A short time ago, Dominic Le Blanc, now Finance Minister of Canada, described U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks against Canada, referring to us as the 51st state in America, as a joke. It isn’t, and it only took LeBlanc a few days to concede that he was wrong and that Trump’s threats were no joke and needed to be taken seriously.
Another Liberal, former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, let it all out in a recent Globe and Mail opinion piece in his blunt Shawinigan style and said this, in part. “Canada would never agree to be part of the United States.” He went on to say that Trump’s remarks were “totally unacceptable insults and unprecedented threats to Canada’s sovereignty.”
Then Chretien said, “If you think threatening and insulting us is going to win us over, you really don’t know a thing about Canadians. We may look easy-going, mild mannered, but make no mistake, we have spine and toughness.”
All of that is well and good, and it needed to be said but what does it really mean? Donald Trump becomes President of the United States in eight days. As things stand, the Trudeau government is effectively leaderless, with a lame-duck Prime Minister presiding over a weak and somewhat dysfunctional government until at least mid-March. That leaves a significant void in what may take place in the meantime.
Both Dominic Le Blanc and Melanie Joly have said they will not be part of the Liberal leadership race because their current responsibilities to deal with a Trump Administration are too important. They may be right, but no doubt they were also happy to have a reason to step away from a leadership race that polling has shown Trudeau’s announced leaving did not change the huge gulf between the Liberals and Conservatives; in fact, it increased by five points.
Neither Dominic Le Blanc nor Melanie Joly is the Prime Minister, and it is unlikely that Trump will deal effectively with anyone below that level or, indeed, with a lame-duck Prime Minister who is clearly on the way out.
I thought I saw a ray of sunshine last week when LeBlanc declined to be a leadership candidate. I thought it might be a signal that with him out of the race, he could be named interim leader and, therefore, Prime Minister until the next election. At least it would have provided a level of leadership that is now seriously lacking.
It appears I was wrong about that. Justin Trudeau will not leave until he is in a position where he must, and that is under his terms when a new leader is elected, not appointed. Trudeau is still on the payroll as Prime Minister.
That being said, with no identified strong leader for the Liberals and, therefore, the federal government, with no effective Prime Minister, we need an election now and not this Spring. It is my belief the Governor General can make that happen by recalling Parliament. Otherwise, we will be in a very poor position to negotiate with the Trump Administration for many months. I am not holding my breath on this one.
The hard facts are that Donald Trump can start his moves against Canada before the end of this month. It won’t take long for him to prove to people that he is NOT joking.
Tariffs could have a devastating effect on Canada, but there is another issue that is not getting the attention I believe it should, and that is Trump’s signals of imperialism by looking to other lands to control, including Canada.
For those who dismiss that as a conspiracy theory, let’s take a look at the broader picture.
Donald Trump has recently suggested that America started the war in Ukraine because they encouraged that country’s membership in NATO. Most, if not all of us, are aware that Putin invaded Ukraine in a bold move to obtain more territory, with signals that it may not stop there. Trump has never called on Russia to withdraw from Ukraine, and he never will.
As for China, they are getting very serious about attacking and taking over Taiwan. The United States has always been an ally of Taiwan, which is keeping China from attacking. But now, Trump has indicated that the United States may not defend Taiwan in the event of an attack by China.
Then, in the United States, you have a man who will be President very soon, threatening to take back the Panama Canal and to take Greenland from Denmark, a NATO ally, both through military force if necessary. As for Canada, he says he will bend us to our knees through economic force and make us the 51st state of America.
So, leaving the Middle East aside for a moment, what we have are three of the most powerful countries in the world tacitly supporting each other’s imperialistic aspirations. None of these countries will attack the other for illegal expansion.
What is happening globally is encouraging Donald Trump. He believes if he supports or doesn’t attack their plans for expansionism, they, in turn, will leave him alone with his.
In my view, taking these three powers and their ambitions together, the table is set for a new imperialistic control of world affairs. All that is missing from their perspective are the wine glasses and a toast to what they believe will be the new World Order.
