Main photo: International students (from left) Lara Steyer (Germany), Manami Takeda (Japan), Fenia Fiebranz (Germany), Mai Mekata (Japan), and Taro Ocoyne (Japan) recently arrived in Huntsville. Absent: Carla D’Angelo (Italy).
Huntsville High School (HHS) recently welcomed six international students from various countries around the world, including Germany, Japan, and Italy.
The students joined HHS in February through the school’s International Program, which is organized through MLI Homestay in Muskoka. MLI places visitors with caring host families to provide students with the best possible experience, as well as provide an incredible opportunity for families to explore new cultures, learn about global issues, and perhaps even a few words in another language without leaving the comforts of home.
“It’s an absolute pleasure to be able to get to know our visiting students to help ensure an inviting, educational, and valuable experience for all,” said HHS head of school improvement/student services, Vanessa Taylor.
TLDSB spoke with the students about their experiences so far at HHS and heard that most chose to complete the exchange program in Ontario, Canada, because they wanted to study English and learn more about the culture.
Taro Ocoyne from Tokyo, Japan, says the thing he misses the most about his home country is the food.
Manami Takeda, also from Tokyo, Japan, says the biggest difference between school here in Ontario compared to school in their home country is that Japanese schools are long vertically, but the school here is long horizontally.
Carla D’Angelo from Rome, Italy, says the hardest part about their experience so far has been taking classes in another language.
One piece of advice Lara Steyer from Lake Constance, Germany, would give to a current student thinking about taking part in the exchange program would be, “Don’t expect to have an experience that looks like the ones you often see on social media. Living here is so great so don‘t waste that by being disappointed about expectations that aren’t met. Everyone’s experience is different. Enjoy your time and try to take every opportunity!”
Mai Mekata from Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, says the most surprising part of their experience so far is how multinational our schools are.
And Fenia Fiebranz from Bad Homburg, Germany, said their first impression about Ontario was how cold it was here, but loved their tobogganing experience.
To learn more about the international student program, visit the MLI Homestay website.
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