It never occurred to me, that a time would come when I was fed up, indeed disgusted with [...]
Hugh Mackenzie
Listen Up! Quebec’s Bill 21 is a great threat to Canadian identity
It is that time of year again when most of us celebrate how fortunate we are to be Canadians.
Listen Up! Premier Ford’s reset might just work
It was time for a reset; the right thing for a Premier to do after a year in Government, and to [...]
Listen Up! What motivates people to seek public office in today’s toxic, populist, unproductive political climate?
Perhaps it’s just the lousy weather we have had this Spring, but I am having a hard time [...]
Listen Up! If there is such a thing as a dirty word, genocide tops the list
In the five years or so that I have been writing my weekly column Listen Up!, I have tried to [...]
Listen Up! There are more important things than beer
It was Queen Victoria who said something like this. “Give my people beer. Give them good beer. [...]
Listen Up! The government should not be giving money to independent news organizations
Every once in a while, I get really tired of governments messing around in things they really [...]
Listen Up! I’m glad I caught Steve Paikin’s interview with Tony Clement
I am a big-time fan of Steve Paikin. He is an anchor on TV Ontario, a government owned outlet [...]
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