(Photo: @MarkGerretse/Twitter)

Leave Canada Day alone!

Hugh Mackenzie

This coming Friday is Canada Day. I have always believed it is a day to celebrate, to reflect on our many accomplishments as a nation, and a time to focus on our good fortune to live in the country that we do. When I was in public office, or involved in government, I would attend Canada Day celebrations and I still enjoy watching activities on Parliament Hill to mark our national holiday.

There are plenty of other days in the year when those opposed to government, or to our way of life, or to a particular cause, can express their viewpoints. But Canada Day, in my opinion, is not one of them.

That is why I think the so-called Canada Day Freedom Convoy expected in Ottawa over the Canada Day long weekend is a big mistake. It is led by many of the same people who led the truck convoy several months ago that literally occupied parts of Ottawa and caused so much disruption. Very likely this next demonstration will be better controlled than the last one, because of lessons learned. But these folks are not coming to our Capital to celebrate Canada Day; they are coming to disrupt it.

Sadly, they are being aided and abetted by a handful of self-serving politicians who should know better.

On social media earlier this week was a message by an entity that called itself “Canada Day Convoy.”  They said this. “Breaking: We just got off the phone with Pierre Poilievre and his team. He plans on meeting us in Ottawa on July 1st. Poilievre supports us 100%.”

Poilievre, who is a candidate for the Leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada and an alarming number of his caucus, have confirmed that they support the convoy and indeed, many of them met with convoy organizers in Ottawa, last week. In my view, they should all be ashamed of themselves.  

A political pundit and former colleague of mine, Peter Landry, with whom I seldom agree on partisan matters, did come close to hitting the nail on the head in this tweet. “Stop calling it a ‘freedom convoy’. It is an anti-freedom, fascist-like mob.”  A bit over the top perhaps but still in relation to the previous convoy and occupation in Ottawa, an element of truth.  We shall see shortly if it remains the truth.

Last week I wrote about leadership. Pierre Poilievre has not only associated himself with this so-called freedom movement, but he has also embraced it in his leadership campaign. Rather than leaning toward the dark side of Trumpism by giving lip service to peaceful protests while at the same time encouraging those who have shown past signs of civil disobedience, Poilievre could take a different stance. He should just say – NO!  Stay home. Let Canadians celebrate Canada Day. That would be true leadership but sadly we cannot expect it.

Last week, a caption in an article by Globe and Mail journalist Andrew Coyne said this: “The Vacuum at the centre of Canadian Politics: an incompetent, unethical government faces an intemperate, unhinged opposition.”

Think about that. Is that really where we are today?

In that same article, Coyne doubles down by saying: “What is needed, what is sorely lacking – is judgement: political, moral, intellectual. Judgement is the foundation of leadership and is the only way we’re going to get back to something resembling functional politics.”

Where is the judgement of Pierre Poilievre in encouraging a convoy movement with a history of civil disobedience and unrest on Canada Day?

Where is the judgement of a number of far-right Conservative politicians who encourage people who carry Confederate flags and hijack our own flag for a movement that, in reality, stands for anything but genuine freedom?

I am sure that at this point in reading, many of my Liberal friends are nodding their heads with a smile on their faces, and likely some of my Conservative friends have shaken theirs and tuned out. But to those on the Liberal side, not so fast! I happen to have a mad on right now about the real possibility of Pierre Poilievre becoming leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, but that does not let the Trudeau Government off the hook. The caption in Coyne’s article was pointed at both the Opposition as well as the Government.

Where is the leadership today from the Trudeau government? Where is the judgement?

Between soaring inflation, potential serious food supply shortages,  inordinate delays in delivering basic government services, unaffordable gas prices and an increased atmosphere of violence and fear, to the point where MPs have to wear panic buttons, Canada has seldom faced so many domestic challenges all at once.

Why isn’t Parliament sitting this summer to focus on these unresolved issues? Not a hybrid Parliament where insisting on accountability is more difficult, but an in-your-face Parliament where Opposition Parties can keep the Government’s feet to the fire, demanding real leadership, sound judgement and quick action.

Where is the leadership in cleaning up the unacceptable mess in passport offices and ridiculous holdups at airports?  We don’t need another foot-dragging task force to figure this out, Prime Minister. What we need is a shakeup and a butt-kicking coming from the top. We also need immediate relief for Canadians suffering from increasing inflation, and real fear for the future. Not talk, Prime Minister, not blaming others. Immediate relief!

