thing called love: how Don and Sheila Coker keep the flame burning bright
Every week, I will be profiling an extraordinary human being who lives in our community. If you [...]
It’s Wayback Wednesday: a sketch in time
This week, an 1875 pencil sketch of a young Huntsville by George Harlow White depicts a much [...]
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