This holiday season marks Community Living Huntsville’s 10th annual children’s Christmas giveaway.
CLH staff noticed that many families supported by their children’s services department were struggling around Christmas time and wanted to both ease the burden and make their holidays a little brighter.
“Our children’s services team of dedicated elves will arrange to meet with the families or drop off the gifts to them before Christmas so they will have them Christmas morning,” said Stacey Bullock, CLH’s manager, children and youth services. “We have families that we support that are like many families in Muskoka – struggling with housing and food costs, the stress and social isolation of COVID, and juggling work with supporting a child who needs parents to be flexible and available and may have challenges.”
Popular items on the kids’ wish lists right now are Lego, superheroes, cars, trucks and trains, Disney princesses, and sensory items like fidgets.
The team has found that sometimes teenaged boys can be difficult to buy for so items like hats and gloves, wallets, and gift cards are appreciated.
A mom that CLH supported last year told the organization, “I did so well in holding back the tears in front of you. Started unpacking the car and just couldn’t help but crying at the generosity of your toy drive. I am so very touched and feel very blessed. I am so excited for my boys this Christmas and I am blown away by their generosity.”
CLH is asking that the gifts please be unwrapped so that the parents can feel part of making a special Christmas morning for their kids. However, if you want to donate gifts for the parents, please wrap those.
To get involved, contact Stacey Bullock at [email protected] if you would like to know specific age and gender ideas for toys. The toys can then be dropped off at the CLH office at 99 West Road. To make a general donation online, visit
“As a part of the Community Living child and youth services team, I am always so amazed by the support we receive from our community each holiday season,” said Caitlin Griffin, resource consultant at CLH. “With COVID-19, it has taken such a toll on all of us, especially the children we support. Being able to help provide so much joy during this time is the greatest blessing. I thank our community with all of my heart, we couldn’t do it without you!”
Donated toys need to arrive at CLH by December 17 so that they can be delivered in time for Christmas eve.
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