This populist, politically correct and “Big brother is watching you” society we appear to be living in these days is beginning to get me down. A few things have happened in the past week or so that have driven home to me how much of our privacy has been taken away from us and how catering to the masses has become more important than protecting individual rights.
The first wake-up call came in the form of an e-mail from the company that insures our car. Apparently, when I renewed my policy a couple of months ago, the price, even though it was higher than last year, included a discount for downloading an App to my iPhone so that my driving habits can be monitored. No one told me that, but this e-mail I received reminded me that I had 15 days to sign up or lose my so- called discount.
I was a little skeptical about this, so I called head office to find out what it actually meant. It turns out what they want me to sign up for is a program that will let them know everything that goes on in my car: how fast I am driving, how far I am driving. whether I have had a drink, whether I am distracted, probably if I am talking to my self (which I sometimes do) and certainly if I am talking to others. I suppose they would be able to tell if I effluviate as well!!
I asked for clarification of what distracted driving meant and was given using a phone, as an example. I pointed out hands free telephone conversations were legal and was told the technology could not distinguish between hands-free and hand-held and therefore all conversations counted as distracted driving. Bottom line, if it happens in the car, Big Brother knows about it. I decided to pass.
The incident did remind me however, how vulnerable we are in this day and age to having our movements, our conversations and our behaviour monitored, judged and manipulated by external forces. I guess it is something that most people have known for a long time, but it took this particular incident to get me to really think about it. It seems that wherever we are, whatever we are doing, there is potential to be monitored. Never again will I leave my iPhone on my bedside table!
Then there was the incident in Huntsville this week, where the Integrity Commissioner sanctioned Councillor Brian Thompson for off-colour comments he made in a text sent from his personal cell phone to the personal cell phone of a friend. I will not comment further on the content of the text. I will say however, that I have known Brian Thompson for over a half century. As a lacrosse player he brought National attention to Huntsville and as a citizen he has served this community over the years in countless ways, including as an elected official. He is an honourable man who, in this instance, made a mistake and he has apologized for it. That should be the end of it.
Some of the comments on social media were interesting, but they do remind me of that old chestnut; “let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.” I do not agree with the Integrity Commissioner’s assertion that a higher standard of behaviour, even in private matters, is expected of elected officials. We are all human. We all make mistakes. I do not expect elected officials to be better than me and frankly, I do not believe them to be so.
What I found most interesting about the Integrity Commissioners Report was the question quite properly raised by Councillor Jonathan Wiebe. He wants to know where the line is drawn between public and private exchanges and he wants to know “what in fact constitutes privacy?” A very good question, which in my view, challenges the jurisdiction of the Integrity Commissioner, or anyone else for that matter, to adjudicate a private communication between two friends that became a matter of official investigation, without the consent or intent of either of them. It is one more example of why we have to be so very careful, even under the most private of circumstances, about what we say and do.
Finally, when it comes to political correctness, I am a little tired of attempts to turn the Christmas season into something else. One does not have to be a Christian to enjoy this season. Indeed, I suspect most are not. But it is the Christmas season and not the Holiday season. It should not be hijacked or downgraded for other purposes. No matter how politically incorrect that may be in today’s populist society, some traditions are important to hold on to.
Christmas is a special, magical and for some, a spiritual time of year. It is in my view, something to be celebrated and enjoyed by all and not demeaned or diminished. And in that spirit, I have no hesitation to say to all of you, whoever you are, Peace on Earth and have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS SEASON!
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May I say that I wholeheartedly agree. Our true gifts are those given us by God. When we understand this, we are free from the fraudulent societal obligation of materialism ; to enjoy one and others natural gifts and focus upon celebrating with good cheer.
Hugh, you hit the nail on it’s head! I have been fed up with the do Gooders for a long time!!
But Hugh, Jim Boyes makes some very important points and they should be answered!!
Well written article. It does make one frighteningly aware of how little privacy we now have in this day of technology. While it [technology] does, can, and will make life easier and safer, we have to realize, it also takes away our fundamental right of freedom.
