
District considering levy increases of 6.25% in 2025 and 5.53% in 2026

District council will hold a special budget meeting on Friday, January 10, to discuss the 2025/2026 draft tax supported budget.

The budget is calling for a tax rate increase of 5.11% in 2025 and 4.36% in 2026 after absorbing a projected assessment growth of 1.54% in both years.

The tax rate increase represents a net levy increase of 6.25% in 2025 over 2024 and an increase of 5.53% in 2026.

It includes an additional net levy increase of 0.47% in 2025 and 0.44% in 2026 in support of the local share contribution to Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare for two new hospital builds as well as a reserve created to support hospitals outside of Muskoka that serve Muskoka residents.

Below is the anticipated impact of the draft tax-supported two-year budget on residential property taxes per $100,000 of assessment.

Committee of the Whole will meet to go through the budget this Friday at 9 a.m. You can watch the meeting HERE.

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  1. Murray Christenson says:

    I pray that when the next election rolls around, someone will run on a platform of keeping taxes at the rate of inflation….not double or triple as is now the norm for both District and Huntsville town council. Eventually they are going to run out of other people’s money.

  2. Norm Raynor says:

    Maybe it is time to offer incentive payments to staff that come up with ways to save money. Maybe it is time to look at reducing staffing levels as a way to reduce taxes. Do we really need as many councilors as we have? Maybe we need to stop hiring consultants. Why do we need them if we have competent staff? Maybe it is time to change our system of government administration to eliminate redundancy. How many people handle the same tax payment?

  3. Kathryn Henderson says:

    I would like to know where they think people will get this money to pay this? Would it be nice to have no increase for one year. No working man gets the 5% rate increase in their pays so more people losing their homes and becoming street people. Have a heart .❤️ Government and council are raping us and leaving nothing left to live on.

  4. Paul Johnston says:

    This muncipality is out of control. We need new leaderhip. Current leader destroyed Barrie so now setting sights on Musoka.