Moderna vaccine (Lars Hagberg/Canadian Press)

Listen up! A matter of life and death | Commentary

Hugh Mackenzie

I have a real problem with a decision Ontario Premier Doug Ford made this past week.

Unlike many of my friends on the left of centre, when it comes to politics I have no problem speaking out when I believe a leader or a political party with whom I might otherwise agree does something I strongly feel to be misguided and unacceptable. In fact, I believe it is important to do so. This is one of those times.

The premier has said that his government will not mandate compulsory double COVID-19 vaccinations for frontline health care workers. He is dead wrong. Pun intended.

Most people who read Listen Up on a regular basis will know that I believe that government’s interference in our personal lives should be tightly controlled and carefully monitored.

It bothers me that we simply shrug our shoulders when legislation such as the federal Bill C-10 – which will allow censorship of our fundamental right to free speech within libel and hate laws – is introduced. And the recent briefing note from the Department of Canadian Heritage which states that regulation of lawful but hurtful tweets is needed for a truly democratic debate, is in reality, when you think it through, very scary in its implication.

I have also long supported the infamous statement of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau when he said that government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

I simply believe that government cannot and should not be all things to all people, and that individuals should be free to make their own decisions as it relates to their personal lives, for better or for worse.

But government does, of course, have a vital role to play. It does need to ensure equality of opportunity and competent management of our economy. And it has a fundamental and constitutional responsibility for the safety of its people. 

It is that fundamental responsibility that dictates the necessity for all frontline health care workers in Ontario to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and, to the extent possible, its variants. 

In its Saturday editorial, the Toronto Star states that it is the professional, ethical, and moral duty of health care workers to get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. They go on to say, “Health care workers who fail to get their shots are putting their patients and everyone else at risk. Our collective right to safety trumps their right to refuse vaccines. It should be a requirement of their job.”

I agree on all counts and would add that frontline health care workers refusing to be fully vaccinated also put their co-workers at greater risk, and that, too, is totally unacceptable.  

It is important, in my view, that we all be fully aware that COVID-19 has not been “cured” and probably never will be. We are able to move forward, open up, and face fewer restrictions related to the pandemic only because as more people become vaccinated the COVID-19 virus and its variants have fewer places they can thrive and less damage they can cause. 

In recent days, Canada has surpassed the United States in second dose vaccinations with 44.64 per cent of eligible Canadians falling into that category. In Ontario almost 80 per cent of those eligible have received their first shot and about half of those have received their second shot. When it comes to distribution, Ontario is ahead of many jurisdictions. 

All of that is good news. But it is not good enough. Six million people in Canada are not vaccinated. The variants of the COVID-19 virus are more virulent than first thought and this requires a higher threshold to meet “herd immunity” than originally anticipated. 

While most of us are feeling much more optimistic these days, the threat of another pandemic resurgence is very real and would have devastating consequences. We cannot allow that to happen.

In my view, full COVID-19 vaccinations for frontline health care workers should be a condition of employment. I am not yet ready to go so far as to suggest mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for everyone. That one, for me, remains difficult to swallow. However, I do believe that those who refuse this protection for themselves and for the benefit of others should recognize that there will be consequences.

Airlines and cruise ships, tourist venues, and recreational facilities should have the right to refuse entry to people who cannot show that they have been fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. In fact, all businesses and workplaces should be able to do the same. While I deeply honour people’s personal rights, I also believe that no one has the right to infect me or the people I love, without our consent. 

This should be good news for lawyers. I can just picture the increased litigation from anti-vaxxers, who will insist that their rights are being violated because their movements are being restricted, but I do believe that our collective safety should be the first priority. 

When we get right down to it, the bottom line is this: The only way to effectively control the COVID-19 virus is through vaccination. Those who are frontline health care workers, exposed to those who are ill or vulnerable, must be vaccinated. There should be no choice. Other professionals have restrictions on what they can do, precisely because of what they do. Health care workers should be no different. And those that simply refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 on “principle” should also be prepared to accept the consequence for that decision.

It really is a matter of life and death.

Hugh Mackenzie has held elected office as a trustee on the Muskoka Board of Education, a Huntsville councillor, a District councillor, and mayor of Huntsville. He has also served as chairman of the District Muskoka and as chief of staff to former premier of Ontario, Frank Miller.