With the thought of being listened to by anyone, having our texts, emails, photos, etc shared ‘to’ anyone, even our conversations… We need to be wary. Our thoughts are our own, but once it’s “out there” it can, and possibly will, go anywhere. “Sender Beware”. If it’s politically incorrect – we’re merely being judged by the public, but if it can be construed as harmful in a threatening way or sexual way, then it shouldn’t have been said or sent (or thought!) in the first place, and should be open to the laws protecting us from these threats. And cell phones should only work in the back seat of a car. We could still use the automatic voice ‘call place and receive’ but there would be no risk of distracted driving. Too many people are killed by distracted driving due to cell phones.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Hugh!
There are a number of good videos on YouTube that will take you through the steps to take to increase your privacy with your iPhone…really just involves turning off some settings.
Merry Christmas Hugh and keep up the good work!
there are three issues in this piece; the lack of privacy from corporate intervention, the lack of privacy by elected officials and the political correctness in modern day society.
On the first issue I have to agree with you Hugh, there should be less not more of the “I see what you are doing” the corporations are saying we need to be safer.
The second is a little dicier; did you not give stick to a private citizen , albeit 15 years after the fact? It is my opinion that once anyone sits at the public table they are no longer private citizens. What Brian said and was censured for is totally in the public purview and well deserved.
Your third point of political correctness is one that all of us can take back. I still say MerryChristmas even after many years in the hospitality industry and, trust me, we were always aware of feeling of guests. If those words offend people where do we stop? Christmas, Hanuka, Kwanzaa, even Festivus are all greetings that cover most of the religions in this country and should not be usurped by HappyHolidays!
I say to all that have comment; have a very Merry Christmas, a wonderful Hanuka and a great Kwanzaa celebration. cheers
Spot on Hugh!! In response to your comments re: Councillor Brian Thompson…No individual, whatever you call him or her, has the right to listen in, or invade the privacy of people when communication is between two private parties. This reminds one of the KBG of Russia or the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. Why would an Integrity Commissioner be allowed to access this private conversation? It’s absurd & dangerous.
I agree with Hugh, we are all imperfect capable of momentary laps of judgement. Mistake made, judgement accepted, apology issued, time to move on with the good work our council is known for.
A private communication is breached if a third party intercepts, eavesdrops, looks over a shoulder or hacks someone else’s device. If an individual receives a communication which they feel is offensive or inappropriate should they not have every right to take it to whatever authority they feel appropriate? If an individual receives an email of a sexually harassing nature should they not disclose it to a supervisor for fear of breaching the senders privacy? If a physically threatening letter is sent to a specific individual should that individual not be able to report it to the police for fear of breaching the senders privacy? Sender beware in my opinion.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, all the best in the new year.
Totally agree Huge! I am not a believer in “politically correct”, “people-kind”, Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays, or any of that hoo-haw! Speak as you wish, but remember you will be judged for what and how you say it, no matter what. That responsibility is yours.
In my opinion, the bottom line on the leaked text message has to be, how was this leaked? Until this is known, the respect and integrity of both participants is taking a well deserved kicking.
Hanukkah started Sunday December 22. Happy Hanukkah!
The important thing is that you’re not alone, Hugh. Millions of people in Canada, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and other countries around the world celebrate this unique night of the year by going to churches before 12 o’clock at night to attend a mass called Shepherdess. Exactly one minute after 12 o’clock people start singing Silent Night. In people’s hearts joy grows and fills churches. This Night people forget about the darkness behind the walls of the churches.They forget about the dark reality waiting for them behind the thresholds of the churches.It is a Night for which it is worth living all year round. Our fathers and mothers grew up in this faith.Let’s not forget it. I wish you and your whole family the very joy of living this holiday.May this child of God bless you all.Let me add a poem written by my favourite poet Susan Noyes Anderson to my wishes.
The creatures of the forest
were gathered all around.
The day was Christmas morning.
