Election signs

Listen up! When you vote, think about the hospital | Commentary

Hugh Mackenzie

There were two winners in last weeks provincial leadership debate. One was Mike Schreiner; leader of the Green Party and the other was Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford.

Schreiner was an articulate debater, sharper than the other two opposition leaders, although, like them, more intent on attacking Doug Ford than laying out his own party’s platform, especially on environmental issues.

All Doug Ford had to do to come out a winner from this debate was to remain standing at the end of it. He did that and more. He was the only leader on the platform who did not interrupt, over talk, or scream at his opponents. It was a three against one debate, but he remained gracious, defended his record and again, unlike the others, minimized the attacks and clearly outlined his priorities for the next four years.

Having said that, the performance of Mike Schreiner at that debate cannot be ignored. It won’t win him many more seats in the Ontario Legislature, but it could affect the outcome in ridings where the race is tight.

This is especially true in the provincial riding of Parry Sound-Muskoka. In fact, this is one of two ridings in Ontario that Schreiner specifically highlighted during the debate as seats they were targeting for a Green win.

There is no question in my view, that the race in Parry Sound-Muskoka is a tight one between the Progressive Conservatives and the Green Party. In fact, recent polls confirm it.

There are a number of reasons for this. Matt Richter has run for the Green Party in this riding several times before, resulting in a respectable base. More importantly, the Liberals, most likely deliberately and strategically, do not have a candidate here. They know they cannot win this riding for themselves, but a loss for the Conservatives to another party also ends up as a win for them.

If the Liberals had really wanted a name on the ballot in this riding, they could have had one. The candidate they had at the very last minute was a joke and they wasted no time getting rid of him. But I know there are other strong Liberals, good people with significant standing in the community, who may well have allowed their name to be placed on the ballot to allow Liberal supporters to vote for that party. They were not asked and that is a boon for the Green Party in this riding.

Conversely, while the lack of a Liberal candidate could help the Green Party, the plethora of fringe parties on the ballot, particularly two headed by disgruntled far-right Tories who were booted out of the Ontario Conservative caucus, could result in eating away votes that would otherwise go to Graydon Smith. 

So yes, this riding has been targeted by the Green Party as one they could win. They have directed a significant amount of their resources here and have also brought in people from around the province to help the local candidate. I know there are many people who will support this strategy and I respect that.

 However, I am not one of them.

I will be voting for Graydon Smith. Even if I were not a Progressive Conservative, I would vote for Graydon Smith. Here’s why.

Graydon Smith is immensely qualified. He has served this riding in a number of capacities, and he has served it well. Most importantly for Muskoka, Graydon Smith and Scott Aitchison, working side by side, played a leading and significant role in ensuring that the provincial government committed to two fully equipped, acute care hospitals here. That is a top priority for folks in Muskoka and East Parry Sound.

But the deal is not done yet. It is a long road between a commitment and a shovel in the ground.

Elections make a difference, and they have consequences. Priorities change, people change, and budgets change. In my view, we need Graydon Smith at Queen’s Park to ensure that a promise made is a promise kept. There is simply no one who could do it better.

Hazel McCallion, one of the longest-serving mayors in Canada, often a Liberal and sometimes a Conservative and always a character who calls it as she sees it, came out last week in support of Doug Ford and said this:

“Real leaders don’t show up with problems, they show up with solutions. They don’t find excuses to delay and say no. Real leaders say yes. Doug Ford is a people’s Premier that’s putting Ontario first. He’s a real leader who’s saying yes to building Ontario for the future.”

I believe that much of that can also be said about Graydon Smith, both on his record and on his unwavering, well-publicized commitment to two acute-care, full-service hospitals to serve Muskoka and East Parry Sound.

That is why it is important to vote and when I vote, my top priority will be effective and equal hospital care in all parts of Parry Sound-Muskoka.

Hugh Mackenzie

Hugh Mackenzie has held elected office as a trustee on the Muskoka Board of Education, a Huntsville councillor, a District councillor, and mayor of Huntsville. He has also served as chairman of the District Muskoka and as chief of staff to former premier of Ontario, Frank Miller.

