Creating accessibility for all allows Huntsville to be a more inclusive community.
The Town of Huntsville’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) has made a motion to place a Mobi-Mat at Huntsville’s Hutcheson Beach.
While the approval has not yet been confirmed, this movement is currently being discussed.
A Mobi-Mat is a rubberized surface that is pegged into the sand in order to allow better mobility to access the water.
Although sand is its main purpose, the mat can also be used over packed snow and even soft grass, thus allowing the mat to be used year round.
Around two years ago, Community Living Huntsville (CLH) received specialized funding to purchase a Mobi-Mat and has been using it for individuals who receive their support ever since.
Although it was being utilized by individuals who needed it, the committee felt as though many more people could be using it.
At a recent AAC meeting, Amber Gordon, Facilitator at Community Living, brought to the attention of the committee that her organization had a Mobi-Mat that would be of use to the town.
“The mat provides access to the water across the beach for people using a wheelchair, walker, cane, baby stroller, etc. It allows accessibility for people of all ages,” said Debbie Kirwin, AAC chair.
As Bracebridge and Wasaga Beach already have numerous Mobi-Mats installed, the committee felt as though it was time for Huntsville to get on board as well.
Accessibility is a significant issue at many rural beaches which prevents some individuals from using the facilities.
“At Community Living we support a lot of people with mobility challenges. There is a great number who can’t access the waterfront as well as a ton of other people in Huntsville who will use it. This device allows individuals to get right down to the shoreline and it makes everything much easier,” said Gordon. If all goes to plan, expect to see Huntsville’s very first Mobi-Mat at Hutcheson beach in the near future.
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The AAC (Accessibility Advisory Committee) and Community Living are to be congratulated on working in concert on this excellent project. Both groups support inclusion in our Town, and are open to any constructive ideas in this vein.
Ms. Kirwin especially deserves credit for her tireless work as AAC Chair.
What we really need at Hutcheson Beach is more people and less Dogs running loose and dropping their loads everywhere. There is a bylaw, but no one ever enforces it!
Our motion to Council also recommended that Council direct staff to look into funding sources to install mobi mats at Avery and Port Sydney beaches.