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Province releases list of public employees making more than $100,000, including MAHC, District

The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 requires organizations that receive public funding from the Province of Ontario to make public, by March 31 each year, the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of employees paid $100,000 or more in the previous calendar year.

The act applies to organizations such as the Government of Ontario, Crown Agencies, Municipalities, Hospitals, Boards of Public Health, School Boards, Universities, Colleges, Ontario Power Generation, and other public sector employers who receive a significant level of funding from the provincial government.

Local organizations in the disclosure include the District of Muskoka with 32 employees listed, Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) with 49 employees listed, the Town of Huntsville with six employees listed, and Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) with 156 employees listed.

The top five salaries listed for the District, MAHC and TLDSB are below. The Town of Huntsville list was shared on Doppler previously here.

District of Muskoka

  • Michael Duben, Chief Administrative Officer, $204,087.38
  • Samantha Hastings, Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, $170,384.72
  • Jamie Clow, District Solicitor, $170,381.62
  • Julie Stevens, Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Services, $170,381.62
  • Richard Williams, Commissioner of Community Services, $170,381.62

Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare

  • Natalie Bubela, Chief Executive Officer, $241,513.45
  • Alanna Major, Registered Nurse, $147,083.05
  • Timothy Smith, Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Services and Risk, $141,206.77
  • Esther Millar, Chief Executive, Clinical Services, $140,815.69
  • Karen Fleming, Chief Executive, Quality and Nursing Executive, $140,485.31

Trillium Lakelands District School Board

  • Larry Hope, Director of Education, $301,874.80
  • Bruce Barrett, Superintendent of Learning, $172,075.82
  • Andrea Gillespie, Superintendent of Learning, $172,075.82
  • David Golden, Superintendent of Learning, $172,075.82
  • Robert Kaye, Superintendent of Business Services, $172,075.82

The full list for all of Ontario can be found on

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  1. Terry M. Russell says:

    Concerning scandalous public salaries: We live in an age of ‘Imperial Bureaucracy’, whereby all parts of the public sector are systematically looted by entrenched, self-regulating & engorged executives & managerial pubic servants. In Muskoka, the disease is not confined to MAHC & Trillium Lakes DSB, but is replicated in governing bodies & agencies throughout the region and province. The root problem is the breakdown of the effective political control. That is: career politicians at all levels have abandoned their primary fiduciary responsibilities as trustees of taxpayers’ interests. Politicians and bureaucrats have become codependent in maximizing spending. In the process, elections cease to be relevant or effective.
    What can be done about it? Probably not much. Another crucial consequence of ‘The Bureaucratic State’ has been the reduction of the general public to the status and mentality of dependents of the same bureaucracies?
    Miss Tebby is to be commended in demanding MAHC ‘Listen Up!’ — but MAHC has consistently demonstrated its determination to ignore clearly expressed public wishes. Why? simply put, it doesn’t have to listen. There’s little chance that the Ministry of Health will fire the board, because that would require the wholesale dismissal of just about every LHIN & hospital board across the province. In other words dismantling the health bureaucracy from top to bottom. The only chance is that people might finally find the resolve to stop politely asking to be heard and resort to radical, aggressive and organized demands for change. [A minor start might involve demanding Mr. Miller MPP, local Mayors, councils &c. to lead the charge. [Revolutionary.]

  2. Frances Botham says:

    Out of control is an understatement!

  3. Douglas Tapley says:

    What can one say here that makes any sense of this situation?
    Sure they are all good and smart people, some even have education in their field but the fact remains that there are a great number of people who work harder for a lot less.
    There are contractors who have to divine out what expensive equipment and manpower they need, years in advance and then bid, (with no assurance of getting) on jobs and then take ALL the risks of changing legislation, weather, price changes in materials and fuel for example. These guys work long days, they work every day and I’ll bet they don’t make near this amount of money.
    I find it hard to believe that an administrator for a school board for example, is worth nearly a third of a million dollars a year and remember this is just the salary. There will be benefits, health care probably, mileage allowance for travel, paid travel to “training” sessions maybe in some far off places and of course their pension where in the CPP is matched by their employer and don’t forget the “gold standard” of pensions, the Ontario teachers pension fund… yes that one!
    At the end of the day this cost to the taxpayer will probably be well over a third of a million per year.
    For this I’d hope the person worked at least 10 hour days at least 6 days a week to make it worthwhile but I’ll bet they don’t do this.

  4. Bob Slater says:

    WOW! No wonder taxes are so high! Again it is time to review this entire government(s) control, personnel, all departments, all positions and make all services and ALL government(s) SMALLER .. more efficient, something needs to be done … the WHOLE situation is out of control and gets worse and BIGGER every year. No wonder property taxes and service fees are so high and the BALL just keeps getting bigger and bigger. SOON everyone will have a government job! Absolutely ridiculous cost(s) , the benefits etc etc when you look at the population of the area and compare it to equivalent areas down south! A unbiased review with options that are based on facts and not on any government programs, political vote baiting and all the other government reasons for this disaster … is needed now I said it is … out of control!