Photos: Dawn Huddlestone and Cheyenne Wood
There are plenty of vessels that ply the waters of the Muskoka River, but only once a year will you see bathtubs a-plenty cruising along beside the Town Docks.
The bathtub derby is a crowd favourite for the annual Rotary Dockfest, drawing hundreds of spectators to watch first the parade of tubs on Main Street followed by the main attraction on the water.
And then it was time to race. The competition was fierce and tub captains pushed their tubs to their 2.5 hp limits through an obstacle course that began with a slalom, followed by placing a hoola-hoop on a floating picnic table and then a spin around the NyDock coffee bar where they had to honk a horn while dodging a bucket of water thrown by volunteers. If a captain missed any part of the obstacles, they had to circle around to try again.
The captains did have a few mishaps (have you ever tried driving a bathtub?) much to the delight of the crowd. There were crashes and spills but the NyDock and Pride Marine crews were there to help out and tow disabled tubs back to shore.
Between heats and as floundering tubs were rescued, Up North Adventure Sports entertained the crowd with some hydro-flight acrobatics.
In the end, and after a video review that knocked Pipefusion out of first place for missing a turn around the finish line buoy, Pride Marine was declared the 2018 bathtub derby winner.
Following the derby, spectators could enjoy a variety of vendors and entertainment in River Mill Park including a concert by The Suspects at the bandshell courtesy of Huntsville Festival of the Arts.
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Damn fine Pipes & Drums leading the congregation…Fun Day.….Well done Rotary !