It appears as if the convoy occupation of Ottawa is coming to a conclusion but those who think that this is the end of the matter and that we will return to a happy and peaceful way of Canadian life had better think again.
There is a restlessness and a sense of anger in this country that is palpable and, sadly, malleable. It has allowed the rise of a movement that borders on insurrection and is dedicated, organized, well-funded, and dangerous. The convoy may be leaving Ottawa but the movement to disrupt and radically challenge basic tenets of our democracy under the misplaced and erroneous banner of “freedom” has not gone away.
If it ever was, what we have seen in Canada in the last several months is no longer simply about people who reject COVID-19 restrictions. Most of those are decent people with strong opinions who were seeking a peaceful way to express them. That platform has been hijacked by those with a much deeper agenda, an agenda that uses COVID-19 as an excuse, our national flag as a weapon, and freedom as a lure to anarchy. They will not go away when COVID-19 mandates go away.
In Ottawa we have seen what may have been a legitimate protest turn into an occupation. I have witnessed leadership races and national election campaigns that were less organized than this. War rooms were set up in Ottawa hotels where convoy leaders directed operations, which included strict messaging and control of activities. Road captains were assigned to each occupied and blocked street for oversight and control, and other volunteers assigned as block captains to coordinate directly with members of the convoy and to see to their needs.
In terms of effective communications, these people know what they are doing too. They know that “freedom” is a catchword that many will latch on to and they are milking it for all it is worth.
Jay Hill, an associate of Tamara Lich, a leader of the “freedom” movement, emphasized Lich’s messaging discipline as “a very clearly defined message that is understandable and simple, a message that people can grasp hold of and run with.”
Intimidation is another well-organized strategy. This past week, Pat King, also a leader of the “freedom” convoy posted a video where he exhorted police officers to “Back off. Stand down. Put your badge on the ground…”
He threatened them with a legal battle if they didn’t comply—“When this comes to an end, just following orders is not going to be a good legal defense.”—and urged them to “stand with the people” and join his movement. If that is not a call for insurrection, I am not sure what is.
Add to that the intimidation and violence as police tried to do their job in the nation’s capital—not just by a few, as some would have us believe, but in a coordinated manner, gas cannisters hurled at police, at least one of their horses attacked, journalists harassed and followed, and most disgustingly, young children placed on the front lines to deter police.
The “freedom” convoy in Ottawa is significant because it took place in our nation’s capital ultimately resulting in the shutdown of Parliament. But its tentacles were everywhere, shutting down our borders, blockades across Canada, protests in Coutts, Alberta by white nationalists that resulted in two murders, and granting a sense of empowerment to anti-pipeline protesters to attack a coastal gasline site causing millions of dollars worth of damage and threatening workers. It spreads like wildfire.
All of this makes me wonder what we are becoming as Canadians. Are we okay with this? Do we have a problem with a group of anarchists—no matter how small they are—urging the overthrow of our government? Don’t we do that by ballot and not violence? Do we really think it will just go away if we put our heads in the sand?
John Ivison, a columnist with the National Post said this: “It feels like Canada is splintering into two tribes—the intolerant, authoritarian woke lunatics on the left and the spittle-flecked, hateful lunatics on the far-right. Where are the voices of compassion and common-sense? The silent majority needs to speak up.”
And what, one may ask, are our federal politicians doing to address the unrest we are facing in Canada right now and what are they doing to encourage the silent majority to speak up? Not much in my view.
The Liberal Government has declared a state of emergency in Canada. Is it necessary? I honestly don’t know the answer to that. I am suspicious of any national government that tries to grab more power. With unrest being apparent for some time in many parts of Canada, at the very least to our national intelligence service, I do wonder why the Trudeau Government was not more prepared to deal with what has come about. As well, the name-calling, the accusations, and the arrogance displayed by the prime minister have accomplished little, other than adding fuel to the fire. I am not sure where the leadership is there.
As for the Conservatives, those that have defended the occupiers, those who have provided legitimacy to the myth that this movement is all about freedom, those who have ignored the rule of law—a conservative principle I always believed was sacrosanct—have, in my view, sent the wrong message to Canadians and their entire party will pay for that.
