Counting Our Blessings
Christmas is a great time to count our blessings. I will admit that it is a little more difficult for me to do this year, as 2016 was far from one of my favourites and not made easier by the tabloid tactics of the Huntsville Forester. However, we have come through it and that in itself is a blessing to be thankful for; 2017 can only be better!
There have been many other blessings as well, even if you have to find them the hard way, as we did recently. About a week ago, my wife Anne slipped on ice outside a Huntsville store. She went down hard and sustained three fractures of her pelvis. It was pretty scary at the time.
The blessing of course is our hospital. This incident brought home to me once again how important it is to fight for an active campus of care in Huntsville and not just an emergency department as some seem willing to settle for. Without the diagnostic tools, such as a CT scan, that only active hospitals have, my wife would have been shipped out. Instead, she received exceptional care from doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and technicians, many of whom would not be here if Huntsville only had an emergency department. These people are here because of the facility we have. They will not be here if we lose it. Simple as that.
While the professional care Anne received, on all levels, was exceptional, caring and thorough, there were some signs that the building itself is not being kept up, almost as if the writing is on the wall and there is no point. Stained blinds in patients’ rooms, chipped paint here and there, worn linoleum and so on.
While it is wonderful news that funding may be in place for a new Fairvern Nursing Home on the Huntsville Hospital campus, one cannot forget the recommendation that is still on the table for two campuses of care in Muskoka: Site A to be fully active care and Site B to be ambulatory and long term care. What a shame it would be if Site B was a fait accompli for Huntsville.
Another experience we had, as a result of Anne’s fall, relates to aftercare and, so far, it has not been nearly as effective. After three days in hospital, when Anne was released she was told that she would be contacted the next day by the Community Care Access Centre which supplies in-home support for people who are recovering from accidents or illness. The call didn’t come then and when it did, it came from Barrie or somewhere else in the south. In fact, the person who called a Huntsville number had to confirm that Anne lived in Muskoka. She then said that they would be unable to conduct an assessment of her needs until after Christmas. Because we have a very supportive family, that is not a big issue for us, but there are others who would not have that support and would be waiting on the convenience of an out-of-town agency to get the support they need.
The dichotomy between the excellent care Anne received in her own community and what she received from away has driven home to me the blessing that we have in our Huntsville hospital. It is a blessing we should not take for granted. It is a blessing we should demand that our municipal leaders fight for. To settle merely for an emergency department would simply result in abject failure to the people of North Muskoka.
On this Christmas Day, let me also speak briefly of another blessing and that is the manner in which Doppler, over the past year, has been accepted as the primary online news source in our community. Our Doppler team is excited and gratified by the support of our readers and advertisers. We will continue to strive for excellence in digging deeper and providing comprehensive, up-to-date local news to the residents of North Muskoka. On behalf of all of us at Doppler, I wish you a happy and blessed Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year!
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Hugh, I enjoy reading your opinion pieces.
I very much appreciate the efforts that go into making Doppler so timely, interesting and relevant.
As far as CCAC is concerned, it has been the experience for my family member that there is a lot of interviewing and computer recording with next to no concrete in-home assistance.
I think the writing is on the wall for the local hospital…according to the Forester, “MAHC board approves line of credit bump to $10 million”; this seems to tell us loud and clear, that the Ministry of Health has no intention of funding two acute care hospitals and they are waiting for the community to “cry uncle” and accept one site.
Many thanks Hugh and all those on the Doppler team.
Peace and Prosperity for the New Year…..Paul
Excellent opinion piece, Hugh. Right on point. I agree about the importance of our hospital. The Doppler is an important element of our community life. The alternative, a once-fine newspaper, is a pale shadow of its former self.
Doppler is a great addition to the community. Keep up the good work gang .
Hugh, as usual your comments are pertinent, and I thank Doppler for providing you and all the other contributors such an accessible platform. While we may not always agree, the openness of the format, the in the moment news coverage makes Doppler my “go to ” news source.
Your comments re: our hospital are bang on. I recently had occasion to use the EMT service, and it was non-pareil. We are fortunate to have what we have. But, yes, it’s getting a bit frayed around the edges, but we are not alone. If you look at South Muskoka, or Soldiers Memorial, you’ll see the same thing.
Best wishes on your wife’s recovery, once under way, the CCAC Closing the Gap are very good. Holidays are always difficult.