We can dismiss this out of hand, and perhaps some of it should be. But the harsh reality is that our world and its axis of power has changed. We have seen real signs of Putin wanting to conquer Ukraine and perhaps go further into some parts of Europe, China wanting to control much of the territory around them, and now the United States flashing its covetous eye on Canada. Rampant Imperialism. All real and factual. No conspiracy theory here.
Nobody should misinterpret or underestimate Donald Trump’s threat toward Canada. It is real and significant. Once that man gets an idea in his head, it is very hard to get it out. It may not turn out to be annexation, but it will certainly be about bringing Canada further under the shadow and control of the United States.
Canada should not be dealing with all this from a position of weakness. We have many strengths, and we always punch above our weight. But Canada’s sovereignty has been directly challenged by our next-door neighbour. That, too, is a fact. There are no jokes here.
That is why strong new leadership is required for Canada now, not six months from now. We need Justin Trudeau out the door now, or we need an early election. Time is already running out.
We don’t have time to waste.
Hugh Mackenzie.

Hugh Mackenzie has held elected office as a trustee on the Muskoka Board of Education, a Huntsville councillor, a District councillor, and mayor of Huntsville. He has also served as chairman of the District of Muskoka and as chief of staff to former premier of Ontario, Frank Miller.
Hugh has also served on a number of provincial, federal and local boards, including chair of the Ontario Health Disciplines Board, vice-chair of the Ontario Family Health Network, vice-chair of the Ontario Election Finance Commission, and board member of Roy Thomson Hall, the National Theatre School of Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada. Locally, he has served as president of the Huntsville Rotary Club, chair of Huntsville District Memorial Hospital, chair of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, president of Huntsville Festival of the Arts, and board member of Community Living Huntsville.
In business, Hugh Mackenzie has a background in radio and newspaper publishing. He was also a founding partner and CEO of Enterprise Canada, a national public affairs and strategic communications firm established in 1986.
Currently, Hugh is president of C3 Digital Media Inc., the parent company of Doppler Online, and he enjoys writing commentary for Huntsville Doppler.
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“Stay Calm”.
DT loves emotional responses (he labels them TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome to combat his visible diagnosis as a malignant narcissist cum megalomanic); emotional responses are his psychological fix (like a drug).
We know he projects, repeats lies, gaslights, distracts from real issues involving his crimes, his wealth, his behaviour. He is in an alternative reality of his own creation. Sadly, he has drawn a certain demographic into his web.
I am not saying your concerns are invalid at all. Strategies, including a solidarity of approach are needed. Know the dangerous clown we are dealing with. Understand his weaknesses.
I do not believe PP is any kind of match for the moment and I pray for a minority government in Canada.
To Joanne Tanaka:
Well said! Your comments are very clearly stated and easy to read. I agree with you.
The earliest a Canadian election could be organized would not be in time to meet Mr Trump’s ascension to Beloved Supreme Leader- with his shadow Elon Musk, who appears to have bought himself political power. Pierre Poilievre remains unknown untrustworthy and unlikeable as he continues to present only vague policy that seems to be only commitment to unregulated free enterprise and impractically no cultural, social or environmental commitments- including not stating his plan to continue reconciliation with indigenous persons, honouring treaties and other agreements for basic services like water, proper education, child and family support and health care. His preoccupation with monetary policy blinds him to the real human needs that he will be responsible for as Canada’s leader. He is said to be delaying some of his plans for his second term, as he says we would be all enraged if he went ahead with what he wants to do immediately on his ascension. It is appalling that he characterizes Canada as a very large expanse of dirt describing why he does not understand why housing is a problem. When he is speaking to friends like Jordan Peterson, and he can forget his wider audience who may be listening and really let loose. He has no experience with governance. I cannot believe Mr Poilievre will be a strong and decent representative for Canadians as Prime Minister.
Everybody has an opinion on the coming of a new Liberal leader. And the trump will be back in the White House waving his arms and spreading tariffs around the world. Canada is in the line of the fickle finger and it is chilling to imagine the damage that could be coming our way. So where’s Pete. Trudeau’s gone and he’s speechless?
