By Valerie Rhead
If you have less than opening points, as few as seven or eight, but have a good six card suit in diamonds, hearts or spades, you may make an opening weak-two bid. You can’t open a weak-two bid in clubs because the two-club bid shows a very strong hand. This weak-two bid often results in achieving good contracts and it is also a good defensive manoeuvre because it interferes with the opponent’s bidding. Many new players find this bid appealing and adopt it quickly.
However, many new players forget that this is a weak bid. If you have a six-card suit and opening points, you open at the one level. Also, if you have opened with a weak-two bid, you are weak. Don’t bid again unless forced by your partner.
The partner of a player who has opened with a weak-two must also remember that his partner is weak. His partner doesn’t have opening points. So, the responder needs about 16 points to go to game. The responder may raise the bid to the three level if he has at least three of his partner’s suit. This is not an invitation to game. It is extending the pre-empt in an effort to block the opponents’ bidding. The opening bidder does not bid again. With a nine-card fit, even with low points, often this contract can be made. Even if you do go down, your opponents will likely get a lower score than if they had bid and made a part score or game in their suit.
A final point. Make sure that if you’re playing with a new partner that he plays weak two-bids.
The Muskoka Duplicate Bridge Club (Bracebridge) meets at the Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Taylor Road 7pm Monday evenings. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before game time. For information or partnerships, call Brian at 705-645-5340 [email protected]
The following results are for Monday, Aug 31 with 17 tables playing a Mitchell movement. Congratulations to Art Insley and Don Evans for their 71% game! North-South 1. David Bryce and Bob Schives; 2. Sue Scott and Pat Davies; 3. Betty Fagin and Brian Brocklehurst; 4. Carol Anne Robinson and Nancy Barber; East-West 1. Art Insley and Don Evans 2. Liz Barnes and Lyn Walisser; 3. Beth Henderson and Tom Dyke; 4. Marilyn Kalbfleisch and Danny Schamehorn
Games for the Huntsville Duplicate Bridge Club are Tuesday evening 7:15, Trinity United Church 33 Main Street. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early. Call Betty 705-789-2560 [email protected] or Susan at 705-789-7156 [email protected] for information and partnerships.
The following results are for Tuesday, Sep 1 with 13 tables playing a Mitchell movement. North-South 1. Mary Simonett and Kel Andresen; 2. Bob Schives and Bruce Elliott; 3. Val Rhead and Peter Rhead; 4. Jim Smith and Ralph Mitchell; East-West 1. Mary Whitehead and Helen Pearson; 2. Liz Barnes and Pat Davies; 3. Susan Marshall and Betty Bennett; 4. Barb Green and Joanne Garvey