Hugh has served on a number of provincial, federal and local boards, including chair of the Ontario Health Disciplines Board, vice-chair of the Ontario Family Health Network, vice-chair of the Ontario Election Finance Commission, and board member of Roy Thomson Hall, the National Theatre School of Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada. Locally, he has served as president of the Huntsville Rotary Club, chair of Huntsville District Memorial Hospital, chair of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, president of Huntsville Festival of the Arts, and board member of Community Living Huntsville.

In business, Hugh Mackenzie has a background in radio and newspaper publishing. He was also a founding partner and CEO of Enterprise Canada, a national public affairs and strategic communications firm established in 1986.

Currently Hugh is president of C3 Digital Media Inc., the parent company of Doppler Online, and he enjoys writing commentary for Huntsville Doppler.

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  1. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Mr. Mackenzie; thank you, I agree with your thoughts on all immunized for the safety of community.
    Sorry, but this is another example of how DF and the provincial Conservative government Again lack the understanding of science and community health -that he would choose the wrong/inadequate side in this issue. Imagine what strong leadership, by example, from a Premier who could and would take such a stand and do so in the face of the anticipated criticism!

    Some comments re: criticism of WHO. Yes, there certainly are issues and concerns with their response and advice. However, in the midst of a current, active pandemic, science, medicine, and epidemiology are a rolling set of updated data and information – I accept that the message will repeatedly change too. There must be a review of the responsiveness and preparedness of the WHO- I expect that would be obvious. However, we are fortunate that there are those whose professions involve keeping focus on this virus, vaccines, and outcomes.

    DF Conservatives seem to be continually pulled in the direction of big business, big development, and away from adequate oversight, accountability in health/science – be it human health safety or environmental protections. The pattern repeats constantly. Business Conservatives are very comfortable in the marketplace, selling things – using public money from taxpayers. This appears to be commerce without a conscience. Thank you for reading.

  2. Brian Tapley says:

    No great need to say any more. It has all been said in the prior posts.

    Just get your vaccination please and like Polio, this virus will gradually get smaller and smaller an issue.

    Tell your friends, wherever they live, to do the same.

  3. Meg Jordan says:

    Well said Hugh. I truly appreciate your remarks because I recognize where you are coming from. You would not say these things lightly.

    As the leader of a public organization (a church) I was particularly struck by the following comment:

    “While most of us are feeling much more optimistic these days, the threat of another pandemic resurgence is very real and would have devastating consequences. We cannot allow that to happen.”

    Please, everyone, get yourselves vaccinated!! My health depends on your health and vice versa. We are all connected.

  4. Brian Howard says:

    Totally agree with Hugh Mackenzie as regards vaccinations.This is a National and of course Worldwide Health issue.Good for the Head of Seneca College for coming out strongly about the requirement of On campus students to be fully vaccinated.Also for the French Government to ban non vaccinated persons from Bars,Restaurants etc,etc.We need more Politicians with the “Guts” to do the right thing.Would Doug Ford agree to having a non vaccinated Personal Support worker attend his Mother in Law who resides in a Nursing Home.The current approach not only endangers non vaccinated individuals themselves but shows a total lack of consideration for others!.

  5. BJ BOLTAUZER says:

    Excellent article, Mr. Mackenzie. Great comments by Bill Beatty and Wendy J. Brown. Thank you all.

    So-called freedoms and rights of individuals to be stupid and selfish should never trump the rights of the community to be safe.

  6. Paul Whillans says:

    I don’t know why you would pick this battle. To single out the one group most masked and cautious about the spread of disease is simply a waste of whatever (digital) ink you spilled.

    I absolutely agree with most the commentators here, the issue is the unvaccinated at large. Come the fall, I will not allow service people who are not fully vaccinated in my home. I will not attend shopping, restaurants, indoor events where staff and other customers are not guaranteed fully vaccinated.

    I acknowledge that this may be extreme and certainly no business will cease to exist without money from me. But if I were to represent even 5% of like minded Ontarians, the economy can not fully recover.

    Those who chose not to be fully vaccinated make this a liberty issue as if someone will hold them down and vaccinate them. It is not. It is an issue of making adult choices with adult consequences. If you chose to not be vaccinated fine, but don’t be a vector for future mutations (which will ultimately effect me when my immunity has diminished). Do not be a carrier of the disease to our children. In short the unvaccinated need to either stay at home or wear an (approved) mask in public…..We need a vaccine passport to manage this and smart businesses need to cater to the 80% vaccinated and not the 20% who are prepared to toss the rest of society under the bus.

