If you travel Highway 60 on a regular basis, you’ll have noticed the bright orange stakes lining the shoulders. They’re marking a province of Ontario repaving and bridge repair project that extends from Highway 11 to just east of Hidden Valley Road. The $6,415,000 project was awarded to The Miller Group out of Markham – the lowest bidder – and will include asphalt recycling, granular shouldering, electrical rehabilitation, asphalt paving, culvert replacement, and structural rehabilitation.
There will be traffic control by flag persons for lane closures that reduce traffic to one lane on weekdays and reduced speed limits in all work zones.
The project is expected to be complete by October 27, 2017.
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It is too bad that they didn’t start this work a couple of months ago. Traffic will be horrendous this summer.
Ken, the area which has been cleared along the corner of Hwy. 60 and Earls Road is privately owned and is not part of the MTO work being done along that stretch. Planning staff at Town Hall say they have not received any planning approvals for those lands and while they encourage residents to preserve trees where possible, the Town of Huntsville does not have a tree cutting bylaw in place.
Forgot this part in the first comment. If they are doing “electrical” upgrades then maybe they could fix the traffic lights at Grandview (soon to be much busier again) and Deerhurst/Canal road. I don’t know exactly what is wrong with these lights but I’ve never seen so much rubber on the road approaching stop lights before so, empirically, something is not right here, that much is obvious. Also I see a lot of people who seem confused as to how these lights work, especially if they are driving very expensive cars and coming from Deerhurst. Red seems to mean “go fast” for some of these folks when turning left toward Huntsville. I don’t remember this being part of the Drivers Handbook when I learned.
They are repaving the best quality part of highway 60. Drive the rest and you’ll soon see. At least they could widen 60 from 3 up the hill to Hanes Rd. It is only a few hundred feet.
Hope they fix the hollow beside 3 guys where the right lane is gradually flowing into the creek.
By the way.. what is all the tree removal at Hanes intersection on the side opposite Home Depot all about?
With all this unnecessary road work are we gearing up for another G8
Really, I drive this route almost every day and in my opinion this money would be better spent on our health care system and specifically our hospital
Hi Ken,
The information released by the province doesn’t indicate widening is included in this project but we will confirm.
Does the repaving on Highway 60 include the widening to two lanes from King William to Hanes Road — see work there already and it appears that this will be done and most welcome and any widening from Hanes Road westward? — readers might find this info interesting
Hopefully included will be a significant bicycle lane !