The irony to me is that if Stephen Harper or even Brian Mulroney were prime minister today, the rule of law would have been their first priority. And once the protest in Ottawa turned into an occupation, the violence and intimidation there, and also around the country, would not have been tolerated for any reason, including a partisan one. In fairness, I would put Jean Chrétien in that same category.
So, what now? It does appear that the current crisis is calming down and we can only hope that is an accurate perception. But what happens next? This movement, and these people, are not going away. They are dedicated, focused on their purpose, well-funded (much of this from outside of Canada), and using false flags such as “freedom” to attract people who would not otherwise join their cause.
I wish I knew the answer to that, but surely the first step is for our political leadership in Ottawa, on both sides of the aisle, to recognize that something has to be done. This cannot be left to fester further.
In a recent tweet, Bob Rae, ambassador to the United Nations, former premier of Ontario, and former federal Liberal leader, said, “The anguish and anger we are feeling prevents us from seeing the anguish and anger we are causing others.”
While we still have time, we need to think about that as we ponder what is happening in this country and what kind of a country we want to be.
Hugh Mackenzie
Hugh Mackenzie has held elected office as a trustee on the Muskoka Board of Education, a Huntsville councillor, a District councillor, and mayor of Huntsville. He has also served as chairman of the District Muskoka and as chief of staff to former premier of Ontario, Frank Miller.
Hugh has served on a number of provincial, federal and local boards, including chair of the Ontario Health Disciplines Board, vice-chair of the Ontario Family Health Network, vice-chair of the Ontario Election Finance Commission, and board member of Roy Thomson Hall, the National Theatre School of Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada. Locally, he has served as president of the Huntsville Rotary Club, chair of Huntsville District Memorial Hospital, chair of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, president of Huntsville Festival of the Arts, and board member of Community Living Huntsville.
In business, Hugh Mackenzie has a background in radio and newspaper publishing. He was also a founding partner and CEO of Enterprise Canada, a national public affairs and strategic communications firm established in 1986.
Currently, Hugh is president of C3 Digital Media Inc., the parent company of Doppler Online, and he enjoys writing commentary for Huntsville Doppler.
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While our PM says Canada is in an emergency, we are watching in real-time what a real emergency actually looks like. President Putin, backed by China’s President Xi, has finally made his move, sensing the time was right to pull Ukraine back into the Russian orbit, ignoring the west’s sanctions.
Years of NATO pressing eastwards and significant underfunding, a divided EU, a US divided & presidency struggling, a worsening energy crisis, a more belligerent China (that now dominates global export markets), and a world focused on rebuilding after 2 years of battling COVID has set the stage for Putin’s move. This is extremely dangerous.
Why on earth does our PM think our nation is at serious risk from protests that ended peacefully over 4 days ago? Is there something really big he’s not telling us? If so, tell us. If not, get your act together and focus on things that actually matter to Canadians.
I admire ANYONE, in any party, who has the “guts” to run for public office these days, knowing you’ll be verbally abused no matter what decision you make regarding today’s problems.
Hugh M., Hugh H., Brenda and Nancy…you have all described the “FREEDOM” situation with your well-written and well-informed comments. I couldn’t have said it better! How refreshing to see such intelligent comments without the negativity and name calling!
There are some excellent points and observations in the article and the responses.
First: Hugh M., you state that it is important to vote for leaders who believe in…” I agree, but, Who on Earth would that be? We hear what the candidate wants us to hear and we all know there are promises that are not fulfilled.
Second: To Hugh M., you mention this group of dedicated, organized, well-funded, and dangerous people who may have left Ottawa but they most certainly will continue to disrupt and radically challenge basic tenets under the guise of Freedom. I agree. Trump’s deleterious influences are far reaching and insidious. These extremists do know what they are doing. Democracy is not a word, as we know it, in their vocabulary. It’s all about power and Me, Myself, and I. Their ears and minds are shut to voices of reason. As such, we need to be concerned and alert and, we want a Government that takes action. Again, who will that be?
Third: Bill Beatty, you mention that if the Emergency Act had been implemented two weeks earlier perhaps there would have been no emergency. Fair enough. Perhaps. I do think the decision was carefully measured, taking into account (e.g. children on site, possible deaths). It’s so easy for the other side (e.g. Conservatives) to judge. Perhaps they would have taken the same measure. Trudeau was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. I’m glad that I didn’t have to take part in that decision making process.
