From the Town of Huntsville
Protecting our natural environment is one of the key priorities of the Town of Huntsville’s new Strategic Plan. The Town is participating and would like to encourage residents to take part in a number of local activities to prioritize a greener, cleaner and more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations.
Huntsville is defined by its natural elements. Our lakes, forests and wildlife play a prominent part in the Town’s identity. Huntsville recognizes its role in protecting its natural beauty and encouraging everyone that lives, works and plays in the Town to be a good environmental steward. For more information on Environment and Climate change in Huntsville, including Climate Action, Energy Conservation, Waste Reduction, and Water Protection, visit
Annual Compost Giveaway
It’s time for the Annual Compost Giveaway, with free, high-quality compost provided by the District Municipality of Muskoka through their green bin program. Come to the Conroy Park parking lot off Forbes Hill Dr. on Earth Day, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (first come, first served).
Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day is an annual opportunity to celebrate and honour our remarkable planet. The theme for 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics,” with a commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health. To educate yourself on plastics, take a plastics quiz, take a simple act of green, or find other Earth Day activities and resources, visit the Earth Day website.
Take Advantage of Town Spring & Earth Day Programming
The Town has lots of programming to get you out and appreciating nature – check out our Spring Recreation Guide. On Saturday, April 20, from 10:30-11:30 a.m., join us for Earth Day Family Crafts – a fun morning creating Earth Day themed crafts together as a family!
Spring is in the air and the Town of Huntsville wants you to get active and get out in nature. Use this Spring Activity Package to inspire you to try something new this season. We encourage you to go through this package as a family and select activities that interest you and are within your abilities.
Plan a Litter Clean-up
Huntsville is also gearing up for the annual Provincial Day of Action on Litter, Tuesday, May 14. Spring is the perfect time to plan your own neighbourhood clean-up through the District’s Clean Muskoka Together program. This program provides resources for your clean-up day, including gloves, recycling bags and specially marked garbage bags, in order to keep public spaces in our community clean.
To register or for more information, please visit the District’s web page.
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I agree with the previous two posters, its a shame what the town has done.
I dont see as much trees and natural settings due to the barrage of new clear cut subdivisions and that monstrosity on Brunel road. Doesnt look like Huntsville. Looks more like Orillia. We are losing our muskoka look.
The hypocrisy of saying that protecting our environment is a priority, while at the same time taking over $444,000.00 that was meant for the Centre Street Environmental Reserve and putting it into general revenues.