Our Town Grant Nickalls

Our Town with Grant Nickalls: How does your garden grow?


Each week, Huntsville’s own Grant Nickalls will inspire us, entertain us, make us laugh or perhaps cry, but always he will remind us why Huntsville is the best place on earth to call home.

This week in Our Town, what was in your garden this year?

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  1. Brian Thompson says:

    Morning Glories are considered an infestation on Vancouver Island ( at least when I lived there)…but the growing season there is several months longer than here in Huntsville…I agree with you…that is a beautiful flower and so after conceding my Hostas, Lilies, Roses et al to the deer in my Hood, I have one question for Paul and Johanne….do the deer like Morning Glories?
    BTW Grant, my window boxes, geraniums and bacopa, (just out of reach of the deer) are having a glorious year…pictures on request…

  2. DAVID JOHNS says:

    Beautiful Morning Glories. A great video, one to watch around the middle of January. Thanks Grant, Ooops! Sorry the Lookout Ranger.