We seem to be leaderless and I wonder if there is anyone up to the job. Although most seem to have the opinion that there is someone who is simply waiting for an election call. Majority for sure. Could be. Maybe he can do the job.
But where is he? Is he now speechless? Normally he is baying like a hound. If you could stand on his tongue his shoes would fly off. A least one end has to wag. Where is our ‘rhymin simon’.? Surely he and the gang should have come up with a ‘dump the trump’ or two.
But there seems to be little. Too much Christmas punch? Or the boys are so used to not having or voicing any opinions that they can’t formulate one now. Or he could be out lining up allies.
Not Ford for sure. Our premier is talking about supporting out of work Ontarians with provincial money. That is something of a plan at least. But of no help to Pete ’cause it reeks of Liberal payout during Covid. Plus Ford grins too much. Out of character for the Pete unless he has just insulted someone.
Maybe not Danielle Smith because she’s already got that ‘National Unity’ card in her hand. Being part of Montana seems acceptable to her. I think though she better be aware that Montana already has a governor and a couple of senators and who needs somebody who can’t be trusted? She might receive a big thank you and another rose to plant in the garden. So not her because who wants to be leader of a Canada with a big hole in it?
Quebec operates on the “Not-withstanding clause” now as it is. They would want the Feds to support unemployed Quebecers. Incroyable! Too Trudeau again!
So where are you Pete? The nation (maybe only me, but what the heck) awaits the couplets or idioms that outlines your plan. Go ahead and use a full sentence or two if you have to.
Try to read letter Jean Chrietienne wrote today on his 91 birthday published in the Globe and Mail.
Great article Hugh, I couldn’t agree more.
Canadians need and deserve a competent, focused federal government and leader to deal with the turbulent and uncertain times we are in. As things stand, we have neither, thus why Liberal polling is now solidly under 20%. An election needs to be called now and Canadians should be demanding it.
In the meantime, the Liberal caucus should push Justin Trudeau out immediately and appoint Dominic LeBlanc as interim PM. He would be far superior to face Donald Trump in negotiations. Trump despises and has zero respect for Trudeau. He would also have much more respect and influence in dealing with other important US politicians and business leaders.
This may be the last chance for the Liberal party to save the furniture on their fast sinking ship. There is no time now for more Liberal party drama or games. We don’t want the country to go down their ship.
Good article Hugh
One little thing.
In the last paragraph you spelled neighbour the American way. Let’s keep it Canadian.
I saw a sign the other day:
Always neighbours
Never neighbors
Joe Doyle, I agree with your sentiment. Focus on the issue at hand. PP did nothing but disrupt parliament all fall, so now that he’s had his soap box pulled out, the government, with LeBlanc, and Joly hunkering down, will be able to focus on the real problem: a president wannabe dictator trying to bully the world. Canada’s system is more resilient as our government is more robust, particularly if a leader goes rogue. PP is a whiny bully himself, calling people names and throwing out insults and threats without regard for his position. School yard bully. No class, no diplomacy. As Joe and others have said, focus on the threat from outside, and get our act together as a united country. Peace, order, and good government.
It will no doubt be a tumultuous/stressful time, but Trump will be gone in four years…(that is IF…US democracy survives his term.)
What scares me more, is that so many Americans voted so enthusiastically for one of the most demonstrably despicable human beings on the planet !
These “neighbours” will be around a lot longer than Trump and will continue with apparent impunity, to impart their twisted values onto their offspring…thus increasing the potential for serious strife in American society long into the future.
I’m sure there are sensible Americans that will attempt to right the ship. I just don’t think there are enough of them with influence to do it at the moment.
While it may be a satisfying knee jerk reaction to throw out our present Government as soon as possible, the US experience and our PP have given the word “Conservative” an odious atmosphere.
We need to be careful what we wish for. I think a Government led by PP will jeopardize our “Canadian…ess” and lead us into more trouble than we’re already in. The next Liberal leader needs to take the time to prepare, to ensure they get at least enough seats to offer some control over the apparent Conservative mandate.
A long shot I know, but I hope the Liberal “community” is able to pull it off.
