Shades of Autumn car show, Huntsville

Shades of Autumn car show cancelled after 15 year run

Please be advised the BIA Board has voted to cancel the car show for September 16, 2017 in Downtown Huntsville.

The Board supported staff’s recommendation to cancel the event and discuss options to create a new and different event for 2018 to draw people to the downtown.

The Car show has been presented by the BIA for the past 15 years. There has been a noted decline in the number participants.

The Car Associations have been notified and were given the option to take over the event, they have declined.

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  1. Roger Staig says:

    For many years Huntsville had a great Car Show. Gravenhurst, Baysville and Bracebridge still do because it’s very good for tourism and a major event for local residents.

    Huntsville Town Council leaned on the BIA to run the show with help from one of the 2 car clubs in town. The BIA resisted this because, although the show was on Main street, it benefited the entire community especially hotels, restaurants and car dealers. Apparently Huntsville Town Council and the Chamber of Commerce made little effort to find a new organizer for this year.

    If Town Council finally recognizes the major benefits of the Car Show attraction it will start now to encourage preparations for next year. If they don’t want it downtown in September there are other times and locations that might work. For example, the Fair Grounds could be used if the $900 a day fee for a car club were waived. The Sports Complex or Summit Centre are other possibilities.

    Hopefully some organization in the community will recognize the mistake that was made this year and start now to find a way to have a bigger and better Car Show in 2018

  2. Brian Tapley says:

    Too bad! This was one of my favorite events and I usually visited rain or shine. It was much better in the shine than the rain however.
    Shoving it into the prime season when the weather might be better (questionable) would not be the way to go as the town is already busy then.
    When the weather was favorable this show was great, the downtown itself was a good draw as a walking event and all the cars just made it much much better.

    The chamber and BIA have taken some large risks on things like this over the years. They need to be commended for trying and ways need to be explored to continue events like these. They are good for the area, much better than just another sale.

  3. Bill Beatty says:

    Absolutely weather dependent and we know how that has gone so far !

  4. Lesley Goodfellow says:

    Need to change the ad at the bottom of the page promoting the event… Top 5 Things to do this summer

  5. Alan Perry says:

    So sad?I’ll miss it and now will be traveling to other towns for their car shows and to spend my money.