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Province announces investments in long-term care in the region

From the office of MPP Graydon Smith

The Ontario government is investing in local long-term care homes in Parry Sound-Muskoka, to help connect residents with complex needs like dementia and bariatric care to the right care in the right place, while also reducing avoidable emergency department visits and hospital stays. 

“Our long-term care homes play a key role in helping residents stay in the community they grew up in,” said Graydon Smith, Parry Sound-Muskoka MPP.  “I’m thankful that our government is making smart and strategic investments in these facilities so that residents get the support they need to stay close to family and friends.” 

As part of the funding, six homes in Parry Sound-Muskoka are receiving $786,453. 

  Fairvern   Huntsville   $12,846 
  Muskoka Landing   Huntsville   $34,990 
  Muskoka Shores Community   Gravenhurst   $48,571 
  The Pines   Bracebridge   $28,334 
  Belvedere Heights   Parry Sound   $336,291 
  Lakeland Long Term Care   Parry Sound   $325,422 

The funding will help long-term care homes purchase items such as IV equipment, bariatrics equipment bed support, bladder scanners, and ECGs. The funding even goes towards important everyday things like slip-proof floor mats, wrap around bed rails, and grab bars.  

“Our government is continuing to take action to ensure long-term care residents across Ontario get the right care in the right place,” said Natalia Kusendova-Bashta, Minister of Long-Term Care. “This funding will expand specialized staffing, equipment and other services at homes across the province so long-term care residents with complex needs can connect to the care they need, when and where they need it.” 

Launched in 2022, the Local Priorities Fund invested $20 million in 2022-23 to help long-term care homes purchase specialized equipment and train staff to provide more specialized care, so more homes can welcome residents who have complex needs but no longer require acute care in hospital. The fund also helped current residents who have new, or increasingly complex medical or specialized equipment needs which could not be previously accommodated in their long-term care home, helping to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions. 

“Through the Local Priorities Fund, our government is continuing to ensure that Ontarians, at every stage of life, have access to the care and support they need, when they need it,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “This investment builds on the historic work our government is doing to provide people with the right care, in settings most convenient to them, whether in their community or in their home.” 

The Local Priorities Fund is part of a broader investment of over $120 million in 2022-23 and complements the recently launched Equipment and Training Fund, which helps long-term care homes purchase more diagnostic equipment and train staff to better manage and treat residents’ conditions that often lead to preventable hospital visits, such as urinary tract infections, falls, pneumonia and congestive heart failure. 

Quick Facts 

  • Ontario’s over $120 million investment in specialized services and supports in 2022-23 included up to $20 million for the Local Priorities Fund, $3.56 million for existing Behavioural Specialized Units, $5.91 million for new Behavioural Specialized Units in long-term care homes, $74 million for long-term care focused Behavioural Supports Ontario services, with an additional $5 million for Behavioural Supports Ontario enhancement, $2.6 million for Baycrest’s Virtual Behaviour Medicine program, $5 million in Preferred Accommodation Supplement and $4.5 million to build dedicated spaces for health care at a new seniors’ housing complex in Kenora. 
  • Through a $6.4 billion investment, the government is building more than 30,000 net new long-term care beds in Ontario by 2028 and upgrading more than 28,000 older beds to modern design standards. 
  • The Ontario government is providing up to $1.25 billion this year to long-term care homes to hire and retain thousands more long-term care staff. This is part of the government’s historic four-year commitment of up to $4.9 billion to increase the provincewide average direct care time provided to residents to four hours per day by March 31, 2025. 
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One Comment

  1. Tom Charles Dowswell says:

    When will the Province demand that issues of toxic WILD FIRE EVENTS THE WORST IN CANADA issued by ENVIRONMENT CANADA , HEALTH CANADA AND WELLNESS CANADA re seal windows are obeyed?
    DSSAB Parry Sound have FAIED TENANTS Leaving many suffering !