Looking to fill up your water bottle while you’re downtown Huntsville? You can now fill up at the new Hydration Station in Civic Square (37 Main St E.) Thanks to generous contributions from community partners, residents and visitors can access the water bottle filling station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the spring, summer and fall. Please note the station is not available during winter due to cooler temperatures.
This new addition to civic square helps to provide clean and safe drinking water to those visiting downtown Huntsville (pets included). The one-touch fill feature means there is no lingering contact where germs can spread, and the design prevents the build-up of grime and standing water.
Director of Community Services, Simone Babineau shares her delight in this new feature to the community, “We are pleased to offer our residents, visitors and even our “fur visitors” a clean and eco-friendly source of water. As many of us carry our re-fillable water bottles with us, this convenient location provides an additional feature to our downtown core. The support from our community partners (through their actions and financial contributions) made this public benefit possible. Thank you for keeping our community hydrated!”
With millions of plastic water bottles ending up in landfills every year, the implementation of a water station, is one step towards contributing to a more sustainable future. It helps to reduce single use plastics by encouraging main street visitors to bring their reusable water bottles during their travels downtown.
The Town would like to recognize the following project partners and financial donors for contributing to the success of this community project:
- Project Partners: Huntsville BIA, Graham Thompson of The HUB and Town of Huntsville
- Financial Donors: Huntsville BIA, Harrower Properties Inc., Sawmill Creative, Snaile, The HUB and Town of Huntsville
Graham Thompson expressed The Hub’s excitement for participating in this project, “The HUB and its members saw the need for free, accessible drinking water in Huntsville’s downtown, and contacted the BIA and the Town of Huntsville to partner in the project. All agreed that the access to water was an important resource in a space that hosts many outdoor events, and would not only reduce the use of one-use-plastics, but in fact promote the use of reusable containers and consumption of water.”
Thanks to community partners, this valuable resource will be available for the community to enjoy. When you plan your next visit to Downtown Huntsville, don’t forget to pack your reusable water bottle!
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I’ll drink to that !
Very good news. Thanks to the people who took notice of this issue, did something about it and saw it through. Bravo.
Thank you to all involved for this wonderful addition to our downtown.
Wonderful idea. Thank.you so.much to all the people and donors who made this possible. A great step forward in environmental stewardship
All the work that goes into bringing the idea to completion is truly appreciated, thank you to everyone involved. This kind of thinking brings hope for us and our future generations. Mardi
I love it. ???? Thank you to all who made it happen. Most of us carry a bottle so this is a huge addition to conserve the environment.
I saw the station the other day. Thank you, Community Partners, for the water station. I do carry around my reusable water bottle.