Welcome to Wayback Wednesday sponsored by Cavalcade Color Lab! Every week, we’ll be sharing a vintage photo and asking our readers to chime in with anything you can recall about the photo, other related memories, or even a funny caption. Have some vintage photos of your own? Send them to [email protected] and we may share them with our readers!
This week, a long-ago view from the corner of Brunel and Main. What differences do you notice in this photo compared to today? (Photo by Albert Staples, courtesy of the Muskoka Heritage Place Collection)
Wayback Wednesday is sponsored by Cavalcade Color Lab
Last week we shared this photo with you:
John Hawkins shared with us on Facebook that “My father owned and ran it. I worked there as well and taught guitar lessons there soooo cool actually I bought my 72 statocaster there still play it! Sooooooo cool!!!”
Lynda Sinclair added, “Jack Hawkins, sons John and Jim. My husband at the time played in a band with them and they’d often rehearse in the store when it was closed.”
And John Schumacher said, “I flipped burgers in that building, think it was called ‘The burger pit’ but not 100% sure of that.”
If you want to see more Wayback Wednesday photos, click here.