By Valerie Rhead
Previously we’ve looked at big hands that are balanced in the 20-21 point range. These are opened with a bid of Two No-Trump. We’ve also looked at hands of 22 points or more which are opened with Two Clubs. What do you do with an 18-21 point unbalanced hand?
First, you open a suit at the one level. If your partner replies, you make a rebid that is FORCING to game (partner has at least six points so the partnership has a minimum 24 points). Depending on the shape of your hand, that forcing bid can be either a jump to Two No-Trump or a strong jump shift into another suit.
Of course, you’re remembering to give yourself distribution points. At the start of the bidding, give yourself one length point for each card in a suit over four. Once you and your partner have found a fit in a suit contract, give yourself additional points for shortness.
I will whisper this softly! If you don’t have a second suit (ie. a suit with four cards), sometimes you have to lie a little to describe the power of your hand. If you have to lie, it’s better to lie with a jump shift in a minor—your partner is less likely to get carried away. Your partner now knows the total points of your two hands and is the captain. She will then guide you to the appropriate suit and level of the contract. Good luck.
If you wish to promote an activity in your bridge group, send the information to [email protected] and I will include it in this column.
The spring lunch and bridge party, Friday, April 15, 2016 at the Gravenhurst Senior’s Centre welcomed 92 PARTICIPANTS AND RAISED $950 for Muskoka’s young women seeking higher education. It was a great opportunity to enjoy bridge, companionship and to support the higher education of young women in Muskoka.
TOURNAMENT TRAIL: Silver Points, North Bay
April 22-24, 2016 North Bay Elks Club, 325 Elks Lane
Pairs Friday 1 & 7pm; Saturday 10:30am and 3pm; Sunday Swiss 10am
To confirm the details, read the tournament flyer at
Your opportunity for fun and to earn silver points.
Stratification based on average:
Open A = 1500+, B = 500-1500, C = 0-500, also 299 game and 50 newcomer game
Games for the Huntsville Club are Tuesdays, 7:15pm, Trinity United Church 33 Main Street. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early. Call Betty 705-789-2560 [email protected] or Susan at 705-789-7156 [email protected] for information and partnerships. The evening game expects to move upstairs for the season starting April 26.
The following winners are from Tuesday, Apr 19 with 7 tables playing a Mitchell movement. North-South 1. Betty Fagin and Brian Brocklehurst; 2. Chris Karn and Vern Foell; 3. Jim Smith and Ralph Mitchell; 4. Barb Green and Joanne Garvey; East-West 1. Susan Marshall and Jan Roberts; 2. Liz Barnes and David Bryce; 3. Liz Graham and Dorothy Russell; 4. Helen Pearson and Yvonne Cox
Games for the Bracebridge Club are Mondays. 7pm, Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Taylor Road. Please arrive 15 minutes before game time. For information or partnerships, call Brian at 705-645-5340 [email protected]
The following winners are from Monday, Apr 18 with 8 tables playing a Mitchelll movement. North-South 1. Bev Parlett and Vern Foel; 2. Ralph Hair and Gerry Flaherty; 3/4. Betty Fagin and Brian Brocklehurst; 3/4. Mary Hogarth and Albert Eatock; East-West 1. Liz Barnes and David Bryce with a big 70%; 2. Kel Andresen and Jim Smith; 3. Art Insley and Don Evans; 4. Kathy Kent and David Kent
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