Main photo: Climate Action Muskoka members with MP Scott Aitchison (from left), Len Ring, Sue McKenzie, Judy Lewis, Janet Libke with granddaughter Elsie, Scott Aitchison, MP, Tamsen Tillson. (submitted by Climate Action Muskoka)
Citizens concerned about the urgent need for action on the climate crisis recently presented a petition to newly-elected Parry Sound-Muskoka MP Scott Aitchison.
The petition, signed by over 500 Parry Sound-Muskoka constituents, calls for him to work with other parties to begin an immediate transition off fossil fuels with well-paid jobs and leaving no one behind. It calls for a Green New Deal, which basically means decarbonization of the economy. The petition was originally directed to all the federal candidates in Parry Sound-Muskoka.
The group had a very productive conversation with Aitchison about climate action and ways that the federal level of government can collaborate and support municipalities in the transition off fossil fuels. Aitchison expressed his interest in climate action and the need to strengthen federal action on this front.
Len Ring of Gravenhurst expressed his concern that all levels of government did not seem to grasp the urgency of the need for action, citing examples of fires in Australia and California, floods in Europe and the huge one-day loss (11 billion tons) of Greenland ice in August.
“We need to hold the temperature rise to 1.5C as stated by the UN’s IPCC report,” said Ring, “rather than our current trajectory of 3.2C.”
“With each new release of information from the UN, the situation becomes more dire and governments are not taking any kind of action that will meet this catastrophe,” said Janet Libke of Bala. “As a grandmother, I find this particularly disturbing and anxiety causing.”
Sue McKenzie of Gravenhurst discussed the need for long-term funding support for municipalities to help decarbonize local infrastructure, as well as legislation requiring that all spending fits with a low-carbon future. She suggested the need for larger federal subsidies for E-vehicles and support for recharging infrastructure.
Judy Lewis of Huntsville wanted to see increased support for tree-planting programs.
Climate Action Muskoka founder Tamsen Tillson encouraged Aitchison to support and collaborate with the local group and offered the group’s support for anything he wants to do to help the climate.
For further information and to get involved in Climate Action Muskoka, find us on Facebook or our website: or email us at: [email protected]
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Ohhhh, I agree with you Mr.Vowles, but getting them to “Shut up” may not be the best idea.
A very positive news article, indeed! I have always been supportive of the Green New Deal agenda, however, the implication from this group is that weaning Muskoka off carbon-based products; producing high-paying employment; and leaving nobody behind is pure fiction in the short term.
Personally, I would find it more realistic to consider almost a generation-long transition away from fossil fuels. That would be a realistic period to both establish a green infrastructure, and to train students for green employment. I’m concerned that anything shorter would leave many behind: e.g. the ones who couldn’t afford several solar panels or e-cars/trucks; or who didn’t have the educational background required for these highly-paid jobs.
A global problem requires a global solution, and we can’t solve it in isolation. Perhaps, a generation is sufficient to remove the film from sufficient international eyes.
Will someone please tell me what they want Govt. to do about climate change. All I ever hear is they have to do something but nobody has any idea just what they want the Govt to do. Do they want a total ban on all gas engines or maybe on all oil or oil related heating systems. Maybe they can eliminate all forms of generation. Then we cam all freeze to death or go back to burning wood and really get things smoked up. Come on people tell us just what you want done or shut up.
Wonder if Scott breaches party policy and takes a stand on Tech’s massive proposed new oil sand project by speaking out against. Time to put up or shut up about climate change Scott.
The admiration and almost shouts of joy. Right-wing portals across Europe have announced the arrival of Izabella Nilsson Jarvandi. Teenagers who were called “anti-Greta Thunberg” or “right-wing Greta”. However, the young activist does not devote her energy to the fight against climate change. She fights against cultural change.
They are both 16 years old, born in Sweden and very committed to what they do. So much for the similarities. Greta Thunberg and Izabella Nilsson Jarvandi fervently defend their ideals, but the media quickly put them on the opposite side of the barricade.
One is being cheered on by the left and the other by the right. Anti-Greta is therefore closer to the hearts of the representatives of the right. What is important, however, is that Nilsson Jarvandi does not deal with the issues of ecology and climate change.
“She protests against globalisation, LGBT propaganda in Swedish and European schools, advocates the protection of traditional family values and the fight against illegal emigration.
The poles of the human perspective on many matters concerning us all are beginning to shift.