We live in difficult, uncertain and challenging times obviously. Fear is never an appropriate nor acceptable response in the face of threats from a deviant criminal (even when they lead the most powerful nation on earth!). Rather careful thought and considered action is required. The malice of Trump/Musk is obvious but as demonstrated previously…these bullies operate by intimidation and seek maximum chaos to make gains in a zero-sum game.
May I suggest:
1/Forget partisan politics for the immediate future. Focus on the Sovereignty issue by urging all Canadians and their elected representatives (federal, provincial and locally) to organize a substantial declaration of support for CANADA (warts and all) and a clear rejection of the expansionist ideas of Trump/Musk. This declaration needs to be organized and formal…not just easy digital gestures. Start with a joint official statement rejecting Trump/Musk musings on CANADA from all current federal political leaders… all together! Conservative, New Dem, Block Quebecquois, Green. (It could be interesting to get JC Blancet on record requarding Canadian sovereignty, eh?)
2/ Deal with the Trump/Musk threat of 25% Tarrifs on all goods from Canada beginning next week by continuing the ground game of resistance now being lead by Canada’s provincial Premiers, and many others, but also make a clear counterattack by immediately indicating Canada will if necessary apply a similar Tarrif on all products imported to Canada…in fact I would even raise our’s to 26% just to make a point with Trump/Musk.
Risky sure, but the Canada/USA trade imbalance is worsening everyday now with plummeting of our Loonie against the Reserve Dollar…Trump won’t be pleased. So a trade war is possible/likely in the face of Trump/Musk “beggar thy neighbour” fantasy.
3) Engage with Mexico on these trade issues and push for renegotiation of the US/Canada/Mexico trade deal by 2026
Yes, we’re in a mess; time for blame will come but should not be the focus now.
Leave Canadian politics out of this odd moment; save the nation of. Canada for the future! Be Patriots above Politicians.
Call me naive or worse, but some boldness, wisdom and courage is urgently needed now “Don’t you think?”
Mr Trudeau is the man that prorogued parliament , not the conservatives. He chose to put the liberal party ahead of the people of Canada. Call an election as soon as possible so people can choose a prime minister . A prime minister elected by the voting public, not one that is appointed by the liberal party.
With all due respect Mr. Mackenzie there is a much simpler solution than having an election now. We have a parliament that is able to make decisions. The basic problem is that Mr. Poilievre’s party is only interested in trashing Canada. Putting being Prime Minister above Canada. There is no need to force an election when Parliament resumes late March. Just support the Liberals if there really is an emergency. The Liberals mandate is up later this year and must call an election at that time. Maybe for Canada’s good the Conservatives will have seen the light and replaced Mr Poilievre by then.
Hugh, Jean Chretienne also said this is not the time to panic. Government officials and the premiers have already done a lot of good work behind the scenes. Trump will be up to his ears in deep doo-doo on day one. It will take months if not years to implement his raft of uncoordinated executive orders that normally take months to draft. His 1% majority and inexperienced cabinet will have their heads spinning. Musk is proving to be a wild card against the MAGA movemnet. And all of his reckless plans will be interrupted by inconvenient events like the California wildfires and the unpredictable tornadoe season that is about to begin.
Stock markets like stability and will soon reflect the new reality of Trump’s instability that sews distrust among all of America’s allies and adversaries alike. America’s career diplomats and military leaders know the horrendous consequences better than the draft dodging Trump. They will be watching and ready to step in if things get too crazy. Yes, time is of the essence, but rather than panic, its important to get our own political house in order for the next 4 years and beyond.
Election over by mid February would be good. At least we might agree on who our leader is. Besides, other than ice fishing, what is there to do in Canada in January to start with?
Chretien stayed too long as the leader and it destroyed the Liberal party.
Trudeau is doing the same thing, to no purpose. He has already lost any race, let him go now and get at least a solid majority of a party to lead us. He is accomplishing nothing by hanging on.
And, one rule for the next 4 years. Don’t trust Trump on anything! He lies more than anything else that spouts from his mouth. Like Yoda says in the movie, “I trust him not”.
He is just plain and simply “evil” and should not be entrusted with the keys to the golf cart, let alone a country.