Certainly, there are challenges facing Canada right now. The Trudeau government has the primary responsibility to deal with them and Canadians have every right to question their current effectiveness.

Conservatives, on the other hand, need to tamper down their embrace of the darker side of populism, which is ruled by anger and hate. They need to remember basic conservative principles such as the rule of law, compassion for the less fortunate, equality of opportunity, and fiscal integrity. That is leadership and judgement people will respect.

Meanwhile, Canadians need a day off from all of this, without having to naval gaze, apologize for past perceived misdeeds or endure the upheaval of organized, and disruptive demonstrations.

It is well deserved, so let’s give them that…..please!  Happy Canada Day!

Hugh Mackenzie

Hugh Mackenzie has held elected office as a trustee on the Muskoka Board of Education, a Huntsville councillor, a District councillor, and mayor of Huntsville. He has also served as chairman of the District of Muskoka and as chief of staff to former premier of Ontario, Frank Miller.

Hugh has also served on a number of provincial, federal and local boards, including chair of the Ontario Health Disciplines Board, vice-chair of the Ontario Family Health Network, vice-chair of the Ontario Election Finance Commission, and board member of Roy Thomson Hall, the National Theatre School of Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada. Locally, he has served as president of the Huntsville Rotary Club, chair of Huntsville District Memorial Hospital, chair of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, president of Huntsville Festival of the Arts, and board member of Community Living Huntsville.

In business, Hugh Mackenzie has a background in radio and newspaper publishing. He was also a founding partner and CEO of Enterprise Canada, a national public affairs and strategic communications firm established in 1986.

Currently, Hugh is president of C3 Digital Media Inc., the parent company of Doppler Online, and he enjoys writing commentary for Huntsville Doppler.

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  1. Phil Beacock says:

    There are some people here in this section need to get the facts. Everyone is entitled to there opinions and telling people to grow up, well I guess that says it all there now doesn’t Anna -Lise. That’s just ignorant and not nice of you, being a nurse really! Media well they only print what they want! Truckers kept this country going through the pandemic they didn’t even have a location to eat or have a bowel movement well we sat at home and ate our pies! Yes that’s a fact! Safe day to all first responders and to those defending my rights!!! Happy Canada Day everyone!


    “RIGHT ON” Anna -Lise !!! As a retired RPN I agree with you wholeheartedly. Also, Josephine should check her grammar or typing mistakes before submitting her comment.

    “HAPPY CANADA DAY EVERYONE” and stay safe !!!

  3. Jim Logagianes says:

    Mass surveillance , censorship, mass media funding are priorities at the Federal level. . I would rather have the money spent on a real priority our neglected understaffed underfunded and poorly managed health care system. Freedom of choice despite what some people think is and infringement on our rights.
    You can all feel comfort in the fact that it is now easier to access medically assisted suicide. A brilliant policy put forward by the caring folks in Ottawa.

  4. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    By the way, we have family relatives living in Ottawa, we had a first hand account of the threats, etc.
    So pretending all was well is a wishful illusion.

  5. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Josephine McClelland; It is difficult to set the notion of “terrorism and Fascism” aside when flags that are waved include the Swastika, the Southern States rebel flag (they lost the Civil War, remember?). Let alone, the “F… Trudeau” sign. All of these spill hate to me.

    As the measures for COVID have ALWAYs been about a public health, community-minded thinking to prevent illness transmission and death, your premise is skewed. Clearly, you have failed to understand the purpose of health measures during a raging pandemic. Many of us “gave up our individual rights” for a time to care about others. Following the law and guidelines in this instance was wise.

    Full disclosure, I am a retired registered nurse and a former public health nurse.

    Now I am going to say something you may not wish to hear, “grow up”. This is what adult, Canadian citizenship responsibility looks like. Freedoms were “temporarily” taken away for the good of us all.