Hugh has served on a number of provincial, federal and local boards, including chair of the Ontario Health Disciplines Board, vice-chair of the Ontario Family Health Network, vice-chair of the Ontario Election Finance Commission, and board member of Roy Thomson Hall, the National Theatre School of Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada. Locally, he has served as president of the Huntsville Rotary Club, chair of Huntsville District Memorial Hospital, chair of the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, president of Huntsville Festival of the Arts, and board member of Community Living Huntsville.

In business, Hugh Mackenzie has a background in radio and newspaper publishing. He was also a founding partner and CEO of Enterprise Canada, a national public affairs and strategic communications firm established in 1986.

Currently, Hugh is president of C3 Digital Media Inc., the parent company of Doppler Online, and he enjoys writing commentary for Huntsville Doppler.

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  1. Ralph Cliffe says:

    I agree with Hugh. We have to go with the winning party for our MPP/Muskoka to benefit.
    CAN DOUG FORD BE TRUSTED? The Conservative Party is know for their cut and slash policy.
    Mike Harris and Bill Davis age good examples. How many seniors did we loose with our
    for profit nursing homes?
    I want to vote for someone/party that will actually keep their word to the people.
    Maybe, just maybe, Doug and Graydon are these people.
    June 2 we will find out “for whom the bell tolls”.

  2. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Great Nathan Cockram, then we should not be concerned if the Conservatives form a minority government.
    As you note, it is on the agenda and won’t be lost or placed on a back burner if Parry Sound Muskoka is not represented by a Conservative MPP. Thanks for your reassurance!

  3. Nancy Samuell says:

    In the midst of the 2015 debate over keeping one or two hospitals in Muskoka, Graydon Smith, as mayor of Bracebridge, “announced the town will make a 4.45 acre section of land available for free to the Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare Board as the potential site for a brand new hospital.” (CTV Barrie April 15, 2015)

    Lest we forget…vote GREEN. We can trust Matt Richter.

  4. Ian McTavish says:

    In terms of disinformation:
    In the last campaign Doug Ford argued that a Liberal government would cause gas prices to soar to over $2/L. Last week under a conservative government I paid over $2/L for gas. That is a fact.

    Doug Ford also argued that a Liberal government would increase the deficit. The deficit increased under the Doug Ford government. That is a fact.

    It was stated in these comments that the 2022 Ontario budget contained no ‘cuts’. Post-secondary education was cut by $685 million. OSAP was cut by $1 billion. That is a fact.

    We had no issue electing a conservative MPP when the Liberals were in government. Is Doug Ford that vindictive that we would be punished for sending a Green MPP?

    I am thankful that I believe all of the local candidates are good people and would serve us well but I feel strongly that we can’t afford a Doug Ford government.

  5. Sonja Garlick says:

    When you vote for the candidate of your choice, hopefully you will make your decision based on the qualities of your candidate as a person, not on the negative comments of others. For me, Graydon Smith is inspiring, not only as a great communicator, listener and decision maker, but as a kind and caring family man who truly wants what’s best for our community.I have know Graydon for many years and for me, he possesses the most important qualities that every politician SHOULD have….honesty and integrity.

  6. Nathan Cockram says:

    Also, the Ford government has firmly committed the money for the two hospitals. The money is included in capital spending for 2021-22.

    So those above saying it’s simply an empty promise are sadly misinformed.

  7. Nathan Cockram says:

    A great deal of misinformation on this thread.

    The Ford government has a strong, coherent platform, which is the 2022 budget. This budget increases spending in education, mental health, and infrastructure that is badly needed. This is a fact. There are no ‘cuts’ whatsoever. The budget is committed to stimulating the economy by increasing demand across various sectors, including green energy in the automotive sector.

    The Bradford bypass is nowhere near the Holland marsh, that is a fact.

    Graydon Smith has the expertise, and the relationship with the provincial government to help the citizens of this riding. He has worked extensively with the ministry of health and the premier’s office over the past decade. He is ready and willing to take your concerns to the government, a government he already knows and has worked with.