    All of which is to say… care workers are not the issue

  7. Wendy J Brown says:

    I agree with Mr Beatty, if anyone dosnt have the two shots they shouldn’t be allowed to be in areas with crowds of people. If you want an example watch the Olympics. And in my opinion if health care workers don’t get two shots they should be suspended. Seems to me all of the health care workers have jobs that basically pledge to do what they can to keep people healthy and alive.

  8. Bill Beatty says:

    Doug was also wrong when he said the Gov’t would not issue proof of complete vaccination .I for one will not attend indoor events with people who have made no effort to protect Me or themselves by refusing the free vaccine . It is not an infringement on anyone’s rights to have to show proof of health for admittance. Those venues that don’t care will not get My business , masks or no masks.
    A plastic card such as a health card or driver’s license issued by the Provincial Gov’t could contain this information and also be updated with booster shots or any other innoculations provided with Gov’t/ Taxpayer funds . I would be happy to pay an annual fee to have all My Gov’t info on one card .
    I would provide a vote for such an item , Doug !

  9. Jacquie Howell says:

    The press is our biggest spreader of miss information. After listening to the interview – The WHO representative was asked a question concerning BOOSTER shots and her reply indicated that most booster shots are a mixture of products and the WHO does not know if this is acceptable as they have not had sufficient research at this time…. We all have heard the reports and in spite of the National Advisory council and multiple Drs. saying taking mixed doses of the available approved shots in Canada the myth continues. Please encourage everyone to have their two shots – Polio, Measles, Small Pox, whooping cough was not cured it was eradicated by VACCINATION. We are back in another wave with 90% of those not COVID 19 vaccinated in hospital WE DO NOT WISH TO RETURN TO A LOCK DOWN Get your shots

  10. Jim Logagianes says:

    FYI The World Health Organization reported this week on national media that mixing vaccines is unwise. It’s hard to know who to believe any more. I guess you could trust our elected officials if you were so inclined. My wife ironically received her 2nd dose and followed the Canadian governments recommendation to accept any combination. Of course our government told us that this was based on sound medical advice even though the drug manufacturers were suggesting otherwise. Was mixing vaccines based on sound medical advise or desperation on the part of our federal government? Remember we were working with the Chinese to develop a vaccine in Canada. What could possibly go wrong trusting a communist regime, ?-(Little Potato)
    This is what happens when we elect people that are not qualified for the positions they are responsible for. We have a health minister with no medical background and a journalist for a finance minister need I say more. This is proof that there is no longer a vetting process in Canada it’s a popularity contest where merit means nothing. If your a visible minority you can avoid the vetting process all together inclusivity is our main objective.
    Ask someone who has lost their life to a massive vaccination initiative that has not been thoroughly tested prior to implementation. Of course you can’t do that because they died listening to sound advice. Could the mix messaging and the fear mongering be the real reason people are hesitant to receive a vaccine? Are Canadian press no longer holds our governments at all levels accountable. And now we spend exorbitant amounts of cash censoring and subsidizing the media in Canada. Money well spent while are health care system is on life support. Controlling the message is more important than saving lives. If they truly cared about Canadians they would invest heavily in healthcare to compensate for years of neglect and underfunding. They could equip every hospital in the country with modern diagnostic equipment so that Canadians could receive vital services in their own communities. This would eliminate the need to travel to hotspots for diagnostic treatments.
    Is it any wonder Canadians are starting to question everything this pandemic has brought upon us.

  11. Gary Magee MD says:

    INFANTILE PARALYSIS – a common and easily transmitted viral illness , especially during hot summer months. The disease causes severe illness, devastating crippling complications, and death in younger people. Not a newsworthy item any more. WHY ?
    -Because, this Public Health Menace is also known as — POLIO !.
    And most everyone has been vaccinated.
    As with DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS, WHOOPING COUGH – deadly crippling and killer diseases –
    – not newsworthy items any more – WHY ?
    Mass vaccination of the public – a cornerstone of pediatric medicine for children.
    And everyone benefits – health care resources can be returned to focus on the usual issues of maintenance and treatment of health conditions.