By Peter Rhead
More examples of offering or accepting an invitation to game
Today we look at more examples of how to interpret your hand when making or accepting an invitation to game or slam. Your decision to make or accept such an invitation always depends on the strength and distribution of your hand.
Case 1:
Spades QJx
Hearts QJ
Diamonds AKxx
Clubs Kxxx
Case 1: With 16 points in this balanced hand, most partnerships would probably open One No-Trump. But you are misleading partner because this hand likely has only two sure tricks. You would be safer instead to devalue this hand. Open One Diamond and see how partner responds.
Case 2:
Spades K
Hearts Qxx
Diamonds AQJxx
Clubs AKxx
Case 2: You open One Diamond your 20 point hand including one length point. Partner responds One Heart. With his bid, partner’s hand is unlimited (6-20 points) and forcing. His hand guarantees 6 points but could have 20 points. You must now limit your hand so that partner can become the captain and lead the partnership to the correct contract. Since your King is not protected, you should devalue your hand for your second bid. You are pretty sure of a game so just bid the game, Four Hearts.
Case 3:
Spades AQxx
Diamonds Kxxx
Clubs AQxxx
Case 3: With 16 points including one length point, you open this hand One Club. Partner responds One Diamond. His hand is unlimited. Partner guarantees 6 points but he may have 20 points. A new suit by responder is always forcing. You must now limit your opening hand to show partner you have medium value hand of 15-18 points. Jump to Three Diamonds inviting game. Your jump shows the medium value hand. (Two Diamonds would have shown the minimum 13-14 point hand). Partner now knows you have a two-suited hand and medium strength. He becomes the captain and leads the partnership to the best contract. He should PASS if he has a minimum hand and he plays Four Diamonds for the part score.
Next Week: Back to opener’s second bid. This time after partner responds with the convention “Jacoby Two No Trump”.
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