Referring to themselves as the Muskoka Chamber of Commerce, Peter Matthews and Gord Haig appeared before Huntsville Council on February 27, 2017, cap in hand, asking the Town for its annual $5,000 contribution to the Port Sydney, Utterson and Area Chamber of Commerce.
“As stated in your agenda, this is a deputation from Muskoka Chamber of Commerce. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify facts regarding our position with Muskoka Chamber of Commerce,” said Matthews. He said discussions took place last summer to see if a Muskoka-wide organization could be formed which would comprise all Muskoka chambers as well as organizations dedicated to helping businesses such as Muskoka Futures, Muskoka Tourism and Muskoka Small Business Centre.
Matthews said that after several meetings it was determined that there was not enough interest from a majority of the chambers to proceed. “As the Bracebridge Chamber was interested in the initiative we continued to talk to them to see how we might proceed. Unfortunately there have been misquotes made by individuals and the media, who are not associated with our organization. We are and we will continue to operate as Port Sydney, Utterson and Area Chamber of Commerce with our office located in Port Sydney bearing our name.”
Matthews also said the chamber would continue planning community events and the Canada Day celebrations it hosts every year.
“Okay. Let’s have the facts here. Are you now a member of the Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce,” asked Councillor Brian Thompson. “No, we are still the Port Sydney, Utterson and Area Chamber of Commerce,” responded Gord Haig, a director with that chamber. “I’ve been asked many times over the years, why don’t you join Huntsville. I’ve been through those discussions often and it’s the same reason why we wouldn’t just go and join Bracebridge, it’s that our membership just doesn’t want it. Our membership has not voted on becoming Muskoka Chamber. They just gave us permission to go and talk,” said Haig, adding that there is still interest in a Muskoka-wide chamber where each chamber keeps its local identity and plans local events, but for the time being nothing has changed.

Huntsville Councillor Brian Thompson
“So how did this news come out because it didn’t really impress a lot of people around this table quite frankly, to hear that you had joined the Bracebridge chamber,” added Thompson.
Haig said confusion may have occurred because the Port Sydney, Utterson and Area Chamber of Commerce did not organize the last Port Sydney Winter Carnival due to lack of volunteers and fear of running the event at a loss, so the chamber decided to let someone else organize it. “So the Port Syndey Parks and Rec did… and as far as I’m aware they did very well and good for them. But unfortunately the organizer for the events spoke to a reporter from the newspaper saying ‘Port Sydney is joining Bracebridge. Port Sydney is no longer doing events, Port Syndey is just doing, you know, business stuff’ and this is totally untrue. And this person is not part of our organization… the paper never checked with us to check facts and it’s most unfortunate. It upset a lot of people in our community,” he added.
“So you’re saying there was fake news,” asked Thompson. “Exactly,” responded Haig.
The discussions got a little more confusing still when Deputy Mayor Karin Terziano asked about the Muskoka Chamber of Commerce and both Mathews and Haig noted there is no Muskoka Chamber of Commerce on the heels of Matthews’ opening remarks saying they were there as representatives of the Muskoka Chamber of Commerce and the Town’s own agenda for the meeting stating that the delegation was from Muskoka Chamber of Commerce.
Once the delegation left, later in the meeting, further discussions took place on the issue.
Councillor Jason FitzGerald spoke in favour of the chamber and said they do good things in the community, but suggested that like the Huntsville/Lake of Bays Chamber of Commerce, council could ask them to come up with a plan and explain the value the Town is getting for its contribution. “In essence, I would support it this year but I think moving forward we should have them [be] more accountable,” he said. “Further to that, I think that being a small chamber I think that if they were counting on those funds and they didn’t receive those funds it would have a very negative impact on them as a chamber and corresponding negative impact on their membership, which I think would hurt the Utterson, Port Sydney area and the small businesses that rely on their services,” added FitzGerald.
“They may have fallen victim to something that was out of their control,” said Councillor Jonathan Wiebe, who added that the Town should keep the money in the budget as promised for 2017 and consider how those funds are allocated in future.
“It would appear that they have aligned themselves with the Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce and I have a really hard time helping to fund them if they’re helping to promote Bracebridge in some manner,” argued Councillor Bob Stone.
“They haven’t dissolved their board and become part of the Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce who are now declaring themselves the Muskoka Chamber of Commerce, which may be the height of arrogance… if we take them at their word they’re still the Port Sydney, Utterson and Area Chamber of Commerce so that relationship between us and them hasn’t changed,” said Mayor Scott Aitchison. “If council would like a little more assurance about that, that’s fine. I don’t think we should criticize anybody for working with partner municipalities in the many ways we do now as a municipal corporation.”
Thompson said at the start of the meeting he was prepared to oppose the $5,000 funding request, but given the clarification offered by both Matthews and Haig he was now willing to reverse his decision.
They were very clear and very believable in what they were saying. If they break ranks and midway through the season join Bracebridge or some other chamber of commerce, then of course we’ll have egg on our face, or I will have egg on my face, but I have sort of a conviction at this point that I think they were very sincere and I think we should keep the $5,000… keep it in the budget for them. Huntsville Councillor Brian Thompson regarding confusion as to whether the Port Sydney, Utterson and Area Chamber of Commerce had joined Bracebridge
Terziano agreed but said going into 2018 the arrangement should be re-examined. “By their admission 90 per cent of their members are from Huntsville so are we funding the same members in two different chambers and should we be encouraging one chamber and one funding model, and Port Sydney could still do what they want to do,” she questioned.
“Just to satisfy the fears, 90 per cent were taxpayers of Huntsville of which Utterson and Port Sydney are a part of,” added FitzGerald.
Councillor Nancy Alcock said she too thought the delegation was sincere and deferred to Councillor FitzGerald, who represents the area, and said if he supports it, she would too.
In the end council agreed to keep the $5,000 earmarked for the Port Sydney Chamber of Commerce in its 2017 budget. You can find Doppler’s earlier story on this issue here.
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Port Sydney and Utterson are Huntsville….. it was a fight long ago to have the students of Port Sydney and Utterson attend HHS….and with the District of Muskoka forming in 1972…. Port Sydney and Utterson became Huntsville!!! Huntsville is a wonderful town!!! Let’s work together!!!
Hugh, Councillor Bob Stone asked whether they had sought funding from the Town of Bracebridge. The delegation responded that they had not.
Did anyone ask the Port Sydney Chamber folks if they were also asking for or accepting grants from the Bracebridge Chamber aka Muskoka Chamber?