I received a letter from one of our regular readers last week, in which she said in part, “I [...]
Democracy spawned Trump so now what?: Sally Barnes | Commentary
By Sally Barnes Ordinary Americans got us into this mess and only ordinary Americans can get us [...]
Listen Up! Why is a provincial election crucial now? | Commentary
The dye has been cast. Ontario’s Doug Ford has pulled the plug, and we will have an [...]
Listen Up! Global influencers and consequences | Commentary
Who do you think is the most influential and potentially the most dangerous person in the [...]
Do we want resistance to change or new opportunities?: Hugh Holland | Commentary
By Hugh Holland The first and second industrial revolutions ushered in the two biggest periods [...]
Listen Up! Political maneuvering | Commentary
I almost feel badly for Justin Trudeau. Leadership contenders are running away from him as if [...]
Political star gazing: Sally Barnes | Commentary
By Sally Barnes Amidst the majesty of sights and sounds at Washington National Cathedral and [...]
Listen Up! Time is already running out | Commentary
A short time ago, Dominic Le Blanc, now Finance Minister of Canada, described U.S. [...]
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