By Val Rhead
I introduced this “Two Hearts Bust” convention in a series that started two weeks ago. I pointed out that you, the responder, to partner’s strong Two Club opening have only three choices with this convention: 1) Bust 2) Waiting 3) Positive. Today we will concentrate on the “Positive” response.
Remember, in Part One, a “Bust” hand is one that does not contain at least one Ace, or one King or two Queens. You want Opener to know that you have nothing in your hand. The Two Hearts Bust bid is an artificial convention that says nothing about Hearts.
Last week we examined in Part Two, the “Waiting” bid of Two Diamonds to show that you have at least one Ace or one King or two Queens. The partnership is going to game but you have no idea where that game might be.
This week we examine Part Three. If you, the Responder, have a better hand — a good five-card suit (or longer) and eight or more points, you respond to partner’s opening strong Two Clubs with the bid of your five-card suit. Your message to Opener is that we have game, perhaps slam, and this is a good suit to consider.
What do you do if your five-card suit is Hearts? Some responders would reply with a strong Three Heart bid to differentiate it from the “Bust” Two Heart bid. The best reply for your Heart suit, though, is Two No Trump, an artificial bid that gives the partnership more bidding room for probable game and possible slam. (In this context, the Two No Trump bid by you is an unused bid that has no other meaning.)
So, if you chose to use this Two Hearts Bust convention, make sure you and your partner are on the same wavelength. Make sure you agree with the three choices or you will have some unexpected and probably unfavourable results!
Next week, we’ll explore what measures you can take if you think that the partnership assets may be strong enough to bid a slam.
If you wish to promote an activity in your bridge group or ask a bridge question, send the information to [email protected] and I will try to include it in this column.
Games at the Huntsville Club are Tuesday 7:15 start, Trinity United Church 33 Main Street. Please arrive 15 minutes before game time. For partners and information call Jan Roberts 705 635-2522 or email [email protected]
The following winners are for Tuesday, Oct 31 with 11 pairs playing a Howell movement. 1. Ann Cassie and Bruce Cassie; 2. Fay MacDonald and Helen Pearson; 3. Mary Simonett and Kel Andresen; 4. Val Rhead and Gail Lederer; 5/6. Susan Marshall and Jan Roberts; 5/6. Mary Hogarth and Albert Eatock
Games for the Bracebridge Club are Mondays 7pm, Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Taylor Road. Please arrive 15 minutes before game time. For information or partnerships, call Brian at 705-645-5340 [email protected]
The following winners are from Monday, Oct 30 with 18 pairs playing a Mitchell movement. North-South 1. Betty Fagin and Brian Brocklehurst; 2. Kel Andresen and Jim Smith; 3. Mary Luke and Donna McIntosh; 4. Carol Anne Robinson and Nancy Barber; 5. Mary Mitchell and Susan Maddocks; East-West 1. Kathy Kent and David Kent; 2. Art Insley and Don Evans; 3. Laura Hawthorn and David Bryce; 4. Lynn Jacob and Gail Lederer; 5. Frank Vagnoni and Gerry Lawrence
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