  6. Josephine McClelland says:

    Once again I see your narrowminded comments thank god you hold no office. You are a disgrace to any rights and freedoms we have in this country. The Freedom Convoy was not at all anything to do with terrorism or Fascism. I’m afraid anyone who thinks so certainly not listening to the right sources of information. I’m certainly glad someone is including freedom in their campaign somebody definitely needs to. People so far have a right to choose how the like to celebrate Canada Day. For me there really isn’t much to celebrate as we’ve been in a dictatorship for about 3 years now and it is run by a Dick too. Until we learn to stop forcing others to do and think and say things we have nothing to celebrate as not any different than Russia or China. The Freedom Convoy was no anything to do with Fascism or prejudice they were trying to make sure we had food and other essential more than I can say for our government. While they were in Ottawa it was peaceful and respectful more than I can say for The District or other governments and Hugh Mackenzie who has not regard for anyone who thinks different than himself.

  7. Tom LeBlanc says:

    I am alarmed and ashamed about the growing hatred in our country. On the hospital road we are seeing a large black trailer with the word FREEDOM on the side. I believe we live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, a country where we are free to live safe, happy and healthy lives.

    Our son served in the Canadian Armed Forces and was deployed to Afghanistan for four tours. The women and girls of that country had no freedom! None!

    How can we compare freedom in Canada to that of Afghanistan or Ukraine. Very sad.

    To those who support the freedom convoy, I urge you to thank God for the freedom you enjoy at the cost of thousands of Canadian soldiers. You are free because of them. Not because they held the capital city of Canada hostage.

  8. Hugh Holland says:

    Thank you, Hugh. Yes this is a time to celebrate. I will be spending Canada Day being thankful for having the good fortune to be born in this wonderful country. I am in the third week of a 12-week recovery period from open heart surgery. That gives one lots to think about in the middle of the night. There is nothing like invasive surgery to focus the mind on what is truly important. 100 years ago, at age 82, I would have been blind, deaf, and probably dead. Now I have perfect vision, good hearing aids and a rebuilt ticker. The average heart beats 100,000 times a day or 3 billion times in 82 years. No man-made device can compare with that. I must thank Dr. David Mathies and Dr. Sanjay Jindal for the timely diagnosis, and the wonderful staff in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket for their excellent care.

    I understand that Andrew Coyne is under pressure to write something every day so the Globe can sell news. Some times he is good, but his statement about an incompetent and unethical federal government is as ridiculous and wrong as Poilievre and the so-called Freedom Convoy that have no idea what they are talking about. Perhaps the convoy could be forgiven their ignorance. Poilievre is simply exploiting that ignorance and he should know better.

    The GTA is one of the most successful pockets of diversity in the world. Those people are all here because of Canada’s longstanding reputation for freedom and opportunity, and we are lucky to have them. Talking to the very diverse staff and patient community at Southlake shows one that we are all human and what we can accomplish when we work together.

    The Trudeau and Ford Governments performed better than any other team in the G7 to keep our economy going and our families safe from the deadliest pandemic in the past 100 years. And that is in the midst of a long list of other formidable challenges. Now that is real freedom. All the other ongoing knit-picking is just petty nonsense. Happy Canada Day!

  9. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Mr. Mackenzie: believe me when I say, “I am not smiling or chuckling at all”. Instead, I am bone-chilled by what is going on in the US, and its spill over in Canada. First and foremost is maintaining order and peace on Parliament Hill for all of our parliamentarians and their staff. Once again, the people of Ottawa (visitors and citizens) need not suffer the violence, abuse (physical, verbal) of the mob’s behaviour.

    Can you just imagine if the COVID pandemic had been handled by a PP government? Individual rights over community building and protecting the vulnerable = horde mentality & chaos. So any notion of peace, order, and good government is relegated to a dream of the past. Very sad, no reason for glee.

  10. Susan Godfrey says:

    Agreed Hugh except for “apologize for perceived past misdeeds”; a little clarification seems necessary. Reflection and insight is not navel gazing..our history propels us to do better; be greater. I am very grateful to be born and raised in Canada and will celebrate that July 1st!

  11. Bob Bettson says:

    I was driving north from Toronto to celebrate the Eucharist at St. Edmunds Tobrrmory recently when I drove through Shelburne and saw a demonstration of flag waving people with placards demanding freedom. Curious. We are not living in dictatorship. We are not facing a foreign invader as those of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. How dare these protestors hijack our flag and threaten Canada Day. As Hugh says it is shocking that a prospective party leader and his supporters embrace this travesty. The freedom they want is to ignore the health and safety of their fellow Canadians. Shame on them. They are indeed a fringe minority.