The Green Party of Ontario (GPO) candidate selection process has begun in Parry Sound-Muskoka, according to Arleigh Luckett, president of the local GPO association. Candidate applicants who wish to run for MPP under the GPO banner have until October 21 to submit their application to the Provincial Nominations Committee.
“Members and supporters will have the chance to hear from the contestants during our online AGM on November 14,” Luckett explained. “Now is the time for members to make sure their membership is up to date. We encourage supporters who would like to participate in the vote to join by October 30 by contacting our Membership Coordinator, Legh McNabb at [email protected] for more information.”
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the vote will take place online during or following the AGM. The exact details are still being worked out as Parry Sound-Muskoka is one of the first ridings to receive approval from the provincial nominations committee for an application deadline.
In the 2018 provincial election, the Green Party received 20 per cent of the vote. “We have been working on our 2022 election readiness plan since the beginning of this year,” said Luckett. “We are pleased that the legislature just passed a unanimous motion confirming the fixed election date in June of 2022 because an early election would indeed be reckless at this time.”
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