From Muskoka Heritage Place
Trick-or-treat at Muskoka Heritage Place on the evening of October 31, rain or shine! It’s a family-friendly event aimed to spook but not to haunt.
- You’ll be trick or treating in a traffic-free setting
- Pioneer buildings are decorated by local businesses or people
- Themes are kept on the “not-so-scary” side as this event is geared for the younger trick or treaters
- The site has rope lights to guide you as you go building to building gathering your treats
- Mayor judges the best decorated building
- Music, magic, mystery
Where and when
- Muskoka Heritage Place – Pioneer Village at 88 Brunel Road, Huntsville, Ontario
- October 31, 2024
- Door opens at 5 pm until 8 pm (last site entry is at 7:30 pm)
All ages – families, couples, friends, ghouls
- $10.00 per immediate family or $3.00 per head, which must be attached to a body
- We accept: Visa, Master Card, cash and debit
Where to park
- You can go to our main parking lot at 88 Brunel Road
- Head toward the white and silver bell tower at our lane
- Feel free to skip to our large wooden gate at the end of the lane
What to bring
- Happy excited ghouls and costumed kids
- Something to hold all of the candy
- Depending upon weather conditions, bring appropriate clothing as this is an outdoor event
What not to bring
Please leave your furry friend at home; registered service animals are welcome.
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