    If Matt Richter is elected, he will be one of *two* Green MPP’s at Queens Park. They will have absolutely *no* influence because they will not form a government. Matt will sit in the nosebleed section, and will not provide any help for the riding because he will have no ability to set the legislative agenda. That is a fact.

    If you want strong, effective government for this riding, Graydon Smith is the only choice.

  8. Patrick Flanagan says:

    As the election approached, the PCs finally got around to making a promise that at some indefinite point in the future, there would be a two-hospital solution. There was no promise to allocate enough provincial money to get the job done.

    As the White Queen said “The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday—but never jam today.”
    “It must come sometimes to ‘jam today,’ ” Alice objected.
    “No, it can’t,” said the queen. “It’s jam every other day: today isn’t any other day, you know.”

  9. Allen Markle says:

    The hospitals proposed for this area are in the future; they are certainly not ‘paramount’ as stated in one comment. I would submit they are just part of the cool-aid being doled out by our local conservatives; in the absence of an actual platform..
    Look at the number of high end condos and such being built in our area. A good number of these new residents are retired people, with pensions and retirement packages. It’s we elder folk who will be in greatest need of medical services, hopefully a few years into the future. In the meantime, if need arises, we will go to where there is help. It may be inconvenient, but somehow we will get it done.
    What the area needs right now, is a place for younger families to get a job, earn a living wage and create a stable situation for themselves, as we have done. I don’t see much of what they need being created or offered right now. The cool-aid vendors are saying they will do this and do that; they will give us this and supply that. Really. Promises. Promises. Because Doug and Company have had 4 years to ‘get-er-done’, and it seems their platform exists, only in the future.
    Like those hospitals.

  10. Meg Jordan says:

    Respecfullly, I have to say I am thinking more than twice Fran Coleman and I certainly do care about our hospital. However, everything I see in the current Ford approach to improving healthcare is towards privatization and this is absolutely contrary to everything in which I believe. I think private for profit interests were at the heart of what happened to our elders in the long term care system during the pandemic. So, for the sake of our local hospital and the future of healthcare in Ontario, I will be voting for Matt Richter and the Green approach to governing. We need someone to hold Ford and his development cronies accountable to the needs of the people. I also think the overall Green Party approach to the climate emergency which includes things like affordable housing, mental healthcare and protection of nature is worth a good try!! It’s well past time !!

  11. Fran Coleman says:

    Well said Hugh. Hospital funding is paramount for Parry Sound -Muskoka. I will be supporting Graydon. He has the experience and drive “To get it done“ we must be part of the government in power.
    Think twice folks.

  12. Allen Markle says:

    I read Dr. Suzuki’s ill conceived utterance about the blowing up of pipelines. Have never been a fan of the man, but he has made himself a reputation. There is nothing in his remark that is an advocation of, or an instruction to, promote violence. The comment was definitely over the top; we can hope no such event happens, but neither can we be be sure as to how far some ‘nut-bar’ will go with anything. The tragedy in the Ukraine for example. Nut-bar on the loose.
    I can’t imagine Dr. Suzuki needing to scam someone for beer money (he may not even drink), and only fruit flies might label him a hate-monger (though we know he only carried out research on them). I can sympathize with the man though, as we seem to both feel there is something bad coming, and can do so little about it. His is an uncompromising attitude towards ‘global warming’; so maybe a zealot.
    But, his pronouncement includes the big ‘if’. You know. Like in; ‘IF the doggie hadn’t stopped to poo, he would have caught the bunny.’ IF!
    I do however, advocate for the Green Party and hope there are enough of us to do the job. As for being a ‘zealot’, I leave that to Ford supporters. And Dr. Suzuki.

  13. Greg Reuvekamp says:

    Graydon Smith is the clear choice for Parry Sound Muskoka. He has a solid 15 years+ record of service and leadership to the people of Bracebridge and the District of Muskoka, along with his tenure as President of the Association of Municipalities in Ontario. He is a moderate, reasoned voice and a consensus builder. His election will mean that this riding has a strong voice at the table of a strong majority government. It will result in real results for the people here.

