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COVID-19 in Simcoe Muskoka: By the numbers

Note: the health unit will provide updated data weekly on Thursday for COVID numbers in Muskoka only.

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Last updated June 14, 2022

Weekly case counts for Simcoe Muskoka (June 5-11)

New cases: 215
(Active cases as of June 14: 262)

New hospitalizations: five
(Active hospitalizations as of June 13: 14, including one in ICU)

New deaths: one (499 to date)

Percent positivity rate (for the week ending June 5)

The percentage of completed COVID-19 tests that are positive for the COVID-19 virus during the specified period.

Muskoka: 7.5 per cent (up 3.6 per cent over the previous week)

Simcoe County: 7.3 per cent (down 0.0 per cent)

Ontario: 8.4 per cent (down 0.2 per cent)

Hospitalizations and deaths by immunization status for Simcoe Muskoka

For this period, the rate of COVID-19 hospitalizations among the unvaccinated population aged 12 and older is three times higher, the rate of ICU admissions is five times higher, and the rate of deaths is three times higher compared with those with two or more doses of vaccine.

*The information below include data from December 12, 2021 onward. Average weekly rates are shown.

Number of COVID-19 hospitalizations (age 12+) as of June 14*:

  • Fully vaccinated: 392
  • Partially vaccinated: 14
  • Unvaccinated or vaccinated with one dose less than 14 days: 136

COVID-19 hospitalization rate per 100,000 population (all ages) as of June 14*:

  • Fully vaccinated: 3.32
  • Partially vaccinated: 4.57
  • Unvaccinated or vaccinated with one dose less than 14 days: 8.80

Number of COVID-19 ICU admissions (age 12+) as of June 14*:

  • Fully vaccinated: 45
  • Partially vaccinated: <5
  • Unvaccinated or vaccinated with one dose less than 14 days: 30

COVID-19 ICU admission rate per 100,000 population (age 12+) as of June 14*:

  • Fully vaccinated: 0.38
  • Partially vaccinated: NR
  • Unvaccinated or vaccinated with one dose less than 14 days: 1.90

Number of COVID-19 deaths (age 12+) as of June 14:*

  • Fully vaccinated: 150
  • Partially vaccinated: <5
  • Unvaccinated or vaccinated with one dose less than 14 days: 58

COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 population (age 12+) as of June 14*:

  • Fully vaccinated: 1.27
  • Partially vaccinated: NR
  • Unvaccinated or vaccinated with one dose less than 14 days: 4.0


Note: On Friday, April 8, SMDHU adjusted this data to include vaccinated residents who were assigned to the incorrect public health unit in the province’s COVax database.

Muskoka residents age 5 and older

  • First dose: 55,384 (85.0 per cent)
  • Second dose: 53,699 (82.4 per cent)
  • Third dose (ages 12 and older): 35,894 (58.5 per cent)

Simcoe Muskoka residents age 5 and older

  • First dose: 503,737 (85.9 per cent)
  • Second dose: 487,323 (83.1 per cent)
  • Third dose: 296,705 (50.6 per cent)
  • Fourth dose: 62,152

Active long-term care/hospital outbreaks in Muskoka:


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  1. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Hi Brian. It’s because the number of people vaccinated is much, much higher than the number of unvaccinated. The vaccinated are still much less likely to land in hospital, but because there are so many more people who are vaccinated, if even a small percentage of them are hospitalized then the number of vaccinated individuals in hospital may be higher compared to the number of unvaccinated individuals in hospital. The rate is relative to the size of each group. (And note that the numbers listed here are a weekly average.)

  2. Brian Tapley says:

    Can anyone explain the totally counter intuitive numbers published?
    How can the total number of admissions, for example, be much greater for the “fully vaccinated” than for the “unvaxed” and yet the rate per 100,000 is the exact reverse of these numbers with the vaccinated being much less likely to be admitted to hospital?
    I don’t see how this is possible but this has been the case for a long time in the published numbers.

  3. Brenda Begg says:

    From all accounts, clearly, we are not out of the woods. There are staffing shortages at some hospitals. Covid related. There are cancelled/postponed procedures and surgeries. Covid related. There are hospital staff who are burned out and are quitting. Covid related. There are a significant number of staff shortages, daily, at some hospitals. Covid related. There are supply teacher shortages; who wants to supply teach in a classroom with 25+ children who may not be masked/ inadequate ventilation and/or physical distancing is not possible? Not me! There are staff shortages in every sector. Covid related.

