District of Muskoka Council
District of Muskoka Council comprises 22 councillors and the chair.

Listen Up! Election campaign is a good time to ask candidates what they think about District government

Hugh Mackenzie
Huntsville Doppler

Now how did that happen? All of a sudden, we are staring Labour Day in the face. It seems like only a few weeks ago we were celebrating Canada Day and yet summer is on its way out, school is back in session and the Fall season is upon us. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun!

This year, municipal elections will take place across Ontario and with Labour Day behind us campaigning will start in earnest. Indeed, election signs for various candidates are already springing up like weeds! While local elections are often pretty low key, compared to Provincial and Federal elections, they are never the less important. This year in particular, there will be some interesting things to watch.

The first is the status of Bill 5, called the Better Local Government Act, which was passed by the Ford Government as one of its early pieces of legislation. While it was primarily focused on significantly cutting the size of Toronto’s Municipal Council, it has implications for Muskoka as previous legislation to elect the Regional or District Chair at large, here, as well as in Peel, York and Niagara Regions, was rolled back by the same Bill.

The City of Toronto was in Court on Friday, arguing that Bill 5 should be thrown out as its introduction during a municipal election period, without consultation, is discriminatory and arbitrary and is a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. Personally, I think that is a very high hill to climb as municipalities are clearly creatures of the Province, and as such the Province can pretty well do anything they want to them.

However, there was one interesting moment during the Court proceedings on Friday that is noteworthy. The presiding Judge asked one of the lawyers representing the Province of Ontario, if the Government had consulted the Ministry of the Attorney General prior to introducing the Better Local Government Act. The lawyer for the Province ducked the question by citing lawyer-client confidentiality, to which the Judge responded that he doubted the Ministry was consulted. Whether or not that is an indication of the way the Judge is leaning is yet to be seen, but one way or another, his decision, expected within the next week or so, will have an effect on the election process, certainly in Toronto and possibly in Muskoka.

Bill 5, whether it stands or falls, will have an effect on District Government in Muskoka, because it is a strong signal from Premier Ford that change is coming. He has promised a review of Regional government in Ontario and whether you like him or not, he appears, at least so far, (with the notable exception of Bala Falls) to deliver on his promises.

It is no secret that I believe District Government in Muskoka has become too fat, too remote and too unaccountable. With a staff equivalent of more than 550 full time employees and a whopping annual budget of more than $164 million, District Government seem to have its fingers in too many pies, certainly far more than was originally intended or legislated. Some people believe that this is the kind of government we need for all of Muskoka; a single tier across the entire District, eliminating local municipalities. I could not disagree more. My own view is that a number of services, now in the hands of District Government, including Roads and Planning could be more effectively delivered, for the most part, at the local level where politicians are most accountable and the priorities of the people they serve, best known.

An election campaign for District Chair across Muskoka would have been an effective way to discuss the reform of District, but barring a judicial miracle, that is not to be. To date, there has been little leadership displayed at the District level to effect real change. However, change is coming one way or another. The real question is whether the next District Council will embrace made- in-Muskoka change, or whether they will wait to have change thrust upon them by the Provincial Government.

Two members of the next Muskoka District Council have been acclaimed. The remaining twenty seats are up for grabs and there are 39 candidates running in the municipal election to fill them. In Huntsville there are six candidates running for three District Council seats and two more running for the District Council seat that is reserved for the Mayor. There is no better time to ask them for their views on Muskoka District governance. Will they embrace change or will they support the status quo? If they are in favour of change, where should this start and what measures would they propose?

Local municipalities will have to adjust to change as well. We are over governed in Muskoka with too many politicians, far too much bureaucracy and too much duplication of services. It is time for voters in Muskoka to ask all candidates where, when and how this will stop.

It will be four years until they get another opportunity and that just may be too late.

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  1. Fran Coleman says:

    Before anything changes… Social services needs to go back to the Province . Huntsville can’t afford to take that burden on at the local level.

  2. Debi Davis says:

    That is great Bob, but how do you propose to get it to the table?

  3. Bob Stone says:

    I agree that District is too big and Municipal government should be the voice of the people from the ground up. It’s time to take back all of Huntsville roads and planning authority from District. I also believe that 22 District Councillors is unwieldy and should be significantly reduced…And Yes I promise to vote for a smaller District Council even if it costs me my seat, because it is the right thing to do.