Tired of having to drive the circle? Wondering when the Hwy. 11 off-ramp to Hwy. 60 will be reopened? You’re not alone, but it looks like you’ll have to be patient for at least another two months.
The northeast ramp at Hwy. 11 and Hwy. 60 was closed on June 5, 2017. It was expected to reopen by end of September but that date is now being pushed back to mid-October. That’s because, according to Ministry of Transportation representative, Lara Cantin, the contractor needs more time.
“The contractor requires extra time to carry out bridge jacking operations, replace bearing pads and complete necessary concrete work on this structure. The full scope and extent of the repairs could not be fully estimated until they started the bridge work and jacking operations were completed. These operations have taken the contractor about two weeks longer than anticipated,” she said. “We anticipate to complete all repair work and open the ramp to traffic by mid-October, 2017.”
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I’m told CP rail replaced a washed out bridge in Alberta in about 24 hours. One has to wonder about June 5 to Oct 30 nearly 5 months to rehabilitate a bridge, and they are only working on one lane of it so far?
I don’t drive it often and in the overall scheme of things this intersection is not a big issue as there are several other ways to go where one wants but really, is this efficiency in action here?
It sure doesn’t look like it.
I’d try to get “the facts” from MTO, but like everything involving government or big business these days, getting to talk to a person who actually knows the facts is virtually impossible for the average citizen. Getting a keen staffer’s voice who repeats a script is easy enough, getting actual true facts not so.
Maybe a tweet from Trump would get to the bottom of this more quickly??? Good luck here.
The contractor should be fined heavily for this nonsense. Closed June the 5th and opened we don’t know when is not an answer.
Many people like me have been forced to go around old muskoka rd. #3 to get back and forth to work.
Causing both time loss in traveling and increased fuel bills.
I am sure the people who live on this section of road will be happy for the return of less traffic.
The contractor is a couple weeks behind because they haven’t touched the bridge for about 2 weeks. I drive over that bridge everyday coming from work and there hasn’t been a single person do anything on that bridge since they stripped the asphalt off of it.. so that exit could have been open for about the last month because they closed it then stripped the asphalt and then they were gone.
Someone was very impatient on Friday night. They used the emergency vehicle turn around and started going southbound in the northbound lanes until they could U-turn on the southbound exit. Very scary driving northbound to see lights coming at you.