Some artists simply put a smile on your face. Their love of the craft, their excellence, their [...]
Douglas McLean
Sound and Sight: Hawksley Workman
With a stunning career spanning more than twenty years, it should come as no surprise that when [...]
Sound and Sight: James Jones
“I don’t think people understand how incredibly difficult [the music business] is, in all [...]
Briar Summers’ new single “Stronger” drops today
Late spring is perhaps the loveliest of seasons. That Briar Summers, a Huntsville [...]
Sound and Sight: Jenny Kirkpatrick
In a world where every cellphone is equipped with an artificially intelligent camera capable of [...]
Sound and Sight: Sean Cotton
Sean Cotton has been wowing Muskoka audiences through venues large and small—pubs, theatres, [...]
Monarch Performing Arts Studio the fulfillment of a lifelong dream
Mallary Duncan believes collaboration is the key for all artists—that at the heart of all [...]
Sound and Sight: Nathan Da Silva
On any given pre-pandemic weekend, the nightlife and entertainment segment of [...]
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