I don’t often quote Metroland newspapers but this one, in a recent editorial that was sent to [...]
Hugh Mackenzie
Listen Up! Thoughts on electoral reform | Commentary
Every once in a while you hear a hue and cry for election reform, usually shortly after an [...]
Listen Up! Proud to be Canadian, eh? | Commentary
I am writing this commentary on Canada Day and as I do so, I am reminded of quotes from three [...]
Listen Up! Why can’t we talk? | Commentary
Photo: This woman was seen standing in Flag Park in Huntsville today, holding a sign which read [...]
Listen Up! Stupid is as stupid does | Commentary
Stupid is as stupid does. It was Forrest Gump (or his Mama) who first said that in a 1994 movie [...]
Listen Up! Time to lower the temperature | Commentary
Last week, the Speaker of the House in Canada’s Parliament, Anthony Rota, finally laid down the [...]
Listen Up! In our changing world | Commentary
Few people would argue that our world has not changed in the past few years, especially [...]
Listen Up! Ready or not? | Commentary
One of Canada’s longest-serving mayors, Hazel McCallion, must be strutting around heaven with a [...]
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