By Peter Rhead
Fourth Suit Forcing
Over the past few weeks we have investigated the convention “Limit Your Hand”. Some conventions are just guidelines and “Limit Your Hand” is one of them. Today’s topic, “Fourth Suit Forcing” is an actual convention within the guideline “Limit Your Hand”.
We have been examining the opportunities to “Limit Your Hand” within the first two bids by you or your partner. But what happens if you are unable to “Limit Your Hand” when you know that your partnership has enough points for at least a game and perhaps slam. You do not know where. How do you proceed?
One tool in your bidding tool box is “Fourth Suit Forcing”. It is used when neither partner has passed and one of the partners recognizes that the partnership has enough points for game or slam. However, the partnership has not settled where to play the contract. In the bidding sequence, you and your partner are bidding different suits. When you have agreed to follow this convention, a bid of the fourth suit tells partner “I know we have game or slam. I do not know where but do not stop bidding until we get to game.”
The bid of the fourth suit says nothing about that fourth suit (alerted for the opponents). But now both partners can continue bidding slowly, knowing that the other partner will not pass until game, at least, is reached.
Consider this example. You open One Diamond, and partner bids One Spade. You bid Two Hearts and partner bids the fourth suit, Three Clubs. (“Alert” by you. The opponents are entitled to an explanation that the bid of Three Clubs says nothing about Clubs.) It just means that your partner wants game at least but does not know where. Perhaps it will be No-Trump or maybe a suit contract. The next one or two bids should confirm at least the game contract.
The convention “Fourth Suit Forcing” may be used only if the opponents do not interfere with a suit bid.
A jump to the fourth suit is natural and not “Fourth Suit Forcing”.
You now have the gist of “Fourth Suit Forcing”. There are some bidding variations possible. For more information, read “Fourth Suit Forcing” in Barbara Seagram’s 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know, page 159.
Next Week: Is Your Long Suit Worth a Full Opening?
If you wish to promote an activity in your Bridge group or ask a Bridge question, send the information to and I will try to include it in this column.
(Or any other game you want to play)
12 NOON FOR LUNCH Friday, Nov 1, 2019 $25 per person
Gravenhurst Senior’s Centre 480 First Street North
A great opportunity to enjoy companionship while supporting young women in Muskoka to go to college and university. Arrange your foursome and bring necessary supplies for your table. To register, please provide all four names to: Mary 705-646-8881 [email protected] Or Carol 705-646-2567
In the multi-purpose room 2nd floor (elevator) (back entrance of Summit Centre
Just come – with or without a partner. Please arrive 10 minutes before game time. For information, contact Donna or Peter Tikuisis at 647 471 1774 or [email protected].
This game will be played following Chicago Rules (allowing both fast and slow games). You will keep your same partner for the entire evening. Cost is $1.50 per person. Parking is outside the North Entrance opposite Heritage Village Railway Station.
Games for the Port Carling Social Bridge Club now for the Winter are Monday afternoon 1pm at the Port Carling Community Centre, 3 Bailey Street. Please arrive with your partner at least 10 minutes before game time.
NOTE: There is no game Oct 14, Thanksgiving
For information, contact Andree or Scott 705-764-3827 [email protected]
Results for Monday, Oct 7, 2019 1. Ted & Susan Daglish 4470 points; 2. Hans & Janette Heeneman 4250 points; 3. Third: Louise Kirbyson & Mavis Hall 4040 points
Games are Tuesday 7pm Trinity United Church 33 Main Street. Please arrive with your partner at least 10 minutes before game time. For partnerships and information call Jan Roberts 705 635-2522 or email [email protected]
The following winners are for Tuesday, Oct 8, 2019 with 13 pairs playing a Howell Movement 1. Liz Barnes and David Bryce; 2. Liz Graham and Dorothy Russell; 3. Art Insley and Don Evans; 4. Vern Foell and Rod Dixon; 5. Susan Marshall and Jan Roberts; 6. Andrea Killackey and Terry Killackey; 7. Gerry VanLierop and Ron Groulx
Games for the Bracebridge Club are Mondays 7pm, Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Taylor Road. Please arrive with your partner 10 minutes before game time. For information contact Brian at 705-645-5340 [email protected]
The following winners are from Monday, Oct 7, 2019 with 12 pairs playing a Howell movement. 1/2. Mary Luke and Donna McIntosh 1/2. Mary Whitehead and Helen Pearson; 3. Liz Barnes and David Bryce; 4. Mary Mitchell and Susan Maddocks; 5. Betty Fagin and Gail Lederer; 6. Betty Rintoul and Kel Andresen
Looking for more bridge tips? You’ll find them here.
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