Justin Trudeau
Photo Credit: cbc.ca

Listen Up! Will Trudeau call a snap election for this summer?


Hugh Mackenzie
Huntsville Doppler

Are You Ready for a Summer Election?

Are you in the mood for another election? According to an article written by Susan Delacourt for the Toronto Star, we could have one this summer. Her take is that Justin Trudeau may use the bump he is getting in the polls for standing up to Donald Trump, to call a snap election more than a year before the mandate of his government expires. The last time that was attempted was in 1990 when then Ontario Liberal Premier David Peterson went to the polls well before an election was required, when his popularity was at an all time high. He paid a price for that. He got dumped in favour of Bob Rae and the New Democratic Party.

If there is any truth to this rumour, Trudeau will likely argue that he needs a new, strong mandate to deal with Donald Trump, especially on tariffs and NAFTA. It would be a specious argument at best, as he already has that mandate. Every political party in parliament, including the Bloc Quebecois has stood solidly with the Prime Minister in relation to his defence of Canada in the face of Trump’s malignant attacks on him and on our country. On this particular matter, he also has the support of most Canadians as well as the support of every Premier of every province, including Premier-designate Doug Ford. There is absolutely no need to go to the people on this issue.

Justin Trudeau may believe that he will have a better chance now of winning another majority government than he will 15 months from now and he could be right. After all, trade issues with the United States aside, the Trudeau government’s polling numbers have not been great and for the first time, they are neck in neck with the Conservatives. But calling an election now would be seen to be nothing more than self serving and I believe that most Canadians would see through that.

The next year, the final year of Trudeau’s current mandate, will be one of the most important in Canada’s history. It is during that year, dealing with tariffs on aluminum, steel, automobiles and what have you, not to forget NAFTA, that the true measure will be taken of our relationship with the United States and indeed with our trading partners around the world. It will determine the shape of our economy for years to come. It is at the end of this period of time that the Trudeau government should be held accountable for their stewardship of these vital issues and not at the beginning of a new mandate with a three-year cushion to continue governing if everything goes to Hell in a handbasket during the next 15 months.

To be sure, dealing with Donald Trump is not an easy task and winning a trade war with the United States is likely not in the cards as long as he remains in office. The man after all, is an ego-maniac who changes his tune by the minute, has no regard for the truth and has an attention span that can be measured in seconds.

As former Premier and federal Liberal Leader Bob Rae has said, “Bluster is not a sign of strength. Anger is not a sign of authority. Boasting is not a sign of achievement.”

Sadly, that is the Donald Trump the world has to deal with. It is not just sad, it is scary. This is a man who self- identifies with demagogues like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un while he dumps on trusted allies of the United States who have stuck with the United States through thick and thin. This is a man who holds young children hostage from their parents, in order to force Congress to pay for a wall on the southern border, which he promised would be paid for by the Mexicans. And this is the man who has the sole ability to launch a nuclear missile for whatever reason he may choose. Scary doesn’t even touch it.

Mike Smith is a jockey. You wouldn’t know him except he recently rode Justify, to a Triple Crown win in the Belmont Stakes, a really big deal in horse racing. When asked if he would accept an invitation to the White House, to honour his triumph, Smith is reported to have said that if he wanted to see a horse’s ass, he would have finished the race in second place. I cannot think of any President of the United States in my lifetime that has been held in such disrespect around the globe, if not at home. But this is the reality with which we are dealing.

Justin Trudeau and his government have tried diplomacy when dealing with the United States on trade issues. So far it hasn’t worked, primarily because diplomacy by its nature is incompatible with knee-jerk reactions, reversals and rejections, fired off at every turn of the wheel. So now, Justin Trudeau has taken a stand and told Donald Trump Canadians will not be pushed around. He was right to do that. But he would be wrong to call a pre-emptive and premature election to bolster his position with the United States. For one thing, It wouldn’t work. Trump would simply take credit for interrupting the election cycle in Canada. As well, if Trudeau were re-elected, he would say it was a signal that Canadians were not friends of the United States. It would do nothing to improve our negotiating position with them.

In 2015, Justin Trudeau was handed a mandate to lead Canada for four years. That time is not yet up. On this issue, when it comes to dealing with Donald Trump, Canadian’s have the Prime Minister’s back and they have clearly indicated that. Calling an election now, would simply be seen as the height of opportunism.

