By Valerie Rhead
A weak-two bid (six card suit except two-Clubs), a weak-three bid (seven card suit) and a weak‑four bid (eight-card suit) are all weak. They show a long suit but less than opening points, usually six to nine high-card points. Many partnerships play that the suit should be of good quality, two of the top three honours or three of the top five honours. This is especially important if you are vulnerable. If you open a weak-two bid in a suit that is headed by the eight, and go down doubled and vulnerable, you can lose a lot.
But, it also can be a problem if you incorrectly open your “weak-two” bid with a six-card suit and 17 points. Your partner won’t realize that you may be in game or slam territory. Often she will pass. This is very frustrating when, with proper bidding, you could bid and make a game or a slam. A weak-two is designed only to be pre-emptive, to interfere with your opponents bidding, when there is a chance that their side may have a better contract than your side.
It is counter-intuitive that a three-heart bid is weaker than a one-heart bid, but it is. If you have six hearts and 17 points, please bid just one heart to open. This gives you enough bidding space to get to the best contract.
Do remember that if your partner opens with a weak-two bid, you rarely have a game unless you have about 16 points in your hand. Your partner is weak and doesn’t have an opening bid. If you have at least three cards in your partner’s suit, however, you may raise the bid to three. This is just extending the pre-empt to make it harder for your opponents to bid. This three bid is not an invitation for opener to continue. The opener should pass.
And did I say, a weak-two bid, a weak-three bid or a weak-four bid are all weak?
If you wish to promote an activity in your bridge group, send the information to [email protected] and I will include it in this column.
Thursday, Oct 29, 2015 had a full house of about 80 participants who contributed towards university scholarships. Thank you for the success at the Gravenhurst Senior’s Centre.
TOURNAMENT TRAIL: Silver Points, Barrie
One Day Sunday Swiss 11AM Nov 1, 2015
Your opportunity for fun and to earn silver points in a one day double session tournament Swiss Teams with stratification A = 1000+, B = 300-1000, C = 0-300, $120 per team, Royal Canadian Legion, 410 St.Vincent, Barrie, enter off Ferris Lane. Pre-registration is NOT required. Just come with your team of four, thirty minutes early.
Seminars and Games for both Duplicate and Social Rubber Bridge
Friday – Sunday Nov 6-8, 2015
This is another opportunity to continue the learning process that never ends. For more information and registration, go to OR call (705)325-2256 or 1-800-567-3376.
Games for the Huntsville Club are Tuesday evening 7:15, Trinity United Church 33 Main Street. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early. Call Betty 705-789-2560 [email protected] or Susan at 705-789-7156 [email protected] for information and partnerships. Starting Tuesday, Nov 2 for the winter, the game will be held downstairs in the warm basement. To avoid the long stairs, enter from the door on Main Street. Circle your calendar for the Winter Party Dec 8, 4:30 at Tall Trees, game back at Trinity.
The following results are for Tuesday, Oct 27 with 8 tables playing a Howell movement. 1. Jim Smith and Ralph Mitchell; 2. Mary Hogarth and Albert Eatock; 3. Val Rhead and Peter Rhead; 4. Barb Golding and Barb Mooney; 5. Jan Roberts and Dorothy Russell; 6. Vern Foell and Don Norman; 7. Liz Barnes and Bev Howard; 8. Heather Hockin and David Hockin
Games at the Bracebridge Club are at the Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Taylor Road 7pm Monday evenings. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before game time. For information/partnerships, call Brian at 705-645-5340 [email protected]
Circle your calendar for the Winter Party Nov 30 5:00 for 5:30 Curling Club, game back at Knox.
The following results are for Monday, Oct 26 with 9 tables playing a Mitchell movement. North-South 1. Val Rhead and Peter Rhead; 2. Mary Luke and Donna McIntosh; 3. Betty Fagin and Brian Brocklehurst; 4. Fay MacDonald and Mary Whitehead; East-West 1. Liz Barnes and David Bryce; 2. Betty Rintoul and Bev Howard; 4. Art Insley and Don Evans