But, first, the good news.
My wife Anne and I received our first COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine shot yesterday. We were lucky. The whole process for us was easy-peasy.
For our age group, we were able to pre-register last Saturday on the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit site. Even for a computer-challenged person like me it was relatively easy. We had our appointments scheduled by Tuesday and were in for the vaccine exactly one week after pre-registering.
And I must say here how impressed I am with the local vaccine operation. I walk most weekday mornings at the indoor track at the Summit Centre. The COVID-19 vaccine clinic is now on the arena floor below. I have to get off the track once the clinic opens at 10 a.m., but I have been able to witness the set-up. The whole operation is extremely professional and well thought-out to the smallest detail, team members working well with each other and dedicated to a smooth experience for those getting vaccines.
While there have been line-ups, Anne and I were able to get into the site immediately when our turn came to be vaccinated. We were quickly and efficiently processed through paperwork and questions that had to be answered and were on the arena floor with very little delay.
Both Anne and I were inoculated by physicians, who fully explained what was involved and patiently answered our questions. The entire team of perhaps two dozen people were friendly, helpful, and efficient, each with their appointed tasks to make the process go safely and effiectively. We were in and out of there in well under an hour.
As I said, we were lucky, and I can only hope that our experience is now mirrored across the province. Because it certainly hasn’t been that way until, perhaps, recently. I have heard from a number of people, seniors who were eligible to be vaccinated, who have found the process confusing, frustrating, and time-consuming. For a period of time there was a lack of coordination between the provincial vaccination registration process and that of the local health unit. There may still be. Some people I know have just given up or have gone elsewhere for their shot. Very sad when vaccines are the key to recovery from this pandemic.
One note I got from a person in Bracebridge did make me chuckle in spite of myself. He pre-registered before I did, also on the health unit site, and here is his comment: “Friday night, I decided to pre-register. I managed to do it and can report it was a pain in the ass. The website was absolutely unforgiving about the format… However, we seniors are a stubborn lot and I managed to pre-register in spite of it all.”
The administrator in our physician’s office has been sending out regular updates related to the process for registering for and actually getting vaccines. They have been very helpful. Her latest, a few days ago, included a rant expressing her frustration in attempting to successfully access the system in order to help a patient who was having difficulty in pre-registering. There is not enough room here go into her exasperating experience in attempting this, but suffice it to say.it opened her eyes and showed her what some seniors have gone through.
In my view, there has been a serious disconnect between the provincial registration site and those of local health units, often with conflicting or non-updated information. I will add that the Province has listed a telephone number that one can call if all other efforts to book an appointment fail, and I know of two individuals who have gone that route with immediate success.
But overall, there have been some real difficulties for many eligible people to register and actually receive their vaccine. At a time in this pandemic when vaccines are essential to lower and control the curve, the process needs to be as easy as possible.
Hopefully, many of these issues have been cleared up and there will be smooth sailing ahead. The last thing we need is a complicated or confusing process that discourages people from getting vaccinated.
And now to the part about the guinea pig.
All three COVID-19 vaccines currently in use require two doses. In order to get your first dose, you have to make both appointments. Our appointment for the second dose is July 17, almost four months from now.
This period of time for a second dose is well beyond the recommendations of any of the vaccine manufacturers. In a recent interview, Dr. Mona Nemer, Canada’s chief science advisor, stated emphatically that there is no empirical evidence that a required second vaccine shot can be safely delayed beyond a two-month period. In the words of journalist and former Liberal strategist Warren Kinsella, delaying the second shot for up to four months, is, “an experiment on Canadian lives.”
Those Canadian scientists who have acquiesced to a waiting period of up to four months between vaccine shots are between a rock and a hard place. The problem of course remains a lack of vaccines. We are still, today, ranked 55th in the world when it comes to that. So, for that reason alone, the question has to be asked. Which is more important: to get at least one dose into all Canadians or to ensure that both doses are administered in a timeframe that ensures their efficacy? Under the circumstances, there really wasn’t much choice.
The very kind doctor who gave me my shot on Saturday said she thought there was a good chance that the date we have for our second injection in July will be moved up. I hope she is right. I really don’t like being a guinea pig, especially as it could have been avoided, just as it has been in the rest of the world.
Hugh Mackenzie
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A single dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been shown to achieve an up to an 80% reduced risk of infection on their own.
How you are framing this situation, painting yourself and others as a “guinea pig” is both disingenuous to the situation at hand, as well as adding fuel to the fire of misinformation (and often pseudoscience) that is so prevalent among the “vaccine-hesitant”.
This is not a shot in the dark, we are not choosing this action on a whim. Our public health leaders are acting with the most recent and mounting evidence of vaccine efficacy, as well as looking at the problem at a population level – where we need to reduce infection and hospitalizations as broadly as we can. The UK has now followed suit, also extending the timelines between doses to ensure broader protection.
