Huntsville Mayor Scott Aitchison gathered organizing members of the Mayor’s Charity Golf [...]
Tamara de la Vega
Town’s budget subcommittee proposes pumping an estimated $2 million into roads this year
There’s been a lot of talk about roads lately as council prepares its 2016 budget. Armed with a [...]
Local author hopes to engage youth on issues of sustainability in first book
Port Sydney’s Matt Richter is taking a bold new step into the unknown. He’s embarking on what [...]
Fire college for Huntsville?
Huntsville/Lake of Bays Fire Chief Steve Hernen has a plan up his sleeve. He’s hoping to start [...]
Tough times ahead, warns Huntsville CAO
Council has a very tough time ahead of it, Town of Huntsville CAO Denise Corry told members of [...]
There’s a sweet project afoot in Huntsville – pending council’s approval
If local beekeeper Craig Nakamoto gets his way, Huntsville students and community members at [...]
Local resident recognized as champion of accessibility rights
Debbie Kirwin was given a big thank you for all that she does to ensure that the Town of [...]
Deerhurst GM says biggest challenge to implementing a Destination Marketing Fee is finding common ground among operators
Earlier this week Doppler reported that Councillor Bob Stone hasn’t given up on the idea [...]
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