From the Huntsville OPP
On August 29, 2024, at approximately 4:50 pm, police were called to an incident involving an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) on Rose Lake Rd, in the Town of Huntsville.
The driver of the ATV was operating it with two passengers when the ATV left the roadway. Alcohol is not involved in this incident. The driver and passengers were transported to the hospital with non-life-altering injuries.
The 16-year-old female driver from Huntsville has been charged with:
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The problem as i see it is parents not being accountable for there kids actions. My mom was old school she would have made my life miserable if i acted like these kids. Anyone who knew Avis would say she was a kind helpful woman, but she didnt let us become vandals or hurt others.
“kids being kids” are generally not riding on atv’s. The parents must have provided them. I see this is in my neighbourhood too.
I don’t think ATVs belong on the roads. Too fast, and in the hands of underaged, incompetent or drivers under the influence, they are no match for the trees, rocks, ditches, fences or bumpers they can encounter. I know people who have suffered through such encounters. Luckily all survived. Scarred but survived.
I had motorcycles and dirt bikes for many years. The cycles stayed on the highway and I was always aware that my body would fare poorly against a ton and a half of steel and sheet metal. The dirt bikes were to get me to off- road spots for fishing and hunting.
To suggest that the police can do much about people with off road machines is just dreaming. On the highways and secondary roads maybe, but there are too many roads with connecting trails and there is no way in hell they can be watched or patrolled.
It’s the owner of the vehicles that should be responsible for their machines, whenever they are being operated. Most of these young operators don’t own the vehicle, have no operators license, have no insurance, have not a care in the world ’til there is that sudden stop.
For a parent to say it’s “just kids being kids” is reneging on responsibility. That is their child and he/she will remain so forever. Or until they become a statistic.
And then everyone feels sad.
The father attended the scene, never bothered to go see if his kid was okay and only said repeatedly, “kids will be kids”.
The parents own this and it’s a shame they don’t put more value on their children’s lives.
The Town allowed ATVs on roadways and one
Only needs to do a google search for atv accident in Muskoka to see the depth of this problem.
I think they should be banned altogether. They have no purpose other than to encourage bad behaviour and endanger others.
It always seems like I read that the OPP was called after the fact. I think our OPP needs to be on our streets more often rather than sit on hwy 11 and 60 giving out speeding tickets. I see people like this all the time racing up Yonge Street. Un licensed, no lights, crazy loud but never getting pulled over by the OPP. We need more surveillance on our side roads.