    Alarmingly, there are people who are experiencing Covid after effects such as fatigue, pain, internal damage. Heart/cardiovascular damage, brain fog. These are people who had a MILD case of Covid. A. MILD. Covid. Case.

    It seems that complacency is becoming more common. People are Covid weary. I get it. They are taking more and more risks (‘calculated risks’ seems to be the term). They want to do this. They want to do that. That’s understandable. However, the infectious disease specialists and other medical community members are professing that the huge increase in Covid cases is due to our behaviour. Our hospitals and staff cannot be expected to survive under such duress. The Science community is asking that we limit our contacts, wear a mask (they are saying N95), physical distance… We all know the drill.

  4. Brenda Begg says:

    This is welcome news, in my opinion. I’ve just received notice “that as of today (APRIL 12 2022) at Noon, all Town Hall staff must wear masks when in close contact with other people or patrons.” This includes volunteers.

  5. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Hi Brian,
    The health unit publishes average weekly rates, which includes data from July 18 onward.

  6. Brian Tapley says:

    How can the numbers be
    Hospitalizaitons Fully vaxed = 271 and Non vaxed = 220 then translate to a Rate per 100,000 of Fully vaxed 1.72 and Non vaxed = 6.95?
    There is something not being clearly stated here as one would never arrive at the rate per 100.000 with the raw numbers given here.
    Same for Deaths. Fully vaxed = 114 and Non vaxed = 65 yet the rate per 100,000 is again completely non compatible with these numbers being Fully vaxed = .72 and Non vaxed = 2.05?

    The rates per 100,000 make some sense but the raw numbers will neither make the rate per 100,000 come to be nor do they make any sense at first glance.

    What is going on with these statistics?

  7. Brian Dingle says:

    A significant percentage of people, even those vaccinated (perhaps especially if you are considering those without symptoms) will become infected in the nose, throat, upper respiratory tract. The vaccine appears to be best at reducing serious illness and death (which also reduces spread, since the patients isolate at home, not in the hospital). It seems to me that we should relax mask restrictions only when the incidence of cases in the region drops to a certain low number.
    I wish public health leaders would come to a consensus of what that number would be, and let us all know. We could probably switch up and down with precautions as needed (code green, yellow, red etc), since everybody is getting good at this.
    Having such a goal would be a great relief, and knowing that our actions in response to the status of cases in our community could actually change the status up or down might engage more people (if we aren’t engaged already!)

  8. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Barbara, I’ll assume you’re referring to the number of deaths, since that’s the only number here where the vaccinated number is currently higher than unvaccinated. There are two things to note: Omicron is highly transmissible and while vaccination offers protection against it, people who are vaccinated can still become infected, and there are a vastly greater number of people vaccinated than unvaccinated. So the telling number is the rate (or percentage of) people being hospitalized or dying in each category. As reported yesterday by the health unit, while the number of deaths is higher among vaccinated people (71 vs 48 deaths among the vaccinated and unvaccinated respectively), the rate of death is higher among unvaccinated people: .59 per 100,000 vaccinated people vs 2.03 per 100,000 unvaccinated people. Based on current data, the rate of hospitalization is five times higher, the rate of ICU admissions is 10 times higher, and the rate of deaths is three times higher for the unvaccinated population over the age of 12 within our health unit compared with those with two or more doses of vaccine.

  9. Barbara Ketchabaw says:

    Repeat of the above question. “Shouldn’t the unvaccinated numbers be higher than the vaccinated?
    I am wondering if the numbers have been reversed, or is it the case that omicron is spreading more rapidly in the vaccinated?
    I’m a bit confused.”

  10. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Hi Linda,
    The health unit’s published data on positivity rate is not current (the most recent data is for the week of Jan. 23). When those numbers are updated, we’ll add them back in.

  11. Linda Hollin says:

    I am well aware that sharing actual case numbers is no longer relevant, (due to the now limited criteria for testing) but why did we not get the latest positivity rate in this week’s article?

