What’s one of the easiest ways to get kids to learn something? Make it fun.
At the Algonquin Theatre’s March Break Drama Camp, the fun is guaranteed. And the six to eleven-year-olds who participate will learn things they aren’t even aware of. (It’s kind of like sneaking zucchini into their mac ‘n’ cheese — it’s still delicious and they’re getting some good stuff in there, too.)
They don’t have to be into the arts to get something out of it, either. “It’s more about connecting with other kids, creating confidence, and building that ability to use your voice and speak up,” says Samantha Love, Customer Service Representative at the Algonquin Theatre. “It’s really for anyone. And, who knows? Maybe in the week that they spend on our beautiful Algonquin Theatre stage, they might decide acting is a good outlet for them.”
But more than only acting, the Algonquin Theatre’s March Break Drama Camp, which is run by the professional team at Muskoka Stageworks, brings in some of the behind-the-scenes elements of theatre.
“Robin Clipsham has been a professional actress and theatre educator for her entire career, so she comes to the table with so much experience and great ability to teach future actors,” says Love. “And they will spend some of the day creating props, picking out costumes, and figuring out how that plays to their character. It’s a nice mix of improv games and character development as well as what goes on behind the scenes.”
The Algonquin Theatre March Break Drama Camp runs from March 12 to 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The theme is Arabian Nights, which will have the campers creating scenes and characters from 1,001 tales. The cost is $195 per child.
There are just four spots remaining for the camp, so sign up today! You can do that online at algonquintheatre.ca or contact the box office at 705-789-4975.
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