Justin Trudeau just needs to do the job he has already been given. It is the next year that will count.

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  1. BJWalker says:

    Let’s consider Justin Trudeau’s motives for possibly calling an early election, the most apparent being that through his self serving manipulative strategies regarding NAFTA negotiations, with assistance from his loyal at any costs, paid off, Liberal media, he has unbelievably generated support for himself by withholding key details that were discussed between him and the president, mainly that President Donald Trump suggested a radical change to the international trading system in an apparent reversal of his recent tariff policy.

    During a press conference at the G7 summit in Quebec, Canada, Trump said that he suggested that all tariffs, trade barriers, and industrial subsidies should be dropped in order to facilitate free trade.

    “No tariffs, no barriers, that’s the way it should be,” Trump said. “And no subsides, I even said not tariffs.”

    Globalists like Merkel, TRUDEAU, and Macron are pushing back hard and attacking President Trump because under a true “FREE TRADE” agreement, these Globalists would lose their tight grip on control and power.
    Justin Trudeau has total allegiance to a globalist agenda that isn’t focused on doing what’s best for Canadians. Justin is a hard core Globalist against Canadian nationalism . He has embraced globalism to an extent never before seen in history. Justin Trudeau has openly declared that he thinks Canada should be a “post-national state.” We know that a nation with a strong sense of citizenship and loyalty to the country is impossible to control, and won’t stand for seeing our country get sold off to foreign powers. Trudeau is using this country to further his own globalist ambitions (UN Secretary General) while taking power and influence away from the Canadian people.

    Justin Trudeau is skilled at deception and there is -Growing Evidence Justin Trudeau Is Misleading Canadians About Trade War For His Selfish Political Gain. Disturbingly, according to some polls, he has been successful in that his personal approval rating is up. An interest in drama has served him well apparently as Canadians have bought into his manipulation and non disclosure of the NAFTA facts.
    By withholding true facts about what transpired at G7 between President Trump and himself, Trudeau and his advisors may see this as an opportunity to distract from the weakening Canadian economy, and reverse his growing unpopularity – regardless of the damage it does to the Canadian people. Also perhaps a perfect time to call an election.

    This should raise doubts in the minds of Canadians, as it contributes to the growing evidence that Justin Trudeau is trying to deceive our country about the Trade War.

    It seems Trudeau wants a trade war, and why would that be the case?

    The Trudeau Liberals have to be running scared when they see that Doug Ford PCs absolutely decimated the Liberals in Ontario. They also can see people turning against the carbon tax, and the economy heading in the wrong direction.

    So, what’s the perfect way to distract from all of that? A trade fight against Donald Trump.

    Hopefully all the supporters that Justin Trudeau generated through his manipulative strategies with President Trump at G7 will remember that this man has shown a repeated willingness to act against the interests of the Canadian people, and he has lied constantly since taking office. So, it shouldn’t be a huge shock to find out that he’s taking advantage of the Patriotism of Canadians by lying to us about the Trade War for his own political advantage. His refusal to clear up details of his discussions with the president despite repeated questions from the Conservative opposition in the legislature, “should” cause those doubts to grow even more among Canadians. Well maybe not, given the Liberal supporting mainstream media.

  2. Rob Millman says:

    I totally agree with you, Hugh; except for your allusion that Trump is not popular at home. He has gained popularity with his conservative constituency, and therefore, with the entire population. The scariest item which was reported recently was that an unnamed contractor actually tendered a bid to construct the Wetback Wall.
    It’s sadder than sad that his followers actually believe all his drivel.

  3. Bill Beatty says:

    I would substitute the word contempt for disrespect when speaking of POTUS…..I think any Canadian PM would have stood up to that ignorant fool , perhaps with Grit ? !

  4. Len Macdonald says:

    Just because Susan Delacourt, of the Toronto Star, muses that there could be a summer election doesn’t make it so. Relax. Enjoy the summer.

  5. Wayne Brown says:

    As former Premier and federal Liberal Leader Bob Rae has said, “Bluster is not a sign of strength. Anger is not a sign of authority. Boasting is not a sign of achievement.” Sounds like Trudeau, too.