Even in the minority of cases (both with single doses and with 2 doses) where a vaccinated individual does contract the disease, the severity is wildly reduced – easily overcome through isolating at home without further medical intervention. With our 3rd wave reaching ICU capacity, and with variants of elevated severity, this should be a top priority.
As for vaccine supply, while you continue to complain about our ranked place among other nations (a measure that lacks any nuance whatsoever) we are continually ramping up supply. In fact, when you look at the broader picture, our vaccine supply is in an incredibly reasonable place (Hugh Holland in the comments outlined this very clearly on your previous commentary https://doppleronline.ca/huntsville/listen-up-mar-7-commentary/ ).
If I had to make a prediction, given how all vaccine delivery and injection timelines have been continually accelerating both domestically and overseas, we will achieve our September timeline goal far earlier.
And if as result of this spacing strategy we need to undergo an additional booster shot to bolster protection at some time in the future, sure, who cares?
B.C. CEO says life-saving COVID-19 treatment is ‘sitting on the shelf’.
When we have the ability to save lives, we choose lockdowns. Welcome to Canada
Delaying 2nd dose not based on sound scientific data.
You are a guinea pig because of the conservative policy that dismantled labs. And unfortunately it was followed by a weak liberal government that chose to do nothing about it. This has left our country vulnerable. Thanks to our politicians. It’s a good thing that other countries in the world have a little more fortitude. You are lucky to get the first vaccine.
At the rate they are proceeding with vaccine injections Joe Blow
on the street will be dead and the 4th wave will be come and gone.
Vaccination is urgent. Lets show more concern moving along faster with
the injections. One location 10 injection stations set up and only 5 in use? Come on!
Yes Hugh, you are so right. I dont recall hearing which ethics board approved this study nor do I recall signing a consent to take part in the study……the long time course of doing clinical research. As an immunocompromised person, my first injection is probably providing very little immunity until I can get the second injection. On the plus side, the nice weather is coming so we will spend our time in our yard and once again, those pesky weeds in our lawn dont stand a chance again this year. Wear a mask and stay safe!
I received my vaccine March 13th and told I would be contacted shortly with my second appointment. Others booking long after me have that day confirmed. For the past two weeks I have spent hours on hold trying to get an answer; when I finally get a voice the call centre agents computer system will not book just one date. They insist they have no way to transfer me to someone in authority but promise I will receive either a call or email within twenty-four hours. I am waiting, but my patience has run out! The Ontario government’s computer consultants have done a terrible job at a cost of millions of dollars. Why wasn’t this all done through our well tested E Health system. I am now calling Norm Miller and The Premier but with little hope of an answer. I have been waiting since September for a reply on a different subject.
Maybe tis will help?
New data shows COVID-19 pandemic now ‘completely out of control’ in Ontario, key scientific adviser says
Time for province wide lockdown. Easter coming. Summer coming. People being ignorant.
May the lord have mercy on us all!
I pre-registered for the vaccine on the day for 70+ and received ID codes a week later. I went to the online site but no appointment days were available because no vaccine available. Frustrating!
Canada is the only industrialized nation
that is not following the timelines set out in the Astra Zeneca vaccine protocol. Is this cause for concern? All the flip flopping around age restrictions will not Instill more confidence in the general population. I’m afraid.
Having now read that people getting their 1st shot also receive the date of the second shot, I am very upset. Paul and I received our 1st shots on March 1st but were not given a date for the 2nd. I have been on the web site but there was nothing on there to book a 2nd shot. I phoned the unit at Chaffey St, but all I could do is leave a message. I tried another phone # on the web site but that one didn’t even work. We are now past our best before date according to Pfizer.
Beryl Clayson
Hugh…Now you can go get your T-shirt with the logo “I’ve been Pfizered…have you?”
I am 100% in agreement! Excellent local organization to get that first jab. Frustrating to have to wait so long for the second jab. With the reduced efficiency for seniors re the 1st shot – 50% vs 80+% for younger adults- we cannot even consider ourselves free, or safe, or until the end of July, and maybe never if the wait time depletes our small level of immunity from that first jab. Could be a complete waste of time. Hard to remain optimistic.
Got my shot yesterday too and I mirror your comments. No problems start to finish although I did use the telephone for follow up to get vaccination time.
But yesterday no wait friendly helpful informative and one even took my picture while getting the shot.
I got my first shot on March 13th. They wouldn’t even give me a date for my second shot. I do not like this, going against what the manufacturers suggest. Our government had a whole year to figure this out. Get it together.
Like many of us you received your vaccine shot. The health unit in huntsville is doing an excellent job.
Local news channels are saying the American airlines are over booked for the Easter week holidays.
Do you think this vaccine will have time to protect us if any of these virus carrying Americans
are allowed to land in Canada? Mr. Trudeau, are you listening??
I’m quite sure the vaccination staff are quite pleased having a group a busy bodies watching over their collective shoulders while they set up each morning.
The three absolutes in Huntsville; Death, Taxes, and people not minding their own business.
Go for a walk outside, let them do their work.