Marlee Moore uses a test to assess visual coordination skills, which can be impacted following a concussion (Photo courtesy of ProActive Rehab)
Marlee Moore uses a test to assess visual coordination skills, which can be impacted following a concussion.

Five ways you can be proactive about concussions this hockey season ~ ProActive Rehab


Marlee Moore, ProActive Rehab exercise therapist, uses the Shift Concussion Management Program to assess post-concussion progress.

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the hockey community’s approach to concussions—no longer is it seen as a simple case of “having your bell rung”. Today, hockey players, coaching staff, professionals and parents recognize the importance of preventing, identifying and managing concussion injuries.

Some steps have been taken at the league level to address the issue, like instituting new penalties for improper checking and offering player and coach education, but as the game continues to get faster and equipment gets bulkier, the problem isn’t going away any time soon.

This can leave many parents feeling anxious and helpless heading into hockey season. But, this doesn’t have to be the case. By realizing the risk, getting educated and taking a few precautionary steps, parents can take a proactive approach to concussions that will keep their kids safer on the ice and better prepared in the unfortunate event they sustain a traumatic brain injury.

Being proactive about concussions: 5 things you can do as a parent

  1. Acknowledge the risk, but don’t let it hold you back.

Concussions should certainly be taken seriously as an injury, but don’t let fear prevent you from taking action now. There are some great resources out there—the very best thing you can do as a parent is to get informed and be proactive about it. A few great sources of up-to-date information to get you started include Parachute Canada and Hockey Canada.

  1. Choose custom-made, properly fitted and worn mouth guards.

A common misconception is that hockey helmets are the single piece of equipment that can prevent concussions. Often, mouth guards get overlooked for their role in preventing injury. There is some data that suggests custom-made, properly fitted mouth guards (as opposed to over-the-counter mouth guards purchased at sports stores) can play a role in reducing the risk of sustaining a sports-related concussion when worn correctly. Looking for a local supplier of custom-made mouth guards? Try Kara Evershed at Grin Guard.

While hockey helmets are not proven to prevent concussions, it is critical to ensure your child wears proper, well-fitted equipment to protect against other injuries. Make sure your child’s helmet is snug and the strap is properly fastened at all times. Also, mouth guards only work if they are worn properly and not chewed.

  1. Talk with your child about playing safe and with respect and model that behaviour as a spectator.

Players have a huge role to play in preventing concussions by playing fairly and safely. We encourage you to talk to your child about sportsmanship and responsible behaviour on the ice. Consider discussing why certain rules (like never checking to the head and never hitting from behind) must be respected at all times for the safety of themselves and their fellow players, including concussion prevention.

As a parent, you also play a critical part as a role model for your child and other players. If you do your best to demonstrate respect for the officials and their calls, players and coaches and avoid negativity (for example, when penalties are called), your child is more likely to share the same sense of respect for the rules of the game.

  1. Learn more about baseline testing.

Baseline testing consists of a series of assessment tools that are designed to be completed by athletes prior to participating in sport. The theory is that the tests provide baseline measurements that can be compared to post-injury results in the event of a suspected concussion. Although research continues to improve, there are limitations to the tests and they are by no means required to provide post-injury care for concussions.

However, because the effects of concussions can vary so dramatically from person to person, baseline tests can be helpful in identifying impairments caused by the injury and help guide management recommendations. At ProActive Rehab, we assess and treat concussions using the Shift Concussion Management Program. Our initial assessment consists of a neurocognitive computer-based test, an assessment of your vestibular (inner ear) and oculomotor (visual) systems, a balance and gait assessment and a musculoskeletal assessment of your neck.

We use the information from this assessment to help guide our clients through the stages of concussion treatment: rest, gradual return to daily activities, return to work and school and a staged return to sport, in addition to treating and managing symptoms. Through this protocol we can successfully help your child get back to normal life and ensure they are not left with lingering problems that could affect their future.

  1. Learn to spot the signs and seek professional care quickly if you suspect a concussion.

Concussions are often referred to as the “invisible injury” because they don’t show up in CT scans, x-rays or MRIs. This makes them difficult to detect and diagnose. Any impact to the head, face or neck, or a blow to the body that results in a sudden jolting of the head, can cause a concussion. A person does not have to be “knocked out” or lose consciousness to sustain one.

If you suspect your child has sustained a concussion, they should be removed from play immediately and assessed by a physician as soon as possible.

While the effects of a concussion vary from person to person, common signs and symptoms include:

  • Headaches or head pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Emotional changes (sadness, easily upset or angered, nervousness or anxiety)
  • Blurred or fuzzy vision
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Sleep disturbance (sleeping more or less, having a hard time falling asleep)
  • Balance problems
  • Feeling tired or having no energy
  • Difficulty working on a computer or reading
  • Feeling “dazed”, “fuzzy” or not thinking clearly

For a more complete list of signs and symptoms, consult Parachute Canada’s Pre-Season Concussion Education Sheet.

Be aware that signs and symptoms may have a delayed onset (may be worse later that day or even the next morning). Always be sure to continue to monitor players, even after the initial symptoms and signs have returned to normal.

We hope that these five strategies will empower parents and help them feel more prepared this hockey season. By equipping yourself with knowledge, resources and the right equipment, you can be proactive in preventing concussions and able to respond quickly in the unfortunate event you are forced to deal with one.

If you have any questions about concussion treatment and rehabilitation, please call ProActive Rehab at (705) 788-1480 or stop by the clinic at 23 Dairy Lane in Huntsville.
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