  14. Vern Kay says:

    I think Mr. Smith has been a good mayor for Bracebridge and many of the things he fought for were against Mr. Ford’s programs. Now he is bragging about how great Mr. Ford is. It appears that is why he hasn’t participated in live debates because in his written replies he can copy from Mr. Ford’s book.
    In Mr. Smith’s replies to the written question on environment he said he would be working with Mr. Ford as they both realize how important the lakes. etc. are in Muskoka. I guess we are to assume building a multi lane highway through Holland Marsh meets these environmental requirements.
    I will stick with Mr. Richter thank you.

  15. Linda Hollin says:

    All I will be thinking about when I vote is that our current PC premier can’t be allowed to lead our province for four more years! He claims to be for us common folk, but his wealthy developer buddies (who also donate huge amounts to his party) are going to make enormous profits on land they just “happen” to own adjacent to planned new highways! Private schools received a far greater number of rapid antigen test kits than were made available to public schools! Our precious health care system is in desperate trouble due to his budget restraints! Privatizing it looks big on the horizon for those who can afford it!
    Graydon Smith has been a good mayor and I am confident that he would work as hard for our riding as he has for Bracebridge. But he is, first and foremost, a PC – and if elected, would be one more seat to help Ford be re-elected! I will be voting for a man whom I have watched mature and grow as a candidate – Matt Richter!

  16. Britt Stevens says:

    My thought process at election time is a simple one. In a perfect world government would have a sound economic and jobs strategy which then in turn supports a responsible education and healthcare system.

    Taxes from a strong economy are needed to pay for everything else we take for granted.
    If the economy is not strong nothing else will happen because debt is the only option left to get the latter two.

    If government cannot attract business to this province or any other province our quality of life will gradually decline. There are only to ways for a province (or country) to improve the quality of life for its people. #1 Export more then it imports or #2 Run a deficit.

    I admire anyone who enters the complex world of government. However, the platform that is closest to the model I have described gets my vote.

  17. BJ BOLTAUZER says:

    Voting for Mr. Graydon Smith means voting for Mr. Doug Ford. Mr. DougFord, the Premier of Ontario, who is cutting funds for our Universal Health Care and our Free Education. A Premier who diverts funds for services that are fundamental for any society which considers itself a civilized society, only so that he can divert those funds to superfluous projects which benefit his and his party’s donors.

  18. Lynn Bennett says:

    Reported on Barrie News (CTV) that over 60 PC candidates have refused to participate in candidates’ debates. Guess that candidate Smith is following Ford’s orders. Shameful and this impacts our democracy.

  19. Nancy Long says:

    Just think about the hospitals and then the next thought is about long-term care. And don’t forget education and the environment. So many issues for government to adminster.

  20. Brenda Begg says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! As Jim Smith says, we need a plan that addresses a robust health care and education system, housing, poverty, and the environment. And we need it now. Anna-Lise, Ian McTavish, and Allen Markle: I agree with you.

    In an earlier article, it was mentioned that Ford drives a truck, answers his phone calls, visits restaurants and businesses, physically helps his neighbours (although I’d say that helping neighbours should include among others, LTC staff and residents). These qualities alone, do not make a premiere who will lead our province with skill, decisiveness, compassion, and a dedication to making things better for everyone. A Conservative government is not in the peoples’ best interests.

  21. Lynn Bennett says:

    Sorry I won’t vote for a candidate who does not show up to the candidates’ debate. This is so disrespectful to the other candidates as well as us the voters!!

    Watch what people do and you can predict how they will act. So when the going gets tough Smith, like Ford — attendance record absent 87% of the time, will be a NO SHOW for the people of Muskoka-Parry Sound.

    I am voting for the guy who has been working hard since 2007 to make a difference in this community – Matt has my vote.

  22. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Mr. Mackenzie, thinking of our local hospitals…..

    I believe the hospital decision will stand if Doug Ford has a minority government.
    Surely, he would not be so vindictive as to cancel this promise if a Green MPP represented Parry Sound-Muskoka, would he?

