Will the historic Madill Church be demolished? Its fate remains to be determined.
Group comes together to save Madill Church from demolition.

What will be the fate of Huntsville’s historic Madill Church?

Reports have been circulating on social media that Huntsville’s historic Madill Church, built in 1873, is up for demolition. But its fate is still to be determined.

The Town of Huntsville’s Manager of Development Process, Kirstin Maxwell, confirmed that the town has not received an application for demolition of the property. And if it does, the matter will be passed to the Heritage Committee for consideration as the church is on the town’s list of Properties of Heritage Interest.

Once the matter is before the committee, they have 90 days to make a recommendation to Town Council which will then have to decide whether to permit the demolition or to step in in some way to prevent it.

A Facebook post by Trinity United Church Reverend Derek Shelly about the church’s possible demolition prompted a flurry of supportive comments for retaining the church intact. The post read: “Just received notification that the Madill Church (orginal log cabin structure) Trustees have received permission to demolish the building – likely in the next year (unless someone finds they may want it or preserve it.) Fewer and fewer people seem to be willing to put in the necessary work.”

A member of the church’s board of trustees could not be reached for comment as of publication time. Doppler will continue to follow up on the matter.

The church was completed in 1873. It received a Built and Cultural Heritage Award from the Muskoka Conservancy in 2007.

UPDATE: Please see the statement from the church’s Board of Trustees here.

Madill Church plaque

A plaque outside the Madill Church describes some of its history

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  1. Obviously, the church is in a pickle. Not surprising since it was established by Ma Dill!!!

  2. Bonnie Blakely says:

    What a shame to close these old churches. Is there not funding available through a Historical Society to restore it?

  3. Sam (Sandra) Crow says:

    I was so disappointed to hear about the Madil church possibly being torn down at the service in July. I know it’s a lot of money to restore but aren’t we missing a bigger picture than it just being an historic building? This is one of God’s houses and even though it’s only used once a year who decides what hearts are going to be stirred by the Holy Spirit? It may be because of this historic church that souls are saved. Can we put a price tag on that? What if we we reach out and did a public fundraiser? If we all would open our hearts and give what we can – much could be done. I know the past 20 years my husband and I have been coming out to show support for this old church that my Grandmother came to as a little girl. What if this coming July the younger ones of our generation came out to show how much we all care. I believe we owe this to all our ancestors and to God to watch a miracle unfold. Let’s all do what we can to continue an important piece of history in Muskoka to live on. Generations down the road will be grateful and we all now can enjoy a little slice of Heaven on earth right now. Pray!

  4. Dawn Huddlestone says:

    Susan, to clarify: the property is not owned by the Town nor has it weighed in on the decision yet (and can’t until the application to demolish is filed at which point it will be referred to the Heritage Committee). You’ll find more information on the United Church’s decision regarding the church in a statement from its Board of Trustees here: https://doppleronline.ca/huntsville/board-trustees-clarifies-state-madill-church/

  5. Paul Waldron says:

    One question is what needs to be done to keep the church ?
    If Trinity United is thinking of demolition of the church it probably requires a fair bit of money to repair and maintain it. Would the Church be willing to allow a public fund raising to save the church ?

  6. Susan Bobyk says:

    It shouldn’t be torn down. What is the Town thinking?

  7. Don Wayne Gilmore says:

    Is there not any room left in the Pioneer Village ??? I hope the Pioneer Village is still maintained. I’ve been employed in China since 1997 and have just returned home to my new home in Niagara Falls. Both kids are grown and married and out of town now…one in Chicago region; the other, out west. Hope someone can advise me here, or Facebook Thank-you ! Don

  8. Really? I mean, REALLY??? That this is even being considered is insane. Surely the Town of Huntsville can step in and do something. Surely!

  9. Donna Secord says:

    My Geat Granparents are buried in the Madill Church graveyard. Whenever I go up to Huntsville my Mom and I always go by to pay our respects. I would be very disappointed to see this site destroyed. It’s a beautiful spot with a peaceful atmosphere that would be a great loss.

  10. Regina MacEachern says:

    PLEASE DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT DEMOLISHING THIS HISTORICAL LANDMARK!!!! This is a beautiful little church and needs to be cherished and cared for so future generations can appreciate our history! I sure hope the heritage committee has the sense never to let anyone even think about demolition. I was on Heritage Elora – the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) for eight years and that committee would have definitely opposed and demolition of such a treasure!!! Is this church designated or does just have a plaque? It should be designated if it isn’t.

  11. Margaret Bunn says:

    This is a beautiful old building, reminding us all of our “pioneer roots”. The above article states that the Madill Church Trustees have received permission to demolish the church – well that to me, implies that they sought permission to get rid of it. Why was this? It also states that fewer and fewer people were willing to put in the necessary work. What work was this? Who did they ask?

    I love this old building and the surround grounds. I have friends buried there. I have been visiting the grounds regularly for more than 20 years and I can’t imagine it changing. Please let us know what needs to be done to preserve it.

  12. Cathryn Williams says:

    For heavens sake, it’s an historical landmark, steeped in history, leave well enough alone. I love going there just to enjoy the atmosphere. Why do people want to rip things down just for property value. Some things can’t be replaced and this is one of them. My heart is very sad.

  13. dave johns says:

    Thank you Doppler for a good article and beautiful photo. This cannot happen.

  14. Gord Jenkins says:

    It’s a lovely little church. I can’t see why it cannot be maintained. My fiancé and I were going to look into getting married there next year when we get back from Alberta in July.
    I hope it’s still there !!!!

  15. WENDY BROWN says:

    Tearing it down shouldnt happen and if it does everyone in town needs to be ashamed of themselves