Fewer than nine months have passed since the last federal election and yet every bone in my [...]
Hugh Mackenzie
Listen Up! Don’t make the cure worse than the disease | Commentary
In many ways, the last four months have been traumatizing. Our lives have been disrupted and [...]
Listen Up! Proud to be Canadian | Commentary
How important is the United Nations? Is it still relevant and effective? Does it need [...]
Listen Up! Beware the pendulum | Commentary
In the midst of a pandemic, combined with a period of civil unrest and political uncertainty, [...]
Listen Up! Never Trump | Commentary
Some pollster last week, obviously with too much time on their hands, apparently found that 30 [...]
Listen Up! Are the federal Liberals in election mode? | Commentary
Some time ago, in a mandate letter to members of his Cabinet, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau [...]
Listen Up! Let’s not blow it now | Commentary
There is a picture going viral on social media today of a popular park in Toronto which was [...]
Listen Up! Reflections on COVID-19 | Commentary
Here we are, well into the Victoria Day long weekend and the sky hasn’t fallen in Muskoka, at [...]
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