  12. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    To Mr. Ralph Cliffe;
    Health is primarily under provincial jurisdiction. I do agree with you in feeling unsafe at times, but it is with the inadequate leadership of Doug Ford and the Ontario Conservative party – they call most of the direction, including how much is reported to the public. Good luck if an area in the province wishes to impose stricter measures – they may end up being censured by Ford’s Medical Officer of Health.

    Ontario appointee, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Keirnan Moore (?sp) still can recommend certain actions – it is up to Ford Conservatives whether they agree to it or not. Handling a pandemic is not for the faint of heart – no question. DF has behaved repeatedly as if he has learned very, very little from each pandemic Wave. If you need back up evidence of less than adequate provincial health leadership, watch Jason Kenney in Alberta.

  13. Brenda Begg says:

    Anna-Lise: I agree. The move from the Health Unit to not provide the public by municipality about Covid case numbers (based on the province’s decision to limit testing to only high-risk individuals) is not in our best interests. I appreciate and understand that under the circumstances – numbers reported are not accurate. However, some people may become complacent because there is NO data to indicate the severity. I find it even more disconcerting that parents/caregivers of school children won’t have access to what is happening with Covid cases in schools. But, hey, what do we know as a retired nurse (you) and a retired primary teacher (me)?

  14. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    “Effective January 12, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) is no longer providing details on COVID-19 cases by municipality due to the province’s decision to limit testing to only high-risk individuals. This incomplete data would not provide an accurate snapshot of transmission in the community. See below for other regional statistics.”

    NOT Great News about the reporting changes in Ontario. This will also minimize the reporting of what is happening with COVID infections in schools. Why are Ontarians not allowed to know this information?

    Have we become so complacent about COVID that we now tie the hands of public health people to provide us with the best information they can? The appearance of this DF Conservative move is to diminish concern — by not reporting the information?????????

    Reminds me of the shortened Canada census form in the SH Government. Only, this move has greater consequences.

  15. Gabrielle Andersen says:


    Shouldn’t the unvaccinated numbers be higher than the vaccinated?
    I am wondering if the numbers have been reversed, or is it the case that omicron is spreading more rapidly in the vaccinated?
    I’m a bit confused.

  16. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Thanks, Jon. The post has been updated.

  17. Jon Bionda says:

    I like the simple presentation of the stats on this page, but think I found an error/typo. The immunization percentages for Simcoe Muskoka residents aged 12+ seemed low so I checked SMDHU website and your exact numbers are listed for Total Population. First dose of 12+ is 88% now.

    Also, the rates and raw numbers by vax status for new cases and hospitalizations are given as of a particular date (currently Nov 29), but doesn’t say over what period of time. The SMDHU website luckily still had a chart with your same numbers that says they are from the most recent 8-week period. It would be helpful to add this info near the top of this section.

  18. Brenda Begg says:

    To Carolyn Clark: we didn’t go downtown. I don’t know the answer to people who refuse to mask when asked to, in this scenario. Interestingly, I heard a tv host divulge that she recently went to a Toronto Mall and there were many people unmasked! What do you do? I would leave. I would also attempt to contact the mall manager to inform him/her as to why I was not patronizing that mall. Of our Huntsville restaurants that enforce proof of double vaccination and i.d., Tall Trees, Swiss Chalet, Chuck’s Roadhouse, Three Guys and a Stove do. These are the only ones we’ve frequented. Please, please, ask for i.d. and proof of double vaccination. We’ve come so far and don’t want to go into ‘Lockdown’ again. Get the jab, get the booster when you qualify, mask, physically distance, stay within your own household or bubble. Refrain from taking calculated risks. Don’t assume that you’re ‘safe’. We aren’t out of the woods yet.

  19. Ralph Cliffe. says:

    Right now I am feeling very unlucky!
    Justin Trudeau is the man leading us into battle
    to fight the new Omicron virus.
    Between him and ignorant people I don’t feel very safe!

  20. Carolyn Clark says:

    As Brenda said the Canvas event was well organized although a little “close”. What was “stupid”were the number of people on Main Street who chose to go without masks in spite of the signs asking you to wear one!
    I’m sure it was a tough call for the organizers and vendors who have been preparing for some time!
    Individuals must take more responsibility and not just assume that our shots will totally protect us!