    Oh, wait now, didn’t he cancel the number of representative city counsellors in Toronto when taking office (I recall him calling Toronto an “orange mess” at his annual backyard BBQ for Stephen Harper). (No insult is intended here to the NDP, when noting DF’s bully remarks). And then there is that waste of taxpayer’s money in taking the anti-carbon tax stickers on gas pumps to Ontario court system.

    No, our Doug Ford can make “difficult decisions”, just as his predecessor Mike Harris. Inane ones to be sure. Thank you for reading another post, yet again.

  23. Bill Beatty says:

    Impeccable logic again Hugh !
    Grayfpn for MPP & Scott for PM.
    A Brilliant Tandem !

  24. Ian McTavish says:

    If Graydon Smith is proud of his record and the platform that he is running on then why did he not participate in the Sundridge debate or the recent Muskoka Lakes realtor debate like other candidates?
    When you go to the conservative party website there is no document outlining their party platform.
    Voting conservative is supporting a party that has increased the deficit while getting rid of revenue streams, I can not agree with the logic behind that.

  25. Jim Smith says:

    The conservative party ran in the last election with no platform. We were supposed to vote for them because Liberals were wasting money (attack strategy). But Mike Schriener should not be attacking, he should be be talking platform. No irony there.

    This election, again the conservatives have no platform. They have now become the spending party. Instead of Doug Ford’s whims on what to cut (renewable energy projects, LTC inspections are 2 fascinating examples) we will have him making decisions on how to spend.

    Doug Ford has no skills or expertise in health care or in managing the province (during a major snow storm, Doug heads out with a shovel. Is that the leadership the province needs?).

    Personally, I am going to vote for a party that has a plan to improve the things that make our lives better. A plan for health care, education, housing, poverty and the environment. A plan for the future.

  26. Allen Markle says:

    I can’t imagine how having a certain person representing our area, will make any difference in whether or not we will get two hospitals; to the tune of (recently stated) about a billion dollars. We have had a few Conservative members here in Muskoka- Parry Sound and have made out like bandits! Right? Good paying jobs. Affordable housing. Past performance I know.
    That said, I do hope all goes well for the district as the process moves forward, but circumstances at the time, say 10 years hence, will dictate how it all goes down. It certainly wont be because some ‘messiah’ represents us in the Doug Ford cabinet.
    I don’t watch any of the debates, as I find those performances to be not at all amusing. There are candidates stating what they will do if elected and what the incumbent hasn’t done, while the present leader will have to stand on the party record. For me, if the incumbent can can offer something important as a promise, then why think of it just now?
    Besides, when Mr. Ford fields a question, he always looks like he has been blindsided. Whether the question was really for him and was it in English. Maybe that’s just me.
    But I wont be thinking of the hospital when I do X Green. I’ll be hoping that something new and fresh will happen here. It sure couldn’t hurt.
    The old and tired is just that. It doesn’t cut it any more.

  27. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Mr. Mackenzie; you fail to mention the money raised to support Conservative candidates. Last time I looked, the Conservative party has plenty in the campaign bank to support the many ads. How could they fail?
    Perhaps a look at party platform and policy might be the answer.

  28. Anna-Lise Kear says:

    Mr. Mackenzie;
    When you vote, think about increased for-profit model in healthcare/hospitals, think about the lack of investment in the public healthcare system, think about the long term care disaster during the pandemic in the for-profit sector, think about the mixed messages from the Ford government and unclear leadership during the crisis, think about the climate & highway development over Ford’s own environmental advisors, think about the lack of well-developed supports and direction for schools during COVID, etc., etc. Think about How the local hospital bed promises will be paid. Think about the nursing and doctor shortage (think about the nurses leaving their profession and why).

    It sincerely sounds as if the announcements concerning the new Fairvern building and the increase in hospital beds are quid-pro-quo for voting Conservative. Yet the increased hospital beds were not entertained or influenced during the Norm Miller Conservative years – they were announced in run up to the election.

    Mr. Graydon Smith may identify himself as a “red Tory” but his party isn’t. What influence do you think his viewpoint will have with the current Ontario Conservative party in that direction? Just some more to “think about”.