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  1. Jack Martin says:

    I am very concerned over the stalemate between the fire inspector and the District over the questio of sprinklers at 100 Oakwood Heights first floorvThis is home to handicapped people and Inspector Plested has ordered the removal of the handicapped creating confusion fear and trauma I do not understand why the District will not put in the sprinklers and I do not understand the Inspectors draconian procedure ordering the eviction of the handicapped

  2. Randy Heimpel says:

    News!! At last ! Thank you.

  3. Murray Burke says:

    My daughter sent me this several times but need to keep up on my own on the news.

  4. Jen Nixon says:

    Looking forward to reading your Huntsville news on line with my morning coffee!

  5. Geoege Jelinek says:

    As a seasonal visitor I am sensitive to the issues presented to smaller communities at this time. I will be mindful and respectful to our situation.
    Looking forward to being kept in touch and following the right path.

  6. Ronald Bruce Higgs says:

    Looking forward to being able to read the news around Muskoka with out limiting how many articles I can read like another area news paper puts on you even in this time crisis

  7. Shirley Brown says:

    So glad your Events listing is up and running again
    missed it a lot

  8. Looking forward for information and more to stay in touch from this community and others thank you

  9. Janis Hare says:

    I have used your news coverage of all the flooding. Found it very informative!
    Especially when I didn’t get local newspaper last week!
    Seriously nice work.


  11. MERV BOWERS says:

    This issue was forwarded to me from my son…Bryan Bowers.

    Thoroughly enjoyed this issue. Merv Bowers Former teacher @ Huntsville High

  12. Lynne Brandt says:

    Finally I can read what my friends have been relaying to me to keep me posted. Thank you ?

  13. Patricia Rimmington says:

    Looking forward to weekly e mail.

  14. Annemarie Tremblay says:

    Awaiting the news–about what is going on in our Town

  15. Just signing up for the newsletter, even though we are so far north of the “Little Smoke” (as we’ve been told).

  16. Nancy Waxl says:

    Love reading the news on-line! and up-to-date happenings!

  17. I can’t believe I’ve been missing all the local and up to date news.
    Thank you for (at the moment) house bound folks. We mature folks
    should get on the ball.
    I now look forward to it.

  18. Marjory Jenkins says:

    I am looking forward to receiving my newsletters which will keep me up to date with my community.

  19. BIll and Carroll Adams says:

    We appreciate that we were sent this link to keep up with the Huntsville news. Looking forward to receiving it twice weekly down here in Nova Scotia.

  20. Michelle Ladouceur says:

    Looking forward to posts to keep up on what’s going on in my community

  21. Donna Sewell says:

    Looking forward to receiving emails.

  22. Eveline Hastings says:

    I realize I’m missing out on local events here in Huntsville and community news.

  23. John Gallagher says:

    Looking forward to receiving emails

  24. Elizabeth Rice - Doppler Publisher says:

    Thanks for your kind words Ann. All the best.

  25. Ann Hutley says:

    Friends recommend that I’m missing our local community news, and this is the best place to read all about it also our family have always been community minded.
    Thanks for caring.