Fourth: Bob Gibson, you write that there are about 20% of MGA cult members in Canada. I agree with you that they will say anything to advance their cause. They’ve been brainwashed. Cultish leaders and members are charismatic and well trained to seek out and prey on the vulnerable (e.g. young/homeless/runaways). However, in my research on the topic in university, there are surprisingly and alarmingly highly intelligent people who get sucked into “the dark evil forces…” Recruitment is more about locating the vulnerable, rich or not.
Fifth: Nancy, I agree. We need to speak up, educate ourselves, and vote for leaders who will listen and consider all views. We need leaders who demonstrate compassion and loving kindness.
Again, Who On Earth is up to this commitment? Time will tell.
Well said Hugh. The so-called “Freedom Convoy” was anything but. It was a collection of people with a broad mix of complaints, real and imagined, and goals including a written manifesto inspired and significantly financed by far-right foreign agitators to overthrow a recently elected democratic government. For 22 days, they shut down and occupied Ottawa, the capital city of a G7 country that is objectively rated among the freest in the world. They seriously disrupted the lives of several million citizens and damaged the Canadian economy by at least $4 billion that could have been used for much better purposes. There was no-one who could or would speak for the group in total.
Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Anarchy is defined as a state of disorder due to nonrecognition of authority.
Enacted in 1988 by Brian Mulroney’s moderate Conservative government, Canada’s Emergencies Act was intended for exactly these types of situations. The current government took time to carefully asses the need and the details of implementation. The Act enabled civilian police to shut down the illegal occupation, remove the trucks, and reopen the city with no deaths, and only 2 minor injuries, one to a police officer and one to a protester. New financial tools were particularly helpful in making the operation a model of civility that has been unmatched anywhere, even in other democracies.
Without the Emergencies Act, the shutdown would have taken much longer, and the risk of death, serious injury, and more economic and property damage would likely have been much higher. The protesters are lucky that the Emergencies Act was available and was used. They would not have fared as well in any other country.
I am happy to see you stand for rule of law. The people who still support this so called “ freedom convoy” don’t appear to want to engage in any meaningful debate.
Every time I try and point out the deplorable folks behind this illegal occupation and attempted overthrow of our recently elected government they go ballistic spewing nonsense they read on Facebook.
Here are a few simple observations:
This all started with Trump and his ability to convince a segment of the population that government was out to get them.
In Canada about 20 percent are now full on MAGA cult members.
In the USA that number is about 30 percent.
The members of the cult will say and do anything to advance their cause and it saddens me to see how incredibly stupid people are that can’t see the dark evil forces behind this movement.
The other thing that has baffled me is the members of CPC who actively supported this occupation. The CPC is no longer the party of Mulroney it is now the party of Trump.
So many have just “lost the plot”
So very sad , so very frightening that the principles of respect, empathy and determination ,which should guide our daily lives , seem to have taken flight. The values that created our communities across this land seem to have been buried , all in the name of “freedom”.
How true your words are Hugh! I couldn’t agree with you more.Our country and our province continue to witness an attack on family and community .The disrespect against self and against others has festered in these Covid years . Those of us who continue to bury our heads in the sand or snow , those who remain silent and fail to educate themselves to the real reasons behind the growing unrest around us have witnessed these past 3 weeks a revolt on our streets.
We must , when election time is upon us, become informed and choose very carefully the right politicians who will lead us . It is important to vote for leaders who believe in promotion of values that will build trust and respect within our communities.We must choose leaders who can see beyond “ the party” , can make thorough decisions and will use the expertise within the governing bodies. We need leaders who truly listen and who consider all views when making final decisions.
Oh Canada strong and free—never has there been a more important time than now in working together to nurture in our children, pride in ourselves and in our country.
If the state of emergency had been implemented 2 weeks earlier ( not necessarily used ) , perhaps there would have been no emergency . Governments facing crisis should always ” Plan for the worst and hope for the best ” , not as the ruling party did , close the gate after the cows escaped !
Dear Hugh
Another excellent commentary primarily from a political point of view.
Any chance you could examine the root social causes of such wide-spread alienation and anger?