Once again, Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, (MAHC) has shown how much they really care when it [...]
Hugh Mackenzie
Listen Up! But is it good for Canada? | Commentary
When it comes to raw politics, it is a brilliant strategy. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and [...]
Listen Up! All in this together | Commentary
We are now six months into the COVID-19 pandemic with little real light at the end of the [...]
Listen Up! A dangerous sense of entitlement | Commentary
There is little more alarming and little more potentially dangerous to a democracy than a [...]
Listen Up! Reopening schools is an important step | Commentary
The month of August, to me, has always been a sign that the end of summer is in sight, even [...]
Listen Up! What is the plan? | Commentary
Huntsville Council has a tough decision to make this week, at least I hope they make it. The [...]
Listen Up! Not yet out of the woods | Commentary
So, how are you managing to handle the COVID-19 pandemic so far? I would be less than honest if [...]
Listen Up! Without controlled and strategic spending, the well will eventually run dry | Commentary
Do we care? When it comes to federal politics, this has been quite a week and I cannot help but [...]
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