Soft snow lay on the ground.
A blue spruce stood as tall and proud
as any Christmas tree,
but pine cones were the only gifts
the animals could see.
Who-o-o took my present? cried the owl.
Where’s mine? the chipmunk wondered.
The rabbit wrinkled up his nose.
They’re gone, the brown bear thundered.
No gifts. No gifts, the squirrel chattered.
Wolf howled at the dawn.
How can it be? the cougar wailed.
Oh, where has Christmas gone?
The noble elk stepped forward
and raised his antlered head.
Some gifts cannot be taken from us;
God gives them, he said.
Wisdom is yours, he told the owl,
and vision in the night.
Chipmunk has much resourcefulness;
and Rabbit, speed in flight.
Bear’s blessed with strength, and Wolf is clever.
Cougar’s claws protect.
These gifts to us are priceless treasures,
worthy of respect.
Squirrel excels at gathering.
As we now gather here,
may Christmas bring remembrance of
God’s presents we hold dear.
Our Father gives good gifts to us.
In glad hearts, they are found.
When we receive His Son with love,
it’s Christmas all around.
Hugh, I’d like a bit more information and detail about this story. Brian sent a text message to a friend and both cell phones were private devices (not owned or paid for by the Town ) as we are given to understand. A private conversation between friends.
How did this text content become known to a third party? I believe this is an important detail.
Furthermore, how and why did the content of this private text come to the attention of an integrity commissioner. ? Sounds lilke mischief or malice to me.
What integrity commissioner? Federal? Provincial? Surely not a Huntsville employee! ? If so, the taxpayers of Huntsville need to raise Hell.
Of course we don’t know the content of the private text but since it was private Brian should have told the so called integrity commissioner to get stuffed! Even if it was leaked by the receiving party it was not intended to be diseminated beyond the reciver. As far as I am aware private communications are beyond the perview or legal interest or business of any commissioner at any level no matter what the subject matter. I believe it requires a judicial warrant to intercept electronic communications. Even if the text subject matter would be considered hate or inciting it would have to move beyond the privacy of a text to a friend to become the concern of “the authorities”. If it was leaked that was not the intent and in my view Brian is innocent and the integrity commissioner should have scolded the leaker and the messenger not Brian.
God help us! What is this country coming to. We need to be very afraid if it has come to this. And we need to push back hard when challenged by politically correct officialdom acting beyond their authority.
It is not really surprising that very few people worry about, or protest against, the insidious persistent invasion of our privacy. Every year, at this time, children are indoctrinated that Big Brother is OK, for he brings gifts and goodies! His name is SANTA. Just listen to the lyrics “You better not pout, you better not cry. He knows when you are sleeping, He knows when you are awake! So be good for goodness sake…..”
As for PC I wish every body a Wonderful Winter Solstice. A few days late, buy who cares!
Oh! What the heck MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I’m with you Hugh, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.
Well said Hugh! I agree a on all points…
Merry Christmas to you, Anne and your family.
Merry Christmas Hugh I never cared about being politically correct so not going to start now. And from reading this it’s one more reason i don’t have a smart phone and likely never will.
Enjoy reading your thought’s on a lot of subjects so keep it going in the new year. Don’t always agree with you but thats what makes it interesting.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family
YES! Well spoken Hugh. I support each of these thoughts totally. I, too, am totally fed up with these political correctness attitudes. Where did our “Free Speech” go?
They don’t have have need of Integrity Commissioners in Washington , D.C. because there is none… Slainte !
Well said Hugh on all points. Merry Christmas to you and Anne
I agree Hugh on all counts. Merry Christmas and may everyone have a happy and prosperous 2020 with a little less political correctness and more common sense.
Nollaig Shona duit, Aodh.(Irish Gaelic)
Happy Christmas Hugh!
At far as the private text messages , obviously one of them had to of shared it . Violating the friendship , so use a disclaimer in all your texts that this message is private and only to this recipient , and exchange of this is a violation of your intellectual property without your expressed permission.