    Unfortunately our provincial government has been irresponsible in suggesting that January or March might be end dates. How “stupid” is that when no one knows when the next variant might skew all our beliefs .

  21. Brenda Begg says:

    My husband and I attended “that market” on Saturday held inside Canvas Brewery. BTW: we are not risk takers when it comes to our health. People were required to provide contact information, answer the standard Covid questions, show proof of double vaccination, plus i.d. There was hand sanitizer available at the entrance. And, of course, everyone had to wear a mask. We didn’t see anyone there without a mask on (except the patrons at the bar). It was very well organized (thank you, Rachel) and booths were not one on top of the other. The atmosphere was festive. The merchandise for sale at the booths was tastefully displayed and the vendors were very friendly and welcoming. We would definitely go back; a summer market at Canvas Brewery would be lovely. Thank you to everyone who had a booth, to the organizers, and to the professional Canvas Brewery staff. “That market” made our day!

  22. Wendy Brown says:

    Ok the cases are higher here atm than they have been since this started. So what do they do they have that market on the weekend, how stupid was that. Give it a couple of weeks and the cases will be much higher.

  23. Brenda Begg says:

    It is disheartening, frustrating, and darn scary to hear that there are now 17 active cases of Covid (Spruce Glen). 17! We shall keep the affected and their families in our prayers.
    Like Harolyn Hussain, I do wonder – at what point does a school shut down?

  24. Harolyn Hussain says:

    I hope they have shut Spruce Glen down for the time being !!! Now we will probably have to worry about a stronger variant with the new, stronger spreading “Omicron” !!! Wear the mask, get vaccinated and stay safe!!!

  25. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Hi Wilma,
    The school board reports only the cases that are active, while the health unit reports the total number of cases confirmed in the outbreak from the time it was declared. The number we have used is the health unit’s.

  26. Wilma Brown says:

    COVID-19 Advisory School Status On TLDSB site shows the accurate count of cases. VK Greer does not have 13 cases and Spruce Glen has 11.

  27. Brenda Begg says:

    To John Lacey: I agree. There are some people who feel invincible because they’ve had 2 shots. They’ve become complacent. I understand that; it’s been a long haul. Most certainly we do need to continue to be cautious with whom and where we mingle, continue to mask, keep our hands away from our faces, sanitize/wash our hands, physically distance, and get the jab including any recommended Booster shots. Covid mutates. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

  28. John Lacey says:

    What is it with some of these people in Huntsville? Did we all of a sudden feel we are invincible because we have had both shots or none. Wake up people and use your head. Be more cautious and aware of groups and wear your masks. We can only beat the pandemic together.

  29. Dawn Huddlestone, Managing Editor says:

    Thanks for catching that typo, Murray. It’s been corrected.

  30. Murray Christenson says:

    How is it that 75.9% of Simcoe Muskoka residents have had their first shot while 80% have had both shots?.

  31. Tami Kegley says:

    I think our leaders clearly understand the issue at hand. As such, we have been provided the necessary vaccines to get the job done. That is on each and every one of us as responsible members of the community. I challenge all who have yet to get their second jab to do so as soon as permitted. I would just add that our health unit should continue to seek getting doses to those who may be home bound or otherwise unable to get to a pharmacy or vaccination pop up.

    Flu vaccines will also be available soon. In our household we will be fully innoculated and wearing our masks in the appropriate circumstances. It is the least we can do to keep each other safe and our businesses open and functioning, not to mention protecting children under 12 and others unable to receive the jab.

    I am really quite proud of how we have done to this point. Let’s keep up the good work!

  32. margrethe ruddock says:

    With all the vaccine information, it is really important that all of us in Huntsville try our best to keep each safe from Covid 19 and The Delta Varient. It is now really important that all over 12 years of age get fully Covid vaccinated to protect all our children younger than 12 who can not get vaccinated yet. ????????

  33. BJ BOLTAUZER says:

    Very good comment, Ralph Cliffe. But you expect too much of our “leaders”. Our leaders, and leaders across the world, are politicians. And as such they care only about themselves and their careers.

  34. Ralph Cliffe says:

    Don’t take your mask off yet, Canadians should be ‘more cautious’
    with Delta variant spreading, experts say
    Now if only our leaders understand the situation?