By Peter Rhead
Examples of responses to Jacoby Two No-Trump
Last week we introduced Jacoby 2NT responses. This 2NT bid is all about the choice between game and possible slam.
This week we have examples of your hands where you consider which response to use after your 2NT and then partner’s bid.
Case 1:
Spades Axx
Hearts AKxx
Diamonds xxxx
Clubs KQ
Case 1: Your partner opens One Heart. With your sixteen points and four-card Heart support, you should bid 2NT. This tells partner that you have an opening hand and support for his suit and that you want to check for slam. Partner bids Three Diamonds showing first round control (FRC) in Diamonds denying FRC in Clubs which he skipped over (bid up the line). You bid Three Spades showing FRC in Spades. Partner bids Four Hearts saying he has no other FRC. Since you now know you are missing the Club Ace, you make the decision whether to go looking for slam or PASS for game.
Case 2:
Spades Axxxx
Hearts A
Diamonds Kxxx
Clubs Kxx
Case 2: Again partner opens One Heart. You bid One Spade. You do not have support for Hearts so you cannot bid Jacoby 2NT. This time with fifteen points, including one length point, you know you have game and maybe slam. So you just make the One Spade forcing bid and wait to see what opening partner now bids.
Case 3:
Spades KQxx
Hearts KQ
Diamonds xxxx
Clubs Axx
Case 3: Partner opens One Spade. With this responding hand you are pretty sure of a partnership game and maybe even slam. You have the four-card support for Spades so you bid Jacoby 2NT. Now partner knows to bid first round control (FRC) up the line. He bids Three Diamonds indicating he does not have FRC in Clubs. You respond Four Clubs skipping Hearts in which you do not have FRC. Now that partner knows neither partner has FRC of Hearts, if he just bids Four Spades indicating no interest in slam, you make the final decision. In this case just PASS.
For more information, read “Jacoby 2NT” by Barbara Seagram in 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know, page 83.
Next Week: More Examples of Responding to Jacoby 2NT.
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