Huntsville’s Culture Days events offered a range of activities for all tastes and abilities. Live mannequins entertained shoppers from the windows of Main Street shops. Behind-the-scenes tours gave spectators a view they aren’t normally privy to. And an abundance of activities, demonstrations, and displays offered exposure to a variety of arts and culture. We captured a few photos from around town during the weekend.
- Teri Souter explains the significance of a photo of Jack Bionda and Don Lough in the Good Sports tour
- The Road to Ryde barn quilt exhibit in the Canada Summit Centre includes large-scale painting of the quilt patterns
- Lochlan Stead plays piano during the Algonquin Theatre Behind-The-Curtain tour
- Inside the Seiler grand piano at the Algonquin Theatre
- The Huntsville Festival of the Arts encouraged Culture Days participants to Paint to Music
- How important are Arts and Culture to you? I vote for Arts & Culture pins were available for the taking.How important are Arts and Culture to you?
- Acorns made from dyed wool at Pam Carnochan’s Woolworks studio
- A found object art installation outside the Huntsville Train Station
- Kalei Huddlestone tries out a hand drill at the Heritage Hand Tools display at the Huntsville Train Station
- Suzuki School of Music students play on the steps of Town Hall
- Diannah Benson demonstrates calligraphy
- Mayor Scott Aitchison tries his hand at candlemaking at Soapstones. Photo by Teri Souter.
- The ghost of Tom